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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. is this true? is this even possible? oh my Kod Rune you are a champ .. take that rep ! edit: ... "you have to vbla bla rep before bla bla to Rune" ... grrr -.-"
  2. you know Rune ... partclipping. actually there are two 30's and 45's on the upper stage and 9! 45's at the corestage clipped together. just experimental right now, still have to design a lander and fairings... Lazarus. if one LV-T45 is not enough, double or tripple it edit: liquid fuel booster .. thats the magic ! muhaha rebuilding corestage
  3. hrm Jupiter232 ... very interesting concept of a Mun mission ...
  4. very intersting for careermode ... how does it fly? what is the maxpayload? do you toggle the coreengine?
  5. bitte was? das LEM der Apollo 11 hatte kein RCS? was für ein unsinn ist das bitte? selbst das LEM das im erdorbit mit einer Saturn Ib getestet wurde hatte RCS, gibts sogar fotos davon O_o (und das war ein test lange vor Apollo 11) Außerdem hatten Neil und Buzz ja ankoppeln geübt ... kleines edit: selbst auf den auf youtube hochgeladenen Videos von Neil und Buzz auf dem Mond sind am LEM die RCS ports zu erkennen, undeutlich, aber sie sind da. edit2: aber sehr schönes Mondmissionvideo. tolle erklärungen nebenbei
  6. this is going to be awesome .... about the manned TKS flight. i think it was mostly becasue of the time ... manned flight was sheduled around mid/end 80's ... but soviet russia had great problems with economy, and other Projects like Buran/Energia ... and TKS was designed for Saljut, but in the 80's Salujt was going to be repalced by MIR. and for MIR, there was the more reliably Soyus and Progress TKS 1 - 17. July 1977, unmanned testflight without docking TKS 2 - 25. April 1981, unmanned testflight, later docked to Saljut 6 (19. June 1981) TKS 3 - 2. March 1983, unmanned carrier with suppleys for Saljut 7, fuel and other things TKS 4 - should be first manned flight, but difficultys with Saljut 7 spacestation (and maybe mostly political reasons) ended the manned TKS programm of the Sovietunion before it even could start. TKS 4 was launched on September 27. 1985 and docked to Saljut 7 as module. return capsuel was heavly modified to carry scintific instruments. TKS 5 - FGB module redesigned as TUG for Kvant 1 for MIR TKS 6 - FGB module redesigned for Poljus but found this: "In March 2005, Khrunichev enterprise, Russia's leading developer of rocket technology and spacecraft, unveiled ambitious plans for the country's participation in the US-led exploration of the Moon. Moscow-based company proposed a super heavy-lift rocket booster, along with a new generation of partially reusable spacecraft, which could be used to support manned expeditions to the Moon..."
  7. me? german? damn you got me and thanks ... it's a early WIP and very wobbly =/ and i got more US ships
  8. welcome back Baele! very cool to see you workign again. but remember where to palce teh monoprop eninges of the TKS yeah teh new eninges are ... ugly ... i dont realy like them the vernor and the monoprop eninge are WAY to big for my taste -.-
  9. i got distracted ... i SHOULD rework my crafts for 0.24 ... but ... Apollo you know? stock heatshildstuff for asthetics
  10. just tested a buit and seems to work on 64bit and 32 bit :3
  11. just for today ... i launched the Saturn V with Bill, Bob and Jeb to Mun ... maybe i should try RSS ... hrm nevertheless Denny , i'm still amazed how beautifull your Saturn V is, and the LEM, and the CM and SM and everything else. just ...shiny !
  12. i found this: there you can see good details about engines and other stuff of TKs and Saljut
  13. very weird ... i have the 1x4 panels. maybe you have the wrong partfiles in your Tanatres folder?
  14. 1 week only? okay we will survive this and ... oh my .. .i was not asking for your adress just the new counrty. best wishes from an other side of europe then
  15. hey Beale, best wishes for your moving! two question: where are you going? and what do you think how long it could take? i dont want to miss one of my favorite modders fpr KSP for too long :3
  16. hey Beale, here have a link to download my Tantares versions. your ship with my things glued to the hull, Antennas and such download: -> Tanta! <-
  17. great thunderstorm outside so i can't sleep -.- on the other hand, i had the time to test this new Tantares ... god i love her (or he?). the CoM is now again a bit lower then the decoupler (btw: it's still a seperator) and so i can place the RCS on the gridstructure again without worrying to much about torgue, no SAS needed for docking my Tantares: equiped with additinal dockingsearchlight, some antennas and basic scienceequipment.
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