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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. Beale? how do you fly your rockets? maybe we can help to improve your flightsyle
  2. okay here are the screens of the Proton thirdstage and how it should look and work. first of all: the 4 verniers are part of the mainengine, they only provide attittude controll without the need to build a mainnozzle that can be steered, typical russian design like the engines of Soyuz launcher (core and secodn stage). so the 4 verniers are NOT a RCS-style system, they are engines for the third stage and fire all the time during the burn of the main nozzle (in realtiy they fire a bit longer and start earlier for physical and engeenieringreasons) current layout on my stock proton, notice the mainenigne cover: mockups of the Tantaresstyl engine: vector of the thrust: parallel thrust of all 5 nozzles in one direction vector of the steering here a video. at 8:10+ you can see the third stage firing: main nozzle + all 4 verniers i hope this can help you Beale
  3. hrm beale .... as a kerballike version of the thirdstage engine it looks really really cool reminds me of teh engines of the Kerbal Orbiter System - reusing stock textures and inspired shape really helps a lot to get the stock-a-like feeling. but i would like to see the verniers more at the "egde" of the engine mountplate. is it possible to give the verniers the gimbal without touching the main nozzle?
  4. i will be so happy when Beale ar finishing teh Proton (and Blok D). i already have a stock version of the alternative Mun-shoot of the soviets with two Protons. have to redo somedetails, sadly. but recreating this with the Tantarespack will be a lot of fun! and time to work more on my Tantares MIR ...
  5. second stage has 4 nozzles, third stage has one nozzle and 4 vernier nozzels at the side. baele i think you test sexond stage is to big on the pictures. overall length of second stage and thrid stage together are just a tiny bit longer then the first stage that seems to be the reason for the dV increase
  6. could you stick a grey fueltank on top of it (same like the one you used fpr second stage)? it weights 18 tons and i would like to see the stats so far as comparision. ooking very good so far beale. i have an idea for teh third stageengine. i'm sure you are going to build it, but it can be a good alternativ to the poodle with slightly more power and the 1 main nozzle with4 verniers which would look awesome.
  7. some nu,bers from my stock Proton: payload: 18 tons max load , sadly a 4 ton fairingcover friststage thrust: 2490kN (6x200 + 6x215, all clipped to 6 nozzles showing) TWR: 1.4 second stage thrust: 800 kN (4x200) TWR: around 1.2 thirdstage: thrust: 231kN (1x215 + 4x4) TWR: 0.8 flightprofil is good, speed don't gets bigger then terminal velocity in air under 10 kilometers heigh, secondstage has enough thrust on firing to not loose any velocity. thrid stage burntime is longer compared to second and first stage, but it's only for orbital insertion i hope this somehow helps to get an idea about thrust and TWR for your Proton Beale. an other help woulöd be to look at the bobcat Proton...
  8. Beale for the Proton clone, i would go for a 2.5m diameter. the widest part of the TKS (the cone thingy at the dockingport end) was the same diameter as the Proton, same for Salyut and MIR modules widest part = Proton diameter edit: picture of the fairings of the TKS-based payloads for the Proton. there you can see the diamter thingy i mean next edit. early Protons as example:
  9. this should be stock? i can see on the screenshots, that you have change the size of some parts.
  10. @roflcopterkklol: KSP dont like clipped thinsg very much. i had this problem with my flying wings. they used some partclipping for the engines and intakes but when tried to modifiy it more, liek taking of wingassambly with teh engines, the SPH or VAB started to be crazy and the file got corupted i realy should finish my russian/ukrian/soviet rockets ... got distracted by a suddenly appearing Atlas-Centaur: going for working one and a half Atlas stage, interstage ring and Centaur.
  11. wow Beale ... more and more ideas awesome ... this pack is slowly becoming a full stock-a-like russian (and mre) pack
  12. you dont get it right? you can ask friendly a modder to make something. but you are DEMANDING him to do so... and thats rude
  13. haha ! but you can use my Stock Soyuz as a reference for scale. i tried to made it as accurate as possible.
  14. okay Beale ... now it's getting to my favorite rocket ... *insert insane laugher plz* big question: are yu going for a more realstic stock version or something like the HGR Soyuz (i would call it comic/chibbi style)? most important thing: the core and teh four boosters are using the same engine with four nozzle's only the number and position of the verniers are different. for teh second stage, the four nozzle engine is NOT the same as the corestage engine. but for more simplificity, you could use the same engine. here are some pictures i used as reference, very good to get the right scale for each parts and tons more...
  15. downlaoding and testing ... the imgur album looks promissing big edit: so i have tested your Surveyor-1 with yur Atlas-Centaur rocket. i have o say the Probe looks realyl fanatstic and flys nicely- intersting way to brake in munorbit with the retrorockets. but your Atlas-Centaur is a bit ... oversized? you can do a manned mun mission with a lander with such an oversized rocket. and regarding your realistic Surveyor-1 probe, you did mistakes with the Atlas-Centaur: -first of all, you have an additinal not needed stage with a look like an oversized Centaur. -second Centaur and Atlas have the same diameter -third the early Atlas drops the outer 2 engines during flight, i now this is not easy to replicate, but worth. espeacily when yu are building such a nice looking reaöstic probe. - Centaur has some RCS thrusters for attitudecontroll as a help: look at Mulbin's american rockets. he has build a good Mercury-Atlas. maybe it will inspire you for your own Atlas. and you should think about using Kerbal Engineer redux. this plugin is a great help for calculating the requivred dV for your missions keep the good work! looking for more from you
  16. maybe the RCS-helper lugin could help. it shows the balance and you can see al the direction of the RCS jets and the force they are creating
  17. oh btw: want that Kvant ... now, ... no yesturday ... with solarpanels ... and snacks
  18. one thing Beale: Kvant 1 has no RCS. the soviets used a spacetug based on the TKS to deliver Kvant 1 to Mir
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