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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. thanks sage. will try it out. bugged loader? hrm ... i have some minor problems with my KSP install and i will do a fresh new isntall tomorrow, maybe this will help too. and yes Active texture management, good point
  2. little report: VA capsule and nearly all URM engines don't have textures. games tends to crash on start, maybe memory overflow. after diassabling every other mod, KOSMOS runs fine, but a bit laggy. did you guys accidently upload the OLD kosmos mod? because i can't see any improvment and the textures of teh Salyut/TKS parts look like the old ones and not like the shiny new ones in your new pictures.
  3. @ Kuro found the video: finaly a very good video about the proton ! thx a lot... and yes the enginecover of the second stage. i knew some pictures of the second stage in a russian VAB and you can clearly see the conic shape of the end with the four nozzles. i always wondered if they drop the engine cover during flight like the Soyuz rocket. and so it is ! perfect. but i wonder about the payloadfairings. judging after some animations and official documents, the fairings are letision AFTER third stage ignition and not during secondstage burn. needs more investigation but rework of Proton M with Breez-M in progress, will show it later edit_ dang ! can't give you rep
  4. hrmmm .... Kuro ... mind if i deconstruct your Proton to chek on some details? cause i have soem trouble with mine ... oh where did you got the infos about the second stage enginecover?
  5. good looking update to your parts Beale about the Energia: there are several reasons why it was abadoned: -collapse of the soviet union, baikonour was suddenly outside of russia -to high costs per launch -no need for such a big lifter, Proton and Soyuz were enough -> thats why their was an attempt to build a "light" version of the Energia, the Energia M with around 34tons to LEO. Boosterrockets still used as Zenit rocket -problems with the system in general: fuel was liquid hydrogen and oxygen and russians were not used to use them, second the "launchprocedure" with the payload hanging on the side of the Energia, the rocket tumbles on liftoff until the engines changed in a second the vector of thurst with their high gimbal range. it was a complicated technique and after every launch, the launch platform was highly damaged. they used this launchtechnique for the russian shuttle programm, but realised how "bad" this could be... BUT the blueprints are still avaliable and russains engenieers are working on a second generation of Engeria .... sadly, the original facilities are rotten to death over time, thanks to russain missmanagemnt / no-interesstes / no money. (thats why the last buran was destroyed during the "accident") Energia: our future in heavy lifitng rockets. better then Saturn V ...
  6. omg ... just started Buzz Aldrisn Space programm manager ... and wow it's HUGE with so manydifferent plans and ideas about teh soviet spaceprogramm ... maybe i can get sopme ideas for you Beale LK-700 for example or the minispaceplane
  7. working on more rockets: Energia M, i think about adding a nuclear upperstage ... hehe pictures will come later currently problems with imgur Oo
  8. jutjut... dann lass ich mich mal aussen vor, da i mschnitt meien kreationen über 400+ teile haben
  9. was wichtig wäre zu wissen: wie schaut es mit partcount limitationen aus? schließlich sollen die kreationen nicht nur cool aussehen, sondern auch wenn es geht nicht laggen ...
  10. started work on some payloads for my Atlas Centaur: number one will be Mariner 6 .... Surveyor 1 and Pinoeer 10 will follow later
  11. Beale? BLok D? take a look: edit: i really should finish my rework of my Proton Mün Mission...
  12. very beautifull MIR Beale ... but .. Mün Orbit? you should release teh craftfiles with the next update
  13. reworked my Centaur upperstage for teh Atlas rockets. interstage fairingring is not shown, but works perfectly. 4.600 m/s dV without payload (and payloadfairing) 300 KN thrust. Attitudecontrol with RCS and 80 monopropelant lots of batterypower probcore aboce the decoupler is not part of teh centaur
  14. thanks ! i already know the first fact. that was the reason, why korolev designed the R-7 in a similar way ... ignition of all engines on the ground. so it uses the same one and half staging. good to know! somewhere i read that it wasn't used on a small number of Atlas-Centaur rockets, but i bet it was only on the late ones with heavier payloads. For a good flightprofil, the booster needs to burn longer before staging ... need to figure out a good flightprofil then. edit: YES ! i found datasheets with tons of numbers for the rockets, Atlas LV-3B/Mercury , Atlas Centaur LV-3C and Atlas Centaur SLV-3C. perfect
  15. test of the Mercury-Atlas is completed. works very good but still has some gizmos to be worked on: -first: center of thrust offset: the palcement of the boosterengines is not entirely centred so the rocket tends to tumble without SAS on. with enough tourge form a SAS module, there is no problem at all to control it (SAS module hidden inside the atlas nose) -second: thrustvalue of the first and half stage. the real sustainer engine has only ~20% (SM-65 Atlas only 16% !) of the overall thrust of all 3 engines and i will try to keep this value. but i'm not sure about the overall thrust (and TWR) in general. i know the thrust increased with the atlas-centaur evolution. still mroe research needed... current thrust is ~900 KN by a TWR of 1.66 at liftoff. my kerbol version of an "Atlas-LV-3C Centaur" will need a minium of 1000 KN thrust at liftoff(or more, prototype tested). has someone details about the development of the atlas engines? and where they got more power? sustainer or boosters? and did the NASA used the one and half staging with the early Atlas-Centaur rockets? edit: i just noticed, that the mercury capsule weight around 1.326 Kilogramms edit2: center of thrust fixed, SAS removed.
  16. finaly i found this beautifull mod again ! while browsing my files on my harddrive, i noticed that i had the old "SDHI extension" ... so i searched for an updated version for 0,25 ... and foudn this. great work good improvments in the nodes for the engines
  17. wow .... I LOVE the new MIR Panels ... great work Beale ! realy looks more like MIR
  18. i think i will redoe my Vos(t)ok very good pictures and progres here, keept the good work.
  19. which adapter? you mean the cone shaped 0.625 to 1.25? the ones at the end of the "boosterS" ?
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