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Darth Lazarus

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Everything posted by Darth Lazarus

  1. i noticed something on the ride to Orbit with my stock Soyuz ... i barly made it cause i was running low on batterypower my soyuz uses the Rapiers for the 4x Eningeclusters, but rapiers are not producing electricity ... so i have to put more batteries on the last stage for sa save flight. Tanta !
  2. dirty tactics? HA ! i call it kerbaltactics i hide the surfaces for yaw controll of my flying wing designs inside the fuselage
  3. hrm doublepost .. shame on me working on the new LES of the Soyuz. designing a more realistic one. with 3 burnphases.
  4. i have a Stock Soyuz ST with two Galileo Sats .... :> edit: little sneakpeak
  5. 1 ton to geosyncorbit with Fregat and 1 ton to different mun orbits with Fregat and droptank ... sounds this good? really going to love the RCS engines now. foudn out, that they produced thrust even when they are clipped inside things like decouplers, structual griders and more.
  6. good question ... next question well my english is not the best so i make mistakes and thanks. finaly i can use the round RCS tanks with the monopropengine ... i wish there would be an inline engine... next WIP, worked on the payload and fairings. fairings are big enough for a larger payload with Fregat or a Progress. still not happy about the fairingdecoupling...
  7. thanks Gus i think i will go with the ST-fairing design for Satellites an Progress. still testing with the fairings, cause from time to time, they collide with the fairingbase.
  8. after watching the live broadcast of the Soyuzlaunch frpm Korou today, i worked a bit on my Soyuz rockets again ... improved enginelayout (going back to good old 20 main nozzles) and worked a lot on the fairing and Fregat upper stage. i think the next Soyuz pack will include a Soyuz ST with two satelites and a Fregat. ... and fixed launchtower
  9. maybe you shoul take a look at the Near Future Propulsion pack. Nerta did a little cfg patch witch works withe the modulemanager to turn every nuclear rocket engine from using LF/OX into Hydrogn only. this works with the stock nerva and many different modded nukenegines too like the ones found here. that could save some work
  10. one word: awesome this pack is just a perfect extension for stock KSP
  11. i have an idea about an high altitude turboprop engine: a normal turboprop is powered by a normal jetrubine, which works on lower power lvls and wit ha gear, the force is trasmitted to the prop. the high altitude turboprop would have two modes: normal turboprop mode to get to 10 (or even 15) kilometers altitude, then it switches to jettrubine only and the fans stop spinning. i don't know if it is possible to do such animation.... with normal mode, the thrust and fuel consumption is low, on jetmode, the thurst gets higher, but so the need for fuel.
  12. these are Spaceplane+ Wingparts. i found some intersting flightbehaviors of a twin turboprop pusher airplane: highst speed over ground was around 800M/s @ 20Km altitude. the prop engines really don't like flying at high altitudes. best crusing altitude was between 4000 and 7000 m, depending on engine and throttle. it's a real challange to get a high altitude fast crusing plane only with turboprops. i could spam engines, but thats not my goal: i want a nice looking, fast, high altitude inteceptor with SSTO capabilitys ... two things i really miss right now: IVA for the cockpit improved engine soudns on startup / turningoff. currently when an enigne starts, there is the soft howling sound, which get quiter until it shoudl vanish into the normal workingsound-loop. the problem is, that exactly at this position, the sound just cutoff and teh loop starts. maybe this should be reworked a bit for a smother transition of the soundeffects. btw. love the overheatengineglow
  13. omg .... I LOVE THESE ENGINES !!!!!! going to build my own Sanka MK B (awesoem anime btw) and then maybe i will try to get a turboprop to Orbit edit: second testflight of the Sanka MK. C: -maxiumm flying altitude archived in hardclimb (full throttle by 80degree): roughly 50 Km.
  14. tested hotrpckets with the new smokescreen fix for my rockets with clipped engines ... and .. IT WORKS only problem now is, that during launch, my rockets are a FPS killer ... so much smoke
  15. i would love if this will be somehow fixed. the effects are really nice and a fix would let me use my Protn, Delta IV and many other Rockets and SSTO's wth clipped engines nevertheless, awesome work so far !
  16. here my two Delta IV heavy rockets, with Orion and test payload. my Delty IV heavy use 2 clipped Skipper engines, so there are a total of 6 clipped Skippers for the 3 coreboosters. without hotrockets, launch is no problem. but with hotrockets, the Delta IV won't leave the launchpad anymore -> download Delta IV heavy <- edit: the Delta IV is completly STOCK, no other mods are needed
  17. hotrockets DOES effect the performance of engines: my stock replicas of some rockets are using clipped engines to get the look and performance of some reallife engines. but with hotrockets installed clipped eninges don't produce enogh thrust, only one of the engines are working while the other on is working for nothing ... and ther is a heat problem with clipped engines and hotrockets.
  18. was ich mir für 0.25 wünschen würde? hrm ... bessere stabilität für 64bit, aber das liegt ja eher an der eninge. ansonsten etwas mehr auswahl bei den contracts und vor allem etwas sinvollere ... jetengine auf dem Mun zu testen is .. .gnah
  19. ich empfehle auch den Kerbal Engineer Redux zu benutztn. ei nsehr einfacher un kleiner Mod, der extrem hilfreich ist um abzuschätzen, ob der Sprit für etwatige Missionen ausreicht oder man auf halben Wege schieben muss. ansonsten: trial an error ... man kann mit null tec ne komplette tour durch das sonnensytem schaffen. man muss nur kreativ sein
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