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    IVA Creator and Enabler

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  1. Hi MOARdV

    Dont know if you have seen this or not, but I asked if it could be used in conjunction with writing scripts for MAS props...

    If you think it might be useful to you, I guess maybe PM the devs about it.


    1. MOARdV


      Yeah, I did see that.  They're using MoonSharp, IIRC, so their Lua stuff would be compatible with mine.  I don't know off the top of my head how well the two mods would mesh. I'd have to spend time playing around with what they have, and peeking at their source, to see if their script editing could work with MAS scripts.

  2. Hello everyone, I need help, my RPM does not want to work, it says that it gave an error in the startup and talks to check the mod configs, I wanted to play with the aset mod alcor but I can not because it does not want to run the RPM, what I do ?

  3. Hello, how are you ? I hope so, have you seen the mod Advanced Cockpit and the mod Pilot Assitant? I really would like something similar for the planes that I make, I use your mod and I find it incredible, and looking at these mods, I see how cool and functional it would look with your help and ASET's alexustas help. An IVA of these with the correct panels and instruments would be great in the cockpits of Air plane Plus, MK3 expansion, Kerbonov kn2 and etc ... xD

  4. I'd be happy to flush out the bugs and feedback I submitted. @TriggerAu - do I (as a bug submitter) have the permissions needed to do that?
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