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Everything posted by Majorjim!

  1. LOL just as a wrote that my plans changed.. Going to try to upload that rover in a sec. I still hope you all have a merry Christmas though.
  2. I think so but not animated I am sure. Does it even have moving parts? I forgot the movie, saw it an age ago.
  3. I have just had an amazing idea for a second rover, alas I am in preparations to leave London for Christmas.. I will make it when I return in a few days. I missed the opportunity to upload my completed one too.. I just love to over sleep. If I don't post again before the day have a great holiday everyone!
  4. What am I looking at here? I'm tempted to dl the demo again to give this a go.
  5. I was thinking what would be most feasible in terms of part count, ease of use and reliability. I imagined a central reaction wheel with fins of thermometers or small solar panels that hold the rounds after being decoupled and they drop out of the bottom when it rotates. So yeah like a revolver or an upside down Ruger 10-22 rotary magazine.
  6. Also, the idea of Kerbal children is absolutely adorable! Or maybe they have another form, like frogs do. Somehow I think of this image: Great thread man, I look forward to seeing more. I loved 2010 and KSP is too perfect to recreate that story!
  7. It was discovered that time warping fixes those little offset node issues after a prang.
  8. I would make a rotary magazine. I can think of a few ways it could be done to hold a fair few antenna rounds. Each one would drop into the chamber as it rotated. Voila, auto cannon.
  9. Yeah the speed of them is usually too low to require SAS to hold the road, so to speak.
  10. I am mystified why they didn't include a windows viewable only option?? We NEED transparent cockpits this was a perfect opportunity to impliment it.. Squad, why you do these things?
  11. If I understand you correctly, sure. Twood be a pleasure.
  12. If the other jet cars are like mine they will be passing you in a shower of sparks and debris! I am sure only in elec mode do I have a chance of being competitive.
  13. I can't remember if it's a right click option on parts as standard or you need to enable extra editor options in the main settings. Perhaps someone can clarify this.
  14. Yup multiple categories for sure. LOL mine cannot do that.. You will see this in the vid I'm gunna upload.
  15. I have a rover shell that I will enter as pure electric and as a jet version. No clipping to speak of.
  16. That's a nice looking replica! You can hide struts quite easily inside the wings or you could use the 'auto-strut' feature. It would make for a cleaner overall look.
  17. Deploying the antennas or not, I suspect that the sheet number of them is causing the game to crash. What are you using them for?
  18. Nice rover! Mine has a very similar tank/jet set-up to yours. Two seater though.
  19. I finished my rover entry a few days ago but I am finishing up a video as I want to make a thread for it. It's built for looks primarily, no chance of repairs alas, I don't want any of those mods.. Even though the wheels are attached to cubic struts. I am 100% I won't win on times, I will have to be careful of drop offs, you will see what I mean in the video I am making, but in terms of style, it's a winner! The pure elec, four seat version is far less dangerous so is a good contender for the pure elec class I think.
  20. Beautiful! oh man that surface texture looks so ripe for exploration! Thanks for sharing the pic mate. Thanks man, kind words like that really make all the time I spend in these craft worth while.
  21. It was added in a patch a while back man. I forget where the option is, either near the Kerbal cams bottom right or its a right click option on the pods.
  22. Are those many, many opening antennas I see? If so, that is what is causing the game to crash. If you want help you need to give more info matey. If I was not the most unwell man in London right now I would say craft file please but I am too busy being ill today..
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