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Everything posted by theSpeare

  1. Please see my plugin WIP regarding RoverScience. Perhaps we can do some sort of compatibility in the near future.
  2. If electricity consumption has been disabled, how about oxygen recyclers etc?
  3. Hey, I'm not sure if it's already been mentioned but is electricity recharge taken into account while off-focus (and while we're at it, recharge of other ones such as oxygen recycling etc)?
  4. It's doing pretty well on mine especially with a bunch of mods installed. It'd be nice if you could get the edges of the cloud hexagon to fade (or just get smaller and smaller so they sort of blend into the 2D clouds). I think I may still have clouds popping up while in orbit? Not sure, I'll have to check again. I think you should work on gradual appearance though when you get close enough, as the clouds just pop up out of nowhere and that's a little bit immersion breaking. Despite anything I say, however, this is a very beautiful mod, one that I didn't believe would be possible. Great job rbay
  5. Hey! That's absolutely beautiful. Cheers I'll try this out tonight and let you know.
  6. Can someone take a quick screenshot of the newest test? I'm just so super curious and I'm still at uni, so I can't test it out. All goods if no one can
  7. It's in the works / plans, but won't be included in the release version immediately. You can attach the Roverscience module to any part, just make sure you include a module container and module command. Also make sure the model is in the appropriate orientation. But yeah, sorry, for the time being the model isn't the priority.
  8. Work continues slowly to add the new upgrade features. Should be up over the weekend. The upgrade system saves and loads which means framework for exposing variables will come easily in a future update.
  9. Yes, a compass will be a feature but that will come later on. I might even look into plugging in something into the navball. Multiple experiments is a problem that I feel would make it too complicated, or it would just add an extra layer that is probably just unnecessary. I might not go that route, sorry. Cheers for giving it a shot. I really appreciate the feedback
  10. That's okay! It's reminded me to print the version on the console title, so everything and anything is very helpful
  11. Sorry! Does the console not warn you about the low Kerbin values? Do you have the latest pre-release?
  12. On the latest prerelease it should warn you that the science from Kerbin is ridiculously, ridiculously low. Let me know if this problem persists on other bodies though, cheers.
  13. Alright then thank you, I really appreciate it. I'll get to work on it this weekend
  14. Here's where I'm at a crossroads. I could either hold for a little longer, see if you guys find any bugs or problems, and then once that's all resolved, do a full-release. Or I can stick around a bit longer, and with your guys' help with testing, I can start implementing these features: - Add "prediction" of science potential - ScienceSpot distance upgradeable - Distance related to science return Thoughts? EDIT: Subscribe to this thread for email notifications for updates!
  15. This requires a little bit of work, and I was hoping to do it post-release but I may just work on it this weekend instead and see if I can get something to work early. I'm just gonna need testing so it doesn't take too long to push past and do a full release. Thanks for posting up on github Rockstar, I'll tag it and work on it this weekend.
  16. UPDATE! 3.2 can be found here, including its very short changelog. Thanks! The chance for normal sites has been upped to 65% so it should be slightly better. I may move it up to 70% if it's still that bad. Remember that the "low" values on the Mun will be quite low because of the modifier on them. Kerbin has a huge reduction modifier. Mun and Minmus do too, but to a much lesser extent. Everywhere else and it's close to OP. Let me know how it plays now
  17. There is already some code to prevent multiple instances because I was very afraid of what might happen should two Rover brains be brought together. I was slightly worried as well that someone would exploit by adding more than one brain on one rover. I believe I have a solution though. I'll get to work on it. EDIT: For now, the problem above will persist - the only solution on the player's side is to simply not add more than one rover brain to one vessel. On the other hand, once one rover has blown up (rover brain destroyed) OR it has gone out of physics range - I believe it SHOULD be possible to switch to another vessel and switch back to the remaining rover and it might work. Sweet, it means the chances of the normal science spot generating is too low. I'll adjust it a bit more right now and package. Give me a moment.
  18. No problem! Please let me know what you think, with my primary concern being bugs
  19. There should already be an instruction under the download link in the OP. I'll make it bold.
  20. Oh! In that case then, the entire package from github (the whole zip you download) actually contains a folder called GameData. It has the mod folder you just need to move into your GameData like most other mods are installed. You don't actually need to compile anything from the download
  21. Sorry! For the time being I'm just packaging everything together as it is faster and more convenient for me to just push updates. However if it's really bothering you I will upload the GameData onto Dropbox later today.
  22. At the moment distances are hard-coded, but I'll think about adding a configuration file for it. The reason why they're relatively short is due to balancing with science-to-effort. This will probably be implemented when distances are included in calculating the potential of a site. Plus there's the issue with what you're really doing during that long trek. It'd become a bit of an idle drive almost. I want players turning all about constantly. I was also a little afraid of science spots generating too much in Mountain sides and you wouldn't really know until you get relatively close. You'd then have to reset and repeat. Imagine travelling out that far for kilometers only to reset again. This can be possible once I can draw visual indicators in game. Cheers. Let me know if you still have any problems, it helps immensely.
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