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Everything posted by Eskandare

  1. @blackheart612, I love the Mk1 cargo bay, would it be too much to ask for a 2.5 version and a Mk 3 version as well? For large utility helicopters.
  2. Yup, I'm in the middle of remaking the Fantom Works parts for 'Fantom Works Redux'
  3. Incorrect, the Supermarine Spitfire could almost break the speed of sound in a dive (it got close but was fatal for the pilots) but the prop blades would stall and cause significant drag as well as the carburetors would stall. The VNE wasn't because the wings would rip off it was that the plane would be forced out of the sky. The concept of supersonic boundary layers were not discovered till later.
  4. Good to know that my "fast" carrier isn't so bad after all. I'm drawing inspiration from the Marvel movies' SHIELD helicarrier. I only have a rough draft of the hull completed. My submersible carrier is inspired by the Tuatha de Danaan from Full Metal Panic. A fixed wing version is indeed possible but it certainly wouldn't have a place to take off, unless you used the runway at 110011 from the KerbinSide mod. The largest part I ever made for KSP was an O'neil Cylinder, like that from Mobile Suit Gundam, but the load time was atrocious, so if I were to make a flying fixed wing carrier, it would be my own engineering using a blended wing lifting body style design, and players would have to use a current version of AirPark to keep it airborne. Additionally I'd have to make some custom landing gear.
  5. KSC 2 now actually has a name, Baikerbanur.
  6. Check the thrust limiter of the engine. I'm not sure which mod is causing the glitch, but sometimes the thrust limiter is at 0.
  7. They won't if they are auto-feathering props. Actually, pilots feather the props to generate as little thrust in idle.
  8. In reality I look at the situation like this: KSP is a game and games use suspension of disbelief to create a desired effect. If RCS and Module Engines is needed to be used to generate the desired effect then sobeit. I don't see the NREs getting fixed in the foreseeable future as FSEngines got left in a prototype phase and never finished.
  9. I find the FSengines was designed with an older KSP in mind, it was great at the time but completely unfinished. As far I could tell, it flat out wasn't working in 1.2. I prefer to use Module Engines to get the effect. MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner propellerName = bladeSpinner rotationSpeed = -400 //windmillRPM = 0.01 spinUpTime = 7.0 //15.0 useRotorDiscSwap = 1 rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.45 rotorDiscFadeInEnd = 0.65 rotorDiscSpeed = -400 rotorDiscName = rotorDisc blade1 = rotorMast } MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner propellerName = shaftSpinner rotationSpeed = -400 //windmillRPM = 0.01 spinUpTime = 7.0 //15.0 useRotorDiscSwap = 0 } MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner rotationSpeed = -400 //windmillRPM = 0.001 spinUpTime = 7.0 //15.0 useRotorDiscSwap = 1 rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.45 rotorDiscFadeInEnd = 0.65 rotorDiscSpeed = -400 rotorDiscName = rotorMastblur }
  10. Look at the rotation speeds I use, you may want to use 400 as the rotation speed for 4 blades. that is how I solved the problem with my upcoming Hawk engine.
  11. @blackheart612 I wasn't a big fan of Chopper Parts because of animation frame stutter. The faster the blades turn the less rotation you see until it looks like the blades are turning in just two positions or not turning at all. This is because the blades are turning at the same frames per second as the display. The rotor switch swaps the blades for a blur that the computer can display. With KRX I had to give different rotation speeds for different blade counts. I use @RoverDude's FireSpitter as that version is the closest to current. I'm loving the cargo bay
  12. Honestly probe size is perfect, that is basically what the real one is.
  13. I was wondering when someone would make an EM drive, is it probe sized?
  14. It's there, but there is a typo in the config that will be fixed next release, which will be hopefully soon once I get a chance to finish some texture changes. The rudder is available for sandbox but not career.
  15. In real life carrier rely on their fighters, they don't need to maneuver as much. With that said, I have seen tight turns done by carriers I belive this is performed though the hydro dynamics of the bulbous hull/keel and the rudder.
  16. I belive it is firespitter that throws that exception.
  17. Excellent! Thank you! Now I can rig my tail rotor correctly.
  18. When making an RCS, do you make a 'thust transform' in each of the directions of the RCS and name each one 'RCSTransform' or some similar thing in Unity?
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