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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. I launched 5 probes together on a 17000kms orbit to Jool (Image 1) . I separated a probe with an LFO tank 90/1000. (image 2). On KER I read more 4000DV and I get them! The same probe in the VAB: Mechjeb and Ker give 1938 VAC DV around Cool (image 3) . I teleport this probe with Kerbaltek on the same Jool orbit -17000 kms- and I got the 1938 DV expected (image 4) https://imgur.com/IZ1TiFj https://imgur.com/md0YAJB https://imgur.com/GAHwkOM https://imgur.com/odyyC8Z
  2. Hello Beautiful rover! But when my kernels wants to board, they are unable to walk on the jetway once they are at the top of the ladder.... how do you board them?
  3. I am talking about the release 3.28.1 which is on the first page and on github
  4. Hello, this last release made my game lag as never: 1s in the game lasted 10s on my screen..!! As soon as I revert to the Twekscale companion 2023.3.18.0 on KSP RSS 1.12.3, things returned to normal...
  5. I discover Geysers on a Laythe Island I visited with my Spaceplane. Bill had a bath in the Geysers and was thrown in the air!! https://youtu.be/b-E9iarkXWg
  6. Hello thank you for this mod I use on Mac OSX. Question about the Spectra_Scatterer folder: It must be in Game Data>Scatterer>Spectra_Scatterer or Game Data> Spectra_Scatterer or Game Data>Spectra>Spectra_Scatterer (same level than Spectra_eve) and then merge the different contents of Scatterer in, the Spectra_Scatterer folder and the Spectra_Eve folder ? Thank you for reply
  7. Well guys, thank you for all your answers. in fact you're right! too many Rapiers I just work on a new plane which is a TSTM: Two Stages To Run, The first stage is an atmospheric stage that feed the 3 Rapiers, Then when I switch to closed cycle, the atmospheric stage is decouple and one in orbit I got 2700-2800 DV left with the Space Plane, much more lighter an much more endurance! But I am working on a version with 2 Terriers giving same DV once in orbit and only 21T at take off. The atmospheric stage is 2 Rapiers with 200 kg of LF
  8. Thank you for answers. This TSTO give me 2500 DV left, once 80 km orbit is reached……i don.t knowhow to get so many DV left with only 1 Rapier
  9. Given a mass to set to orbit with SSTO around Kerbin I am wondering what is the best use of the Rapier Engine -The weight of the Rapier is the weight of 400 LF -The Rapier gives his best TWR and thrust when accelerating in low atmosphere to reach around 1600 m/s between 22 and 25000 before switching to Closed Cycle -I am trying a MK1 SSTO with cabin crew and 2 Rapiers only, to reach orbit and Get 2000DV once establish The choices are: - Add a lot of LF and and a very long acceleration in low atmosphere to take advantage of the Rapiers and reach 1600m/s around 22000m before switching -Build TSTO with 2 Rapiers more or maybe 4 with 2 or 4 MK1 LF, this stage breeding the 2 Rapiers of the SSTO part and its own Rapiers and being decouple when switching to closed cycle on the SSTO. Here the acceleration would be crazy, you don't need to stay in low atmosphere and climb very quickly to 25000m reaching 1600m/s with higher Apo before decoupling and switching. I tested TWR up to 4.5 but it's very not to explode du to heat In this this TSTO only 4 MK1 tank with only 280 LF in each are enough to reach 25000m
  10. Landing of the electric plane Titanium near Titan manned Base First flight from Titan Base to North ocean Flight from North Ocean to East Canyons: altitude 100 kms. Saturn rise during flight
  11. Here are my last Spaceplanes: The Mars Stratolauncher is 3000T stratolauncher equipped with 9 Tweakscaled J61 to launch my OPT VTOL TSTO Mars Shuttle à mach 9 between 48 and 50 kms. Once in 400 kms orbit the TSTO has got 17000DV available, then the stratolauncher can't fly back to its base, but is able to fly back at the nearest place to land. The Stratolauncher is as long as the Antonov A 225 (The one that has been destroyed during Ukraine war and with was carrying the Bourane Shuttle), 85M, but is less wide, only 55m.
  12. Ok I just solved the bug: There's 2 buttons Toggle engine that appear when selecting action group: I was selecting both because I was working with pair of engines, you just have to select the first one on the top in order to have it working. If you select both in SPH, nothing happens when using action group on the runway!!
  13. Hello I am a great Fan of OPT mods and I have been using it for a long time. I use my OPT planes on RSS, because it's quite challenging and engines are fitted for this challenge! I have just a request for RSS, KSP 1.11 and KSP 1.12: There's a bug when you set Action group numbers to Toggle OPT engines -In the SPH you have choice between Activate Engine, Shutdown Engine and Toggle Engine: this last one uses only one action group... -If you set for example Action group 1 for Toggle Engines and launch your plane, it doesn't work because once launched, your only choice is Activate Engines which turns on Shutdown Engines once engines are started You can see on my pic that there is no Toggle engines choice which seems to be due to RSS mods, I do not know which one. There's no problem when not playing RSS So I join a link to download my log, maybe you can see from where it comes...Thank you I am just trying to make a VTOL Shuttle to Mars that will be stratolaunched! https://www.dropbox.com/s/nzyf4cb5xcxq6v6/KSP log OPT RSS.rtf?dl=0
  14. Hello How do you fit those damned VTOL engines OPT E-FVT on the fuel tank? Whatever I try, they don't fit perfectly, they are too left, to right, too high, too low, impossible to fit a couple of engines perfectly with the place tool oe the move tool!
  15. Hello I am trying to make strato launch using FMRS so as I am able to land the stratolauncher and to climb to orbit with my rocket plane. FMRS works great on staging decoupler provided there's a pilot in each cockpit - it doesn't seems to work if one cockpit is automated with remote control.... Then I tried to use FMRS with docking port, having switch on the undocking event in the FMRS preference, but whatever is my action in decoupling any node (action key or manually) FMRS does not work, the undocked plane is lost.....oI am playing on 1.11.2 Is there something I am missing? Thank's
  16. Hello here is my log if somebody is able to tell why saved game or restored lead to explosion when craft is orbiting sun!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qy9jj9f8x4bbjk/KSP log overheating after restore.rtf?dl=0
  17. After un long travel Titan is Reaching Saturn The pilot will perform an orbit around Saturn with a Periapsis near Titan's Periapsis around Saturn, Then inclination will be set to be in the same plan than Titan Orbit around Saturn is established around 1 300 000 kms and Titan orbit is captured like a space Rendez vous . Scan satellite is dropped to scan Titan and find a way point near water with enough Ore to drill the ground. The very long descent to Titan ground begins after des orbiting. There's no fear for overheating, du to slow orbiting speed and very dense atmosphere aerobraking is very efficient and very long. Landing is a success and the first Kerbal walk on Titan is the pilot. Great jump for Kerbality! The crew members will be occupied with science while waiting the Spaceplane Titanium that will allow to explore Titan surface and then fly back home. There's no water here! , Temperature is -177°C and what Scansat see is frozen water underground. Lakes we can on mn 3 on vid is Liquid Methane lakes
  18. From Earth Orbit to Titan ground, here is the Trip of Titan Base where 6 crew members are living. https://youtu.be/rzjeT3Zb8Qg
  19. Hello guys Have you ever experienced overheating on loading a saved game on KSP 1.12.2 ? Anywhere except when I am orbiting earth, loading a saved game triggers an overheating off all parts of my ship and it explodes. Even if you save, go to the Space center, or go to The Space center and save, then jump to Tracking Station to fly your ship, without having to load the game, if it takes too long, overheating is triggered. I just jump very quickly to see what happen and was lucky to get the ship just a few seconds before it was too hot. It's a question of time, I don't know what is happening, but sure, if you have to load a game, you're going to overheat..... Deadly Re entry is not in my Game Data folder
  20. Well that's true!! Can an administrator change my topic to Mission report? Thank you!
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