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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. My comments are only concerning this mod, that's why I posted here. I have absolutely no problem with other mods and no need to set up the keyboard. I think that this mod does not take in account all keyboard as KSP do and that why I posted here. Maybe there is some code to add or some config file to modify to help. I don't want to reset my keyboard for this mod/ sorry if my comments were not so clear I am running on Mac OSX and I must not be the only one concerned. my alpha keys are working with this mod, but not my numeric keys.
  2. Hello I have an Azerty Keyboard, with numbers from 0 to 9 included in the keyboard, like this one https://www.apple.com/fr/shop/product/MLA22F/A/magic-keyboard-français?afid=p238|s4VqawkmI-dc_mtid_187079nc38483_pcrid_102671600198_pgrid_26981912198_&cid=aos-fr-kwgo-pla-btb--slid---product-MLA22F/A-FR When I assign keypad 1 or alpha 1 to an action group, it does not work with my keyboard. It only works when I use my mouse on the Actions window during game. Is there something to do or to change in the config file to help action running with my keyboard? If it can help here are the config action group of my KSP setting.cfg files for my keyboard CustomActionGroup1 { primary = Ampersand secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup2 { primary = 160 secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 } CustomActionGroup3 { primary = DoubleQuote secondary = None group = 0 modeMask = -1 modeMaskSec = -1 ............................... and so on.... 4 = Quote, 5 = Leftparen, 6=161, 7=163, 8=Exclaim, 9=162 and 10 = 164
  3. Hello guys I didn't found any topics on Spaceplane in RSS mode, so I create this one I am playing RSS (Real solar system) on KSP 1.7.3, but not R . It is yet a big challenge to send a rocket or a spaceplane in orbit as you have to reach Mach 25 or more than 7500m/s to be free from gravity. Stock engines stock are not an option to send a rocket or a spaceplane in orbit and I use Real Scale booster engines and OPT mod engines. SSTO is impossible. What I decided is to create a Stratolauncher, then have a spaceplane on the top to launch it at the Stratolauncher ceiling at the quickest speed to achieve orbit. For planes OPT engines are very powerful and we can reach 48kms as ceiling. Then launching speed depends on the StratolauncherTWR and 5000m/s are reachable . To achieve orbit climb you can't rely on gravity turn, and you must use the PrimerVector method that Mechjeb is using in RSS/RO which is to adapt your speed vector to be as near as possible from your apogee (less than 15s is great) to achieve your orbit in only one burn......That allows to save a lot of DV. Atmospheric autopilot mod is a good mod to fine tune your speed vector while piloting your spaceplane to orbit. My first spaceplane is designed to reach the moon orbit. I built a ascent and a descent stage behind the cockpit to make this stuff detachable from the spaceplane core. So, the cockpit will land on the moon, then leaving the descent stage on the moon, it will climb back to orbit and dock to the spaceplane core. The shorter spaceplane will fly back to earth Meanwhile, using FMRS, the Stratolauncher will land to base. The base is Kourou. Here is my trip to Moon in RSS with The Stratolauncher, renamed StratoRaptor and the Spaceplane Raptor whose cockpit will undock and descent on the moon. We need to reach 25, around 7500m/s to leave Earth, which is impossible with an SSTO, even with OPT engines That's why I create the Startoraptor launching the Raptor Spaceplane. Weight of the raptor in charge is around 153T The 4 hybrid engines of the Raptor leaves 13000DV range in vacuum provided you give them 50 electric units/s during engines run The cockpit with its descent and climbing stages decoupling from the Raptor core are the Moon lander. Here is the service bay with 20 NearFututreElectrical RTGs to help the Hybrid engines in close cycle mod Here is the Stratoraptor 995T bicockpit plane with 80% fuel. 12 OPT J61 engines giving a TWR >3 at the engine ceiling around 48500m. That allows More than Mach 15 at launch Take off and heading 117° to be on lunar plan Climbing 70°, acceleration around 15000m and mach 2.5 Leaving 37000m under acceleration, we try to stay a near as possible from apogee: see the MechJeb PrimerVector concept in RSS/RO in the RSS RO wiki (very interesting) 43500m; Mach 13.5 less than 5s from apogee, great acceleration, we should launch at more than M 15 Launch at more than mach 15 StratoRaptor being in sub orbital flight with engines shut that 's an awesome optimal climb for the Raptor reaching 5000m/s a 52000m Approaching orbit with more than 10000DV Lunar transfert calculation Meanwhile with FMRS,we come back to the StratoRaptor which is 1200kms far from base. The best return flight to spare fuel is the following: vertical dive engines shut, then engines relight under 30000m, inverse Immelmann to climb to orbit we begin climb on the back around 13000m Then half barrel roll and climb to suborbital A second suborbital climb is necessary to avoid fuel shortage the shortest possible approach we try the runway which is very hard with such a big aircraft. Use of Atmospheric autopilot is a great help On the ground Here in lunar orbit, undocking the lander Lander retrobreaking Gear down fine landing Crew goes out to plan a flag Climbing back to cockpit for departure The descent stage stays on the Moon climbing to a 45kms orbit Back view from tanks and climb engines Calculation of docking point approach and angular alignment on the fuselage Cockpit docked and well aligned, Raptor is now shorter as we left the descent stage on the moon 7000 DV left for earth return 2mn HD vid for cockpit separation and landing https://youtu.be/Oub2VP7PagM 2mn HD vid Cockpit docking after moon climb https://youtu.be/K45A36cMzak 815 DV for earth injection Then 1800 Dv to get 8000kms apogee with 160 perigee Then still 1500Dv to circularize at 160kms break enough for re entry South burn aligng with the launch base, it's 1300 DV more due to overheat speed brakes are destroyed lighting engines in air breathing mode long final on Kourou runway Kourou which is an island like all other bases in RSS (I think it's a bug from the mod which is not updated for KSP 1.7) Landing fascing East, too long, pull up and landing facing west long landing and stop at the very end of the runway Conclusion I am happy with Stratolauncher to launch spaceplane. It works very well with OPT engines. Maybe it could be a good idea to gat a back inflatable shield on the spaceplane to spare aerobraking fuel I am planing a bigger Stratolauncher to launch a bigger spaceplane including cargo hold for a rover and more DV
  4. The RTGs are in the service bay, behind the cockpit, very simple in fact
  5. You can use the TweakScale mod, but not the last updated OPT mod, just the one before
  6. @JadeOfMaar Here is my trip to Moon in RSS with The Stratolauncher, renamed StratoRaptor and the Spaceplane Raptor whose cockpit will undock and descent on the moon. We need to reach 25, around 7500m/s to leave Earth, which is impossible with an SSTO, even with OPT engines That's why I create the Startoraptor launching the Raptor Spaceplane. Weight of the raptor in charge is around 153T The 4 hybrid engines of the Raptor leaves 13000DV range in vacuum provided you give them 50 electric units/s during engines run The cockpit with its descent and climbing stages decoupling from the Raptor core are the Moon lander. Here is the service bay with 20 NearFututreElectrical RTGs to help the Hybrid engines in close cycle mod Here is the Stratoraptor 995T bicockpit plane with 80% fuel. 12 OPT J61 engines giving a TWR >3 at the engine ceiling around 48500m. That allows More than Mach 15 at launch Take off and heading 117° to be on lunar plan Climbing 70°, acceleration around 15000m and mach 2.5 Leaving 37000m under acceleration, we try to stay a near as possible from apogee: see the MechJeb PrimerVector concept in RSS/RO in the RSS RO wiki (very interesting) 43500m; Mach 13.5 less than 5s from apogee, great acceleration, we should launch at more than M 15 Launch at more than mach 15 StratoRaptor being in sub orbital flight with engines shut that 's an awesome optimal climb for the Raptor reaching 5000m/s a 52000m Approaching orbit with more than 10000DV Lunar transfert calculation Meanwhile with FMRS,we come back to the StratoRaptor which is 1200kms far from base. The best return flight to spare fuel is the following: vertical dive engines shut, then engines relight under 30000m, inverse Immelmann to climb to orbit we begin climb on the back around 13000m Then half barrel roll and climb to suborbital A second suborbital climb is necessary to avoid fuel shortage the shortest possible approach we try the runway which is very hard with such a big aircraft. Use of Atmospheric autopilot is a great help On the ground Here in lunar orbit, undocking the lander Lander retrobreaking Gear down fine landing Crew goes out to plan a flag Climbing back to cockpit for departure The descent stage stays on the Moon climbing to a 45kms orbit Back view from tanks and climb engines Calculation of docking point approach and angular alignment on the fuselage Cockpit docked and well aligned, Raptor is now shorter as we left the descent stage on the moon 7000 DV left for earth return 2mn HD vid for cockpit separation and landing https://youtu.be/Oub2VP7PagM 2mn HD vid Cockpit docking after moon climb https://youtu.be/K45A36cMzak 815 DV for earth injection Then 1800 Dv to get 8000kms apogee with 160 perigee Then still 1500Dv to circularize at 160kms break enough for re entry South burn aligng with the launch base, it's 1300 DV more due to overheat speed brakes are destroyed lighting engines in air breathing mode long final on Kourou runway Kourou which is an island like all other bases in RSS (I think it's a bug from the mod which is not updated for KSP 1.7) Mais landing fascing East, pull up and landing facing west long landing and stop at the very end of the runway Conclusion I am happy with Stratolauncher to launch spaceplane. It works very well with OPT engines. Maybe it could be a good idea to gat a back inflatable shield on the spaceplane to spare aerobraking fuel I am planing a bigger Stratolauncher to launch a bigger spaceplane including hold with rover and more DV
  7. Hello I got this Fatal errors with the upgraded OPT mod files I did not report all the lines but here's a lot concerning OPT [LOG 13:30:36.052] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on arie73 (OPT-E S.C.O.O.P. Rocket "ARI-73"). [LOG 13:30:36.052] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part arie73 (OPT-E S.C.O.O.P. Rocket "ARI-73") has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). [LOG 13:30:36.052] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on turboRamJetj.60 (OPT-E ScreamJet "J-60"). [LOG 13:30:36.053] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part turboRamJetj.60 (OPT-E ScreamJet "J-60") has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). [LOG 13:30:36.053] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on turboRamJetj.60d (OPT-E Hybrid ScreamJet "J-60D"). [LOG 13:30:36.053] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part turboRamJetj.60d (OPT-E Hybrid ScreamJet "J-60D") has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). [LOG 13:30:36.054] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on opt.sage (OPT-E WarpJet "S.A.G.E."). [LOG 13:30:36.054] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part opt.sage (OPT-E WarpJet "S.A.G.E.") has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ) What to do with that, I reported also to OPT forum
  8. Ok thank you for reply. Good thing that it works...
  9. Hello Having upgraded to last OPT version, here is my log concerning Fatal errors with Tweakscale mod on OPT parts. It's recommended not to open my game in order to avoid corrupted save games; So I am going back to previous version. If it can help, here is the log <log file redacted by moderator>
  10. Can someone confirm that KSP runs on 64bits with Mac OSX Catalina? Can I upgrade without loosing KSP??? Thank's guys
  11. I reworked the Stratolauncher and the Raptor after some flying test we have 1 Stratoraptor with 2 cockpits like the real Stratolaunch. The reworked Raptor is docked on it Here is the inside of the Raptor Lander, the cockpit with the descent stage I tested the docking in the space and it is very interesting, because you have to perform it to haver the cockpit exactly align with the fuselage to get a new shorter Raptor for the re-entry...The descent stage has gone Here is the launch at the Stratoraptor ceiling which is the ceiling of the J61 OPT engine, between 48 and 49 kms in RSS. And nearly mach 15 is reached before launch Then the most difficult part after the launch is to fly back to base with Raptor. Atmospheric autopilot is needed to pilot such a big plane and landing on the runway is not easy at all! You also have to care not to launch too far if you don't want to land in the sea....
  12. Hello guys I am playing KSP 1.7.3 on RSS now My new challenge is to launch a spaceplane to Orbit when enough DV left to fly to the moon. The cockpit will separate from the core and land itself on the moon. Next it will take off and dock to the core of the spaceplane and the spaceplane will fly back to Earth. The spaceplane need to reach 7600m/s to fly on Earth orbit. so it will be release by 2 Stratolaunchers Here is the Raptor The cockpit with its descent stage, I hope it will work! The Raptor a little bit shorter after the cockpit is docked, return from Moon Both Stratolaunchers attached to the Raptor. 6 Liquid fuel engines by stratolauncher plus 4 Raptor hybrid engines running on Stratolauncher tanks during climb. Reaching speed more than 4000m/s under Stratolauncher atmospheric ceiling which is around 49 kms. Then the goal is to launch the Raptor at the maximum speed and right angle to complete the climb to orbit via the Primer Vector climb method which is a single burn to orbit, the best one in RSS/RO The touchy thing is after the launch, because the stratolaunchers are very near from each other over their ceiling and a little bit out of control
  13. Hello I noticed that FMRS is working only on staging, not on action group that allow much more actions to perform at separation. Is it possible to have it working on action group?
  14. I am using OPT reconfigurations. what I am looking for is OPT tanks cooled for use of Cryo engines from the Cryogenic engine mod or from the Tor Tech mod. I am working on double Stratoalauncher to launch a Spaceplane on RSS. it's a big challenge to reach orbit at more than 7500m/s. I use OPT mod for Stratolauncher . I would like to use OPT mod for space plane, but as it's mainly running on LH2 I need Cryo cooled tanks from Cryogenic tank mod. If there was a option for cooling LH2 on OPT tanks I would use OPT mod to design my space plane with engines running on LH2 from Cryogenic engine mod or Tor Tech mod
  15. I would suggest to use this mod. I use it every time I built a Space plane to check it is flyable in the whole flight enveloppe from ground to space, with tanks at full level and also with tanks at low level, when the CG moves backward or forward...
  16. Any chance to get OPT tank cooled like cryogenic tank to store LH2 ?
  17. Hello i installed manually all config like GungaDin I can see the EVE control window on the screen with all the config in RSSVE for Terrain clouds...etc... But whatever rocket I launch or when I am on the tracking center screen, Earth appears with no cities and no clouds....
  18. RSS is running for me on KSP 1.7.3 Manual installation -Real solar system version 14.0.0 for KSP max 1.4.5 -last RSS textures -RSS dateTime version 1.2.0 for KSP 1.3.1 -Modular flightIntegrator for KSP max 1.5.90 -KSC Switcher for KSP max 1.6.99 (optional) -Kopernicus for KSP 1.7.3 I don't use any visualEnhancement with this I use 000_AT-Util version 1.8.1 for KSP max 1.7.2 000_ClickThroughblocker 1.7.2 for KSP 1.5.1 000_Toolbar 001_ToolbarControl version 1.8.2 for KSP 1.5.1` Module Manager 4.0.2 latest version of WorldStabilizer for KSP 1.7.99 latest version of KerbalJointReinforcment for KSP 1.7.99 and RealChute, RealPlume and RealPlume Stock all for KSP 1.6.99 and also Smokescreen It runs pretty well on Mac OSX Mojave 10.14.6
  19. Wow! I hope it will be available for Mac OS as well as for PC!
  20. Yes it make sense, but the fact is that, in my Apollo rocket, the safety tower that is only use in case of emergency is at the top stages because it is not supposed to be triggered. That's why I use action group to test it and as it is in the top stages, that explain why other stages fall accidentally. I am going to try different way thank you
  21. Hi That's easy: at the beginning, let's say you have 4 stages. you take off When you finish your burn on stage 1, you trigger an action group to decouple and burn on stage 2, or you just hit your space bar to decouple and burn on stage 2, and suddenly you don't have any stage 2, stage 3 and Stage 4, you have only stage 2 with all the items of stage 3 and 4 that have fallen inside! Didn't you ever experience that?
  22. Hi guys I have a problem with my Apollo Rocket: The 2 upper stages are falling down on the lower one when I trigger the action group to use the Escape tower on top of the command pod. The action group do 2 things: - Separation of the Command pod from the rocket -Ignition of the 4 engines of the Escape tower to allow the command pod to climb away This is the first stage. On the second stage are ullage motors that allows tower separation from the command pod when Safe altitude is reached On the Third stage are the chutes of the command pod. What I do not u understand is why the 2nd and 3rd stages fall in the first one when I trigger the action group: the consequences are simultaneous ignition of the alleges motors and opening of the chutes..... Any idea of why this happen?
  23. Ok that works fine now. Just check that the dll is not in the Zip file from github Thank you it's a very pleasant mod
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