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Everything posted by gilflo

  1. Very nice mod indeed!! Thank you. but i have the same problem as TeeGee and i am not a programmer, so not easy to understand what to do Thank's
  2. Hello I have built this VTOL aircraft with 4 VTOL pairs of engine, at the front, at the back and on each wing. A jet engine at the back gives thrust for non VTOL phase of flight. The aircraft is quite balanced, but i need TCA assistance for take off What i can't manage to do is to use TCA with VTOL engines for take off while using the back engine for horizontal speed... How exactly must i design each engine in TCA: Thrust and maneuver for VTOL, what for the back jet engine? what function may i use to manage this VTOl take off with horizontal speed increase? I use KSP 1.2.2 with the right TCA Thank you
  3. Hi guys Here is my Project SSTO Seaplane for Laythe. after many attempts and tests here is the final design with pics and vid
  4. Here is my Project OPT Seaplane SSTO for Laythe. After many tests, here is the final design with Pics and vid.
  5. Laythe being mainly covered by oceans, i design a Seaplane SSTO to join Laythe. Goals were the following: -Bring a reckon satellite to analyse and scan Laythe -Drill and refuel on Laythe for the return flight. -Visit Laythe -Make science. -Take off from Kerbin runway and ditch to Laythe sea -Land from sea to any island to drill ore -Liquid fuel only After many test i design an modded SSTO, an OPT SSTO HydroShuttle, able to carry the reckon satellite, science stuff, big drills and ore converter, a small Jet engine OPT plane able to refill on the seaplane, to land on islands and able to fly around 3000kms. Here is the 1028T baby, carrying the small jet on his roof. The roof of the Shuttle is the take off runway of the small jet. The small jet is equipped with a KAS refueling port and the seaplane with a KAS fuel line. There a lab behind the cockpit and here are the holds with the Reckon Sat, the science stuff accessible via ladders and the drills and converter with their Ore tanks. View from the roof with the explorer jet. For take off, The Seaplane is launched on sea at full throttle, and around 120m/s 2 small decouplers free the small jet and the Seaplane engines are shut down. 2 additionnal Wheels allowed balanced flight to orbit, the Seaplane is stable in yaw and pitch up to altitude 64km and 2400m/s and do not require RCS, teste with Correct COL mod and in real flight. 11 gears on each floating tanks allow take off from Kerbin runway and land from sea to island Initial climb to orbit. 2 J61 Starwaster Ramjet engines 3.3m at the rear and 2.25m at the front. Orbital engines are 2 MRS Quad nukes 3m at the rear and 2.5m at the front Many RCS vernors allow clean re-entry on radial position (cobra). Additional vernors on cockpit side and rear wing side help for turns while navigating in sea. For landing as there is not so much clearance between water and back J61 engines Vertical speed must not be above 3.5m/s. It's a little bit touchy, and for take off from sea, rotation must be slow. Ditching Take off from HydroShuttle roof Hydroshuttle at full throttle Decouplers explosion and HydroShuttle engines shut down. absolutely no damage for the seaplane despite the big flame! Rotation for take off airborne And a small vid that show the take off. all tests seems to be ok, so next goal is the flight to Laythe Re-entry and ditching vid
  6. Thank's, I just saw there was an installer for mac OS X. i guess it's the best way
  7. What are the steps to update to KSP 1.3 keeping my save games with all my ships from 1.2.2 ? Many thanks
  8. @Stali79 When in SPH, the crewmenber tab let choose 5 crews for cockpit and 4 scientists for lab. Maybe it's a bug Does the mod work with KSP 1.3 or is there an update in progress?
  9. Du to JadeofMaar observation i reworked my Laythe OPT HydroShuttle SSTO. it's a Liquidfuel only SSTO. I like it because it's simpler and cheaper. It's a Stail cockpit, with a lab And Avatar Tanks and cargo holds. The cargo contains a reckon satellite to scan and analyse Laythe and some science stuff (Science Jr, Mysterious Goo...) with a big ISRU Ore Converter. Each side cargo in the floating tanks holds 2 big drillers with Ore tank It's powered by 2 rear 3.30m big J-61 Starwaster Turbo Ramjet and 2 front 2.25m J-61. 4 Nuclear MRS Quad engines (3m at the rear and 2.5m at the front) allowed interplanetary fights Du to its inertia, his 956T baby is better piloted in the atmosphere with Atmospheric autopilot which is fly-by-wire autopilot. It needs to be establish on its landing path early with the right rate of descent and the right speed (3m/s and 130-140m/s) to ditch properly in the sea. It can also take off from Kerbin runway, and land from sea to rough land in order to drill. 4 vertical fin leave it very stable on orbital climb. The explorer OPT aircraft on the top is for Laythe exploration. For take off, i launch the big OPT Hydroshuttle full throttle on sea. The small OPT explorer J61 is also full Throttle. Around 100m/s 2 small decouplers free the small OPT explorer, shutting down the shuttle engines and the OPT explorer take off running a few meters on the HdroShuttle deck while the HydroShuttle comes to a stop, engines being shutdown. With the explorer bitted on its back total weight for take off to Laythe is 1001.7T Here is the cargo stuff Side cockpit vernors and side rear wings vernors allows short radius turn in the sea with the help of asymmetrical thrust. Upper and lower cockpit vernors and rear wing vernors allowed Cobra position for easy re-entry After take off 50° pitch to 10000m and then 10° lowering progressively to 0° pitch gives easy orbital climb, Temperature is not a factor.. Now it seems to be ready to fly to Laythe and explore it. I am just going to try to design on a little plane i would dock un der the cockpit, before the cargo hold. It could help for exploration...
  10. Here is my new OPT for Laythe, Hydro SSTO to land own Laythe sea, Stail Cockpit, Avatar Tank and cargo. I will present it on the Exchange thread, but i have a question with the crew There's 5 crews in the cockpit and 4 in the lab. I can access only the 2 crews we see on the pic. Is it normal? I tested ShipManifest which is not a issue for this problem....
  11. My problem is the following The avatar cargo bay is better resistant to temperature and I want to adapt a lab in the plane. The lab fit the J cockpit, not the Avatar cockpit...But maybe K cargo bay could fit in place of Avatar...I don't know here is a new design with drills in the floating tank and bigger converter in central cargo
  12. I am going to improve it and maybe to put it in my hangar for download. I just need time
  13. Hello guys This is my last OPT: a seaplane SSTO for Laythe This 924T SSTO is mainly made for sea take off and landing. 4 J61 and 4 MRS Quad Nuke engines. Running only on Liquidfuel. More than 6000DV left in orbit. Clearance is short under back Starwaster J 61engines, back wings and water or ground, so rotation must be very accurate and rotation rate must be slow. It can take of from Kerbin runway, but i would not try landing or take off on rough surfaces. Sides cockpit and back wings vernors help for sea steering a low speed. Vernors on top and under cockpit and also at the rear of the wings help former some space maneuver, but mainly fro re-entry on Radial position which is the guaranty of a perfect re-entry. The gears allow taxi on rough surfaces, the idea being to be able to beach on Laythe island to mine some ore if we don't have enough Liquid fuel for return. The cargo hold contains science stuff accessible via ladders: SC 9001Sciences Jr, Mysterious Goo, Thermoter, barometer, etc...and a J mobil Lab P3 can help with experiment. Theres also ore tanks, ore converters and 6 big drills. A reckon satellite, equipped with various scanners and detectors is docked inside the hold and will be released when in orbit around Laythe. in flight Take off Climb Acceleration to Mach 6 4 MRS Quad Nuke engine run on Liquidfuel when in space Flipping on Radial position for re-entry Landing on sea
  14. Here is the link, thank's for the look KSP.log
  15. Hello guys This is my last OPT: a seaplane SSTO for Laythe This 924T SSTO is mainly made for sea take off and landing. 4 J61 and 4 MRS Quad Nuke engines. Running only on Liquidfuel. More than 6000DV left in orbit. Clearance is short under back Starwaster J 61engines, back wings and water or ground, so rotation must be very accurate and rotation rate must be slow. It can take of from Kerbin runway, but i would not try landing or take off on rough surfaces. Sides cockpit and back wings vernors help for sea steering a low speed. Vernors on top and under cockpit and also at the rear of the wings help former some space maneuver, but mainly fro re-entry on Radial position which is the guaranty of a perfect re-entry. The gears allow taxi on rough surfaces, the idea being to be able to beach on Laythe island to mine some ore if we don't have enough Liquid fuel for return. The cargo hold contains science stuff accessible via ladders: SC 9001Sciences Jr, Mysterious Goo, Thermoter, barometer, etc...and a J mobil Lab P3 can help with experiment. Theres also ore tanks, ore converters and 6 big drills. A reckon satellite, equipped with various scanners and detectors is docked inside the hold and will be released when in orbit around Laythe. in flight Take off Climb Acceleration to Mach 6 4 MRS Quad Nuke engine run on Liquidfuel when in space Flipping on Radial position for re-entry Landing on sea
  16. Hello I use KSP 1.2.2, module manager 2.7.6, toolbar 1.7.13 and TCA and i can't see TCA anywhere, no TCA in engine config, no TCA in any toolbar.... What's the problem?
  17. Hey Seanth Here is my Gliding Dolphin, you can download it from my dropbox. Gliding Dolphin OR.craft I let you discover it so that you can make your own test, but Pilot Assistant is mandatory if you want to pilot Vertical speed to get the best speed, even when hulls are deep in the water... If you find a mod allowing to set Thrust accurately from 1% to 1% i am interested
  18. Hi Seanth i tried to improve my wing deck boat. I thought that it would be better if the COG and COL could be physically at the geometrical center of the both hulls so that the boat would sit horizontally on the water. This one is sitting on its back the hulls being higher on water at the front and lower at the back. It looks like there's no improvment to have the rear and the front of both hulls at the same height over water. I did not manage to get better speed and better range with this setting. On the contrary, it's worse.... So it's purely chance if my first design gave such a good range with these amasing speeds. It's better to have COG and COL behind geometrical center of hulls, with the boat sitting on its back. Maybe also performance depends on the wing deck angle with horizontal plan. I also tried more power with 4 engines, thinking having hulls early out of water would give better range, but i did not get better range.... I'll soon leave my boat on dropbox so that you can try it.
  19. Great mod. Would it be possible to adapt it to plane so that we could see the point where the flight path vector is touching the runway, like what you in a HUD ?
  20. Hy Seanth May i use your video tutorial about how to use Google Earth with Kerbal map? I have an idea for a great challenge and using google map would be great.
  21. Ok, I'll put the craft file too, as soon as possible, with some explanations to use it as it's quite difficult to stay on water under a certain weight.
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