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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Removed some posts. Please keep this on the topic of a mod.
  2. I think the biggest challenge with that one will be to do it without breaking any of the forum rules... Please provide us with some text to 'translate'
  3. Or, alternatively, fill your house with lions, elephants, tanks and helicopters. Nobody will want to get close.
  4. Scared of going into the kitchen because a lion has taken over? Here's a simple trick to make it leave and never come back. Collect some urine and excrement from another lion, and when your lion is sleeping, sneak into the kitchen and spray the urine and spread the excrement all over the cupboards and on the floor. If you can reach, put some on the ceiling as well. When the lion wakes up, he will think that another lion has claimed the territory and he will just leave. Don't forget to leave the door open! A few flies will probably come in, but get some some frogs and they will take care of that nicely.
  5. Nice description of an aircraft carrier, @TheDestroyer111, but you're supposed to translate the post above you and then leave a new post for someone else to translate into "Upgoer" language.
  6. Kitchen overrun by frogs? It's easy to fix! Just release a few Grass Snakes and they will take care of the problem for you.
  7. Tired of getting bruises and injuries when skiing? Try going to one of those places with prepared routes instead of holding on behind cars on the motorway.
  8. Aircraft in KSP can sometimes act in unintuitive ways. A lot of new users get frustrated because their planes skid around on the runway or refuse to rotate and take off. A great deal of blame has been placed on the new wheel physics for this, but although there are undeniably some serious problems with the wheel code at this point, there are also some simple tweaks that we can implement to minimise the issues we're experiencing.
  9. Don't have much time and your craft is decending into the atmosphere too slowly? Cut the parachute to get to the ground faster.
  10. Give us your most unhelpful tips for daily life. Please limit it to one at a time, and nothing that is actually a good idea Lose 1 kg of weight overnight by drinking a litre of water before going to bed
  11. Since this is a discussion about making a flat Kerbin mod, let's keep it to that topic rather than talking about flat earth.
  12. Ninjad by @Matuchkin, but here's another version of @Snark's text: Edit: And here's the translation for @Matuchkin's quasars: I'm new to KSP and I want to get to the Mun. I tried flying straight up until I got to about 20k altitude like I saw in Scott Manley's tutorial and then turn to 45 degrees, but my rocket immediately flipped over. I can't even get to orbit around the stupid planet. Any tips?
  13. As a last resort you can PM me and ask me to merge the posts together for you.
  14. Hi @DrunkenKerbalnaut! Since your question is more about the forum rather than KSP itself, I moved the thread to Kerbal Network. Hope you get the help you need here.
  15. Nice to have you with us, @Altek81! You're very welcome :).
  16. Locked until @K.Yeon comes back. Please see @Andem's thread (above) for the ongoing project.
  17. Maybe some of you would like to start a seperate thread for alternative propulsion in general. Let's try and keep this one on topic.
  18. Driving the point home in different ways in the hope that OP will understand at least one of them.
  19. Yeah I remember looking for a "mods" section of the forum a while ago and couldn't find one. Then I realised it's "Add-ons". I moved the thread there for you. Have fun! Oh, and this is important: please select a license for your mod, link to the source code and check the other information in this post:
  20. @vikram_gupta11, can you please tell me if you understand my reply here?: Your gun idea works the same way and doesn't work for the same reasons.
  21. Tourists holding vomit bags in IVA, that would be wonderful! But I think that it would be better to have some sort of reputation bonus or even a contract to make them throw up - this is Kerbal Space Program we're talking about here . In real life, a lot of people go on theme park rides that make them sick, and that doesn't put people off, surprisingly. But if it's a VIP, I can't imagine them being happy about an uncomfortable ride like that. This is a totally Kerbal idea!
  22. @vikram_gupta11, if I understand you properly, your device is basically moving some parts back and forth at certain speeds and at certain times. I like the way you are thinking, and it's good to use your mind like that. But there's a problem with this design, and I'll try and explain what that problem is: If I am in space and I push a big, heavy weight away from me slowly, I'll be pushed away (Fuel-free propulsion!). But what happens when my arms are straight? I have two choices: 1) let go or 2) hold on. 1) I let go of the weight and because I'm in space, I keep moving away, but the weight keeps moving away too, so I lost the weight forever. I just used the weight as fuel. This is how rocket engines work. 2) I hold on to the weight and it stops moving, but so do I. That means I didn't actually go anywhere. No matter how quickly or slowly I move that weight backwards and forwards, I'm not going to go anywhere at all. Number 2 is basically what your device is doing. It's more complicated than my example, of course, but it's still just moving weights backwards and forwards. I'm sorry but your device isn't going to work
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