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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Please continue the conversation here:
  2. Hi! As @Red Iron Crown says, unfortunately the pre-release isn't available on GOG, but if you're looking to start a new career game, using the pre-release isn't a good idea anyway because it's still in development. It's intended for testing purposes only. I'm sure the release will come soon, and it will be worth the wait!
  3. This intrigued me so much I went ahead and did a little testing. I discovered a couple of things. Firstly, if you're turning on scatters and are surprised that you can't find any, restart KSP With that out of the way, I drove my "rover" up to a nice big tree and parked it there: I figured this would be an easy way to see how much the ground scatter moves about. So I left the car there and went back to the space centre, then from the tracking station I selected the rover again, to see this: The tree has refused to move! The next step was to quit to the main menu, reload the save and look again: Darned tree is still in my way! The only other test I could think of was to shut down KSP completely and reload, so that's what I did: So it looks like the walking trees and rocks issue has been fixed The other thing I discovered whilst testing this is that I could still drive on electric power even when the batteries were empty. But that's the subject for another discussion. To sum things up, yes I want to crash into trees.
  4. Huh. Well you learn something new every day. I'll have to test this next time I fire up KSP
  5. @ZooNamedGames Does that mean that if I go back to the exact same spot I visited before on Kerbin, the trees will be in different places? I understand they are procedurally generated, but that should be the same procedure each time, right? Or am I missing something completely?
  6. I like the idea of having ground scatter we can crash into, but wouldn't a method like that require quite a lot of loading/unloading? I don't actually know the reason they don't have collision meshes - is that a performance issue? I always assumed they just hadn't gotten around to it yet.
  7. Curse your fortune-telling abilities. @WinkAllKerb''
  8. @Elkram, logs like that are reeeeeeeealy big, and for the sake of our poor forum software, it's usually better to use something like pastebin for big logs like that next time. Hope that's OK
  9. Hi @AndroidSub and welcome! I don't think you broke any of the rules :). Here are the rules, though - thanks for checking! I'm sure that someone in this thread will be able to answer your main question.
  10. Oh? Thanks for that, though I personally think that the 1000th prime number is a more significant achievement That 1k came up on me by surprise because I think someone went through my back-catalogue of posts on a replike spree
  11. Merged two threads, even though there was a lot of space between them.
  12. When I opened the link, the first word I saw was "Spaceflight", so that gave me a clue where to move the thread
  13. I bet @kiwi1960 remembers that. (Oh, and since it's not about the game, moved from General KSP Discussion to the Lounge)
  14. Looks like there are already some great answers here, but it seems to belong in Gameplay Questions, so I moved the discussion there.
  15. Not backwards - scrambled. That's an important difference. The communications have been deliberately scrambled so that the Kerbulans can't listen in.
  16. Trimmed a couple of posts. Please remember that necroposting isn't against the rules if the poster has something meaningful to add. Necromoaning, however, is against the rules. So please don't do that
  17. Wow, that is really cool. Mars street view EDIT: Looks like one of the wheels has taken a little damage
  18. Wouldn't a new mechanic like part upgrades greatly affect game balance? I imagine something like that would require a considerable amount of tweaking and playtesting, and would only work properly if all engines had the upgrade mechanic applied to them. I personally feel it would feel rather odd to only be able to upgrade some of the parts. I'm happy to wait until it's finished.
  19. The prerelease is only available on Steam or through the KSP store, sorry But I'm sure the final version will be available everywhere
  20. I would also donate to that, but only if there is no return ticket included
  21. Nice job, @onewatt! I moved your thread to Mission Reports since it's not really a challenge. Keep up the good work!
  22. As Jim Carrey said in a childishly humourus scene in Liar Lair, it might possibly have been one of the moderators who has posted in this thread . Feel free to PM me about it if you like, @KAL 9000 Now back on topic. Heat Death... Well yeah I think it's possible
  23. Red - the blood of angry men! Black - the dark of ages past! Red - a world about to dawn! Black - the night that ends at last! What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen Swallow?
  24. Hi @Rucifa, and welcome to the forum! Thanks for thinking about that - nobody likes to see other people's work taken advantage of. In this case, though, all the music used in KSP (apart from the main theme music and the credits music) is royalty free. In fact, you can even use it in your own projects, if you want to. http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/most/kerbalspaceprogram.php
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