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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Topic moved to Fan Works
  2. I think we can sum up this thread by saying that some people find the issue upsetting, whilst others can't understand why. It's never a good idea to tell someone that what they are upset about is nothing, when it clearly is something to that person. Thread locked since everything seems to have been said. Feel free to PM me if you feel this is unfair.
  3. @Cunjo Carl, anything that relates to the challenge is absolutely welcome
  4. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. It's a legitimate discussion, so please keep it on topic and free of personal attacks.
  5. Poor Kenlie, he never wins at cheks. That shot over the ground scatter was spectacular, by the way, as were the facial expressions.
  6. Excellent work, @Ultimate Steve! I wonder if you could remove the tail fin from that to reduce drag, since you have upward-curving wings that should help against side-slip as well? Oh, and rule 2.5 specifically states that necroposting is not necessarily forbidden
  7. If you're a regular on this forum, you have probably noticed there are quite a few posts that are made in "KSP Discussion" that don't belong there, which makes it cluttered and creates more work for the moderators. Today seems extra busy in that respect: We have talked about this a little before, but I'd be interested in your opinion on some suggestions that may or may not help. We can't expect a complete solution, of course, but please take a look at the options in the poll and choose an option that matches your honest opinion.
  8. You know, as long as they have enough Delta-V, anything still in the system can still be controlled from Intrepid and potentially used for purposes other than what they are designed for.
  9. What makes you so sure the full Intrepid is going to make it off Poll in one piece?
  10. I love it how you don't just leave a cliffhanger for every reveal, but you still manage to leave us something to chew over whilst we're waiting for the next installment. Thank you for the update, @Parkaboy, and I hope you're feeling better.
  11. Kenlie is turning out to be quite the skilled pilot. It's nice to have followed him all the way from blundering hero worshipper to where he is today: still blundering on occasion but a confident and meaningful member of the team.
  12. Hello, and welcome to the forum, @technikLEO! You might be interested to know that we have an official French thread here. But of course you are welcome for the whole forum
  13. To add to @Gaarst's comment, the other regions seem to have been delayed. But don't worry - they're on the way!
  14. @KerikBalm to be sure wheels are bugged, let's not go overboard with the criticism here. But apparently there are also design issues that replicate the effects of a bug.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe there were some minor aero changes between 1.1 and the various patches that could explain why this and other planes can be made to work in later versions with some tweaks.
  16. Yes this is what I had in mind. A plane or a rover and just drive it out of the way. But it's interesting to hear the results of test 1, good job!
  17. Great! Test 1: A single 200 part craft. Any slowdown? Improvment if looking up so that the planet and ocean is not visible? Test : 2 x 100 part crafts close to each other. Results compared to test 1? Does the framerate stay steady at a cost to slow time simulation (yellow mission timer) or is it balanced?
  18. Don't worry, there's no hate coming from any of us replying so far, and I don't think you'll see any hate coming from @Majorjim at all. He makes a fair point - performance is subjective and depends a lot on part count. There are some stock planes with over 100 parts. How about trying one out in a sanbox game and telling us how it runs. One other thing we could talk about that greatly affects performance is resolution. What screen resolution does the PS4 run at?
  19. And yet @RamptantFlamingo247 and others report that performance is pretty good. So where's the performance coming from?
  20. It's true that KSP doesn't require much from the GPU. I also found something interesting according to Wikipedia: "The graphics processing unit (GPU) is AMD's GPGPU-capable Radeon GCNarchitecture, consisting of 18 compute units (CUs) for a total of 1,152 cores (64 cores per CU), that produces a theoretical peak performance of 1.84 TFLOPS.[30] This processing power can be used for graphics, physics simulation, or a combination of the two, or any other tasks suited to general purpose compute." Maybe that helps? But as I understand it, the PS4 is about three years newer than your laptop and laptops are not usually specced for gaming, wheras the PS4 is designed for gaming from the ground up. I would expect the newer technology in the PS4 is the main reason for the performance increase you see (unless your laptop has integrated graphics, in which case that could be a bottleneck for you)
  21. But your laptop is 2.2 ghz of what processor? You can't compare ghz to work out which one is more powerful. There was a Pentium 4 with over 4 ghz, but a moden cpu with 1.6 ghz will run rings around it, even if it's using just a single core. Are you sure the PS4 just doesn't have a more powerful processor than your laptop?
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