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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Fantastiskt att höra. Jag har fortfarande problem med hjul, men det är roligt att se så många som är nöjda med 1.1.3. Har du någon bild du vill dela, @hempa2?
  2. Kenlie just learned something important about strategy and keeping out of danger. It'll be interesting to see how significant that is.
  3. Any rules about getting there? Feels like it's a shame if people can just hyperedit there, but maybe you don't mind that.
  4. @Kuzzter, I remember that the tantalus device used to read "Traitor=False" on the last line (link). The text was mostly hidden by his head the last time we saw the device, but you mentioned it in a follow-up post on the same page. Have you decided to change that detail, or was it overlooked? It works great either way, of course. Edit: I forgot to mention that Kurt and Melgee are wonderful, whether they are evil or not. But the big question is: do they have cheese?
  5. An SSD should significantly speed up the loading time of pretty much everything you put on it. It is often the single biggest performance upgrade you can do to a computer when it comes to everyday usage. Put your OS and KSP on an SSD and it will feel like a new machine.
  6. I have seen that in previous versions when changing the settings for shadow detail. I haven't fiddled with those setting in the latest version though. But all I see in @He_162's first .gif is a short timelapse of a moving shadow.
  7. You're using time warp and the shadow is moving because of the rotation of Kerbin. You say this is slow motion. Can you explain what you mean?
  8. @Kuzzter, it was great to see this part of the story come together. Your choices of pictures was absolutely spot on - well done! As for Gene informing Val, well you're the one who can see the future, and your story-telling decisions have worked out rather nicely so far. The only thing that confuses me a little is that I was under the impression that communication with Intrepid was down. How is the email supposed to get to Val? Or will it wait on the server until they are able to establish comms? One other thing, you absolutely have to register kerbfleet.org. It's available, too.
  9. Perhaps a "feedback" section might work? Otherwise, KSP Discussion really seems like the right place to post these messages, if they have to be posted at all. Perhaps I could suggest sticking to the other parts of the forum, like the mission report pages, until the big bugs have been dealt with, and KSP discussion will be back to normal again. Either that or try to avoid the temptation to open a thread if the title looks negative.
  10. @ZooNamedGames, I think the problem is that most users who are being negative have a legitimate reason to be upset, because the part of the game that they are experiencing trouble with is - for them - gamebreaking. Judging by the number of hours a lot of people claim to have played and for how many years they have been playing, it would seem that KSP is an important part of their lives. They were extremely excited about the prospect of the performance increase in 1.1, only to be disappointed because of their personal experience now that they have it. So what to do? Of course, they want to voice their complaints and they want others to add their voices in support of their complaints. I don't like the negativity either, and most of the complaints could be still voiced but in a constructive way, but I think it is only fair that we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it is just frustration that is driving their words. Who can deny that the bugs they are facing must be frustrating? We can look past that, it will hopefully soon pass when the big issues are fixed. Your suggestion sounds like you would like something along the lines of a "complaints" or "Issues" section on the forum, which would overlap with the existing support sections, and I'm not sure that would encourage people to be more positive.
  11. I forgot to mention that one of the things I love about these comics is the sound effects. So well done.
  12. No airbrakes, but you do have the most powerful reverse thrust ever devised.
  13. Although I understand where you're coming from, @The_Rocketeer, I don't think I agree with the idea that the decrease in drag can be assumed to be bundles into the thrust. You say OP is effectively asking for an increase in thrust, but an increase in thrust would also affect the engine in vacuum, would it not? Drag changes depending on the makeup of the atmosphere and how thin it is at altitude, whilst thrust is a completely different animal. The image by Icedown illustrates it perfectly: the "solid cylinder" in that picture will make a difference to drag inside an atmosphere but certainly not increase the thrust inside or outside an atmosphere.
  14. It has been established that using the gravioli device to enter another universe would spread the corruption to that universe as well. Could it be that this is how the corruption first came to Kappaverse? Maybe even a time paradox where someone escaping from this universe has come back from the future...
  15. Don't you know that if someone is wearing a lab suit and holding a clipboard it can only be one person? Don't worry Kuzzter, some of us did get that there is more than one scientist working in the lab As for why he doesn't have a beard... surely only evil people have beards?
  16. First thing we should all assume when we think a game or anything else in life is treating us wierdly of wrongly is: "Am I absolutely certain it's not me doing something wrong?" Now I'm not saying you definitely are doing something wrong, @John FX, but we have to first of all eliminate that possibility. Is it at all possible that you could have accidentally declined or cancelled some contracts? It's very easy to do so because the nice big red "Decline Contract" button can be mixed up with the "close this screen" button at the top-right of the screen: I have done it myself a couple of times.
  17. Well, after extensive analysis, I have come to the conclusion that is best illustrated as follows:
  18. Presumably in a lunatic assylum for trying to blow up the world with nuclear reactions.
  19. Unfortunately, @volcanic_wolf hasn't posted in his thread since 5 April. But looking at the OP, the plane must be able to "completely fly". Based on that, my irrelevant opinion is that your second entry doesn't qualify, since it can only take off.
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