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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Yes, welcome back! Just so you know, you can send a private message to @sal_vager from your original account and ask for a name change (one time only). It would be a good idea to at the same time ask for your new one to be removed, just so no rules are broken
  2. @ParkaboyThey don't seem like the exploring type - maybe they don't know about the Kraken space beet there. I assume Kerbfleet doesn't know about it, either.
  3. I can confirm I'm having the same issue (Server Migration) EDIT: Downloading the installer works though EDIT2: I can also confirm that flushing the DNS didn't help
  4. Glad it finally worked out for you. So are there no parts at all or do you mean there are only a few parts? In career mode, you only start with a few basic parts and you have to do research to get more. If you want to try out everything, there's sandbox mode, which will give you access to all the parts.
  5. Hi @Motiontracker, @Riton Lafouine, @Waiting to Fly and @MrAA! Really sorry to hear you're having problems. It can happen from time to time when a new update is released and overloads their servers. If you haven't already done so, the best thing is to send an email to support@kerbalspaceprogram.com (if you bought the game from the KSP website). If you bought the game from Steam or another web site, I'll have to let someone else answer you because I have never used those. Again, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble getting your download. But it will be worth the wait! (And there is usually a patch a few days after the release of a big update, anyway, so maybe it's not such a bad thing to wait a day or two).
  6. I think it has been touched upon already, but Kerbfleet Kenlie sees the Murder, death and destruction for what it really is. It's a world apart from his own and it shocks him, but he really does see it and understand it. He doesn't write that the pilot accidentally fired a probe that just happened to hit and destroy a helpless person in a capsule, and oh what a terrible accident that was. He writes what he sees. Kerbulus Kenlie, on the other hand, appears to truly believe that Kerbfleet posesses and is ready to use a Nuclear Jewel Diver Missile. He doesn't see them as a peaceloving race that has no concept of violence, he sees them as cowardly and armed to the teeth - neither of which are true.
  7. Well well well, it appears that Kevil Enlie's abilities are less powerful than Kerbfleet Kenlie's.
  8. R.A.P.I.E.R. There's just nothing else like it. Would love to see it in a variety of sizes though.
  9. @Neil_Kerman, if you can't find a part mod that suits your needs, have you considered Tweakscale? You can use it to resize any parts you like.
  10. Of course, we don't just expect everyone to read this thread, we of the Positive Forum Movement go out there ourselves and put out the fires with our good attitudes and even send friendly and helpful private messages to people when it could make a difference or we see some misunderstanding. Let's go cheer some people up.
  11. Fair enough. I can see how that could be annoying.
  12. What you should really be asking yourselves is: Does it actually matter that the runway is completely flat and thus the curvature of the planet and its gravity combine to exert a tiny force on craft that are sitting at either end?
  13. It is flat, but becaude of the curve of Kerbin underneath the perfectly flat runway, you actually roll towards the middle. To prevent that happening, the runway should actually be ever so slightly curved to match the planet.
  14. @Fallarnon I don't think anyone has suggested that it was against the rules, he was just asking for opinions, and I think your opinion is quite clear already.
  15. Är det någon som provat 1.1 än? Jag har inte haft tillfälle att spela så mycket eftersom jag spelar just nu enbart med flygplan och det är många problem med hjulen. Är det någon annan som har byggt fungerande flygplan i 1.1? Hoppas det kommer en fix snart.
  16. So @DoctorDavinci, can you link to such a challenge, just to make it clearer for everybody?
  17. I think what OP means is: "I tested 1.1 prerelease two weeks ago and saw an obvious bug that I was sure would be noticed and fixed. I went back to 1.0.5, but now - two weeks later - I get the official 1.1 release and the bug is still there." Did I understand you right, @finky45?
  18. Välkomna alla vikingar! Lämna era hjälmar och yxor utanför porten. Hoppas vi kan hålla det fredligt och trevligt härinne
  19. Oh yes, of course. Well then... Only option is to do morse code by moving Intrepid back and forth accross the sun.
  20. At the same time, Kuzzter gets to demonstrate how he feels sometimes. Hey Kuzzter! How about a Dresterlude? *BZZZT* "AAAAAAAAH"
  21. Wow, so Kenlie "MacGyver" Kerman sabotaged the ship to prevent them being tracked, put all the necessary parts for the transponder into a DIY rocket and shot it away from the ship to prevent an engineer from repairing the equipment. Clever guy(ver)! That means Kenlie likely knows the crew wouldn't believe him if he told them what he knows and has taken the only action he could in order to protect the ship - at considerable cost to himself once he's found out. I do believe that this makes him one SadS beero - er, BadS hero! Communication was cut at such a point that Kerbulus knows that they have only just been discovered, but they don't know what Kerbfleet intend to do about it. Fear and uncertainty.
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