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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Fortunately for the entire operation, Kenlie has so far managed to get the numbers right. Would be amusing (and potentially fatal) if he accidentally mixed up numbers like he does letters in words.
  2. Does that mean every captain of a large ship in Star Trek is promoted to Commodore if they have shuttles on board?
  3. Yeah, and you have a 3-star pilot available who doesn't really exist in canon.
  4. First of all, since I don't think anyone else mentioned it, I just wanted to say that I think Kuzzter was very kind to time the release of a comic so that certain readers would be out of school when it was released. Second, I think it's very interesting that the Kerbal version of chess has an 8x7 board, and I wonder if that's significant in some way
  5. @Chemp, it's a very funny reference to the prerelease version of KSP 1.1 that will soon be available for users to test, but only if they have the Steam version (See announcements for more details). EDIT: Actually, it was a Devblog (click to see it)
  6. Absolutely love it, Kuzzter. I'm so glad you saw the comedy value with that fleet guy, and you played it very well! That reminds me... what ever happened to Markers Guy?
  7. If he were ever captured, they'd forget to interrogate him. Who are we talking about again?
  8. I was actually just editing my post to add that my appetite for the next episode is well and truly alley wetted...
  9. Since @Kuzzter just sanctioned us talking about various ways to optimise tiny probes I could never understand why anyone would use four or more thruster blocks on a small craft when all you need is a combination of two thruster blocks at or near the CoM and two linear RCS ports placed directly on top of them using offset (assuming you have reaction wheels).
  10. Welcome back, Brotoro! Sorry to hear about your diseased Laythe and I hope you manage to find the cause soon.
  11. I have to say I actually love the fact that it's becoming almost a running joke that Gregmore always gets forgotten about. That is just begging to be written into the story somehow.
  12. @FyunchClick got the point exactly. The Thermians were so innocent and lovable and it took them some time to understand the concept of dishonesty.
  13. I love it how you used the chess game to hint at the complete innocence of the Kerbal race. Have you seen Galaxy Quest?
  14. Perfect timing for the comic relief at the end, and really nice internal shots of the docking procedure, Kuzzter. I imagine it must have taken a lot of time and patience (and scraped paint) to get those images
  15. Jeb will simply jump in the air and ride the shockwave accross the solar system
  16. Very entertaining as always, @Parkaboy! I'm a little concerned about the general population - I had imagined them shipping planeloads of kerbals off the surface by now. Looks like only a few elite and ready-trained astronauts are going to make it, unless there are more twists and turns in this story. But it's not at all like Parkaboy to put twists and turns in his plot lines.
  17. Ouch! Sorry to hear the troubles you're going through, @Parkaboy. Just in case it's not really obvious, I hope you have a backup of your save in the cloud somewhere
  18. I found it difficult to answer question 2. I do view it as a pilot's ability, as @razark put it very well, but the wobble some of my planes experience at high speeds indicates to me that there is at least some computer input involved rather than the pilot thrashing the joystick back and forth as if he were playing one of those old 2D racing games. Edit: So I feel it's "A Kerbal Pilot is controlling the ship directly to point the specific direction." when it's any of the learned skills (point retrograde etc) and "The Command Pod's Guidance Computer points the ship, with control input from the Astronaut." for the basic "hold heading" that every pilot has. The reason engineers and scientists can't use it is because they don't know how to use the flight computer.
  19. I know we're all excited about the enormous Intrepid and what it's able to do, but I'm really looking forward to seeing @Kuzzter's small rover design - I do like to see the imagination used to make something very compact yet capable.
  20. Beautifully done! But how did you manage to get hold of a decent modern monitor in 4:3 aspect ratio??
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