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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. I think we're all missing the very important detail that there is, in fact, tea in "team".
  2. The problem with that idea, @SpaceplaneAddict, is that both universes are already quite complicated and intriguing as they are. Kebfleet has its "opposite" world on the other side of the sun, and Plan Kappa has its future anomolies, but neither of them really have parallel universes. I'm not saying it can't be done, but if they do decide to do it, there is a risk that there will just be too much going on. Only my opinion.
  3. This reader says slow down and take your time. Quality over qantity, same as I like my computer games
  4. Hi Martian Music! The most up-to-date comic page was actually posted the same day as your own post, so just keep an eye on this thread - the Kerbfleet saga is being actively written and developped as we speak. Welcome to the Kerbfleet speculation forums
  5. That was great! I'm glad you didn't end with a cliff hanger. They are good when used sparingly but I fear they are quite overused by some.
  6. I like the variety of ways you've been keeping us up to date. Good work, Parkaboy.
  7. That was the whole point of the mission... Land on Mun, only do it like a BadS
  8. One warrior race who considers it the deepest shame to return home without expending all of their ammunition causing death and destruction to others vs a peace-loving society of lovable fools who willingly put themselves in harm's way to learn about their universe. At this point it sounds more like a slaughter than a battle, but perhaps the Kerbal's insatiable appetite for knowledge (and NOMS) is what will prove to be the deciding factor in the end
  9. @rocketbuilder Hi, I'm curious, what is the purpose of this rule, please? If a craft bobs up and down few times yet still achieves orbit, why should the entry not be valid? (For the record, I don't have an entry, but I'm interested in this challenge).
  10. The biggest problem with attempting an ablation cascade in KSP is that things get destroyed when colliding instead of dsintegrating into a million fragments.
  11. @Kuzzter So if I understand it correctly, the drills use the same power regardless of the ore%, but the IRSU can throttle down to save power? Does it do that automatically, and do the fuel cells also automatically throttle down?
  12. Very nice to see the results of your testing, Kuzzter! May I ask why you are using 4 fuel cells at 50% capacity instead of 2 at 100%? I've not tinkered with ISRU yet, but I'm interested in the mechanics of it.
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