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Everything posted by Parkaboy

  1. And the grand Kerbfleet-Kappa crossover continues! Has someone lost a Bill? Please get him back... he's breaking my stuff!
  2. Still cheaper than training a substitute, Mort would say. Or maybe we should invest in probes...
  3. The rescue contract Kenlie got was to pick up a stranded kerbal in munar orbit, and that's what he did!
  4. Well, if you're ready to know where (or when) Jeb went, wait no more! He's here!
  5. So after guessing how close to the target Kuzzter could land a ship on Eve, we're playing "guess the price" with the KSS [REDACTED]?
  6. You know... I'm starting to think the KSS [REDACTED] is actually called the KSS Whackjob.
  7. You might be onto something there, sir... But where in the world is Jebediah Kerman?
  8. Time to move forward with a very special episode. It's oversized and full of special effects! Dum dum duuuum...
  9. Oh, boy! I had the same trouble the first time I tried to do the Ultimate Kerbin 3 Challenge in Plan Kappa...
  10. @Just Jim Nope! The only answer I expect will be in the story itself!
  11. I think I know what's goin on... ;-) Edit: actually, my guess is the same as the post above, which I only noticed after writing...
  12. This is great! If I can ask for something, though, I'd like to see the text interspersed with pics. There are mods for soviet parts and even for the KSC, are you planning to use them? They'd make some great visuals!
  13. I think I watched that episode. Maybe it was in my subconscious while I wrote the chapter...
  14. Yes, but mostly the earliest seasons. I wasn't drawing inspiration from it, at least not on purpose. To what similarities do you refer?
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