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Everything posted by Timbo

  1. Good idea, and keeps the part count down. But for realism I feel like you need to add a heat shield, not just adjust every part's characteristics. Also, it's not just aerodynamic parts that need protection. In my case, the engine overheats and blows up on reentry, even when it's off. For space shuttle type vehicles, a "procedural" shield that covers the entire underbelly or the whole stack would be ideal
  2. YES to heat tiles or some form of radial heat shield! I'm currently finalizing a SpaceX Starship clone and after the update, it cannot survive re-entry because the only heat shields available are designed for capsules
  3. Is there any way to change the size of a part? i.e. make an engine smaller or larger or change it's thrust? Is a mod that might do this?
  4. Love this! Couple of questions. Why is the second stage encased in cargo bays? Why not just make that stage out of fuel tanks like the first stage? Or perhaps half of it tanks and the other half a cargo bay for probes? I guess it depends what the use-case is you're going for. Second question, shouldn't the small fins at the top of the first stage be rotated so they do not add wind resistance? Great job on making it look realistic!
  5. There are just too many autosaves in the VAB, making the interface cluttered and difficult to find the right vessel. Can autosave be disabled or the frequency modified?
  6. Keep adding additional liquid tanks and engines until your thrust is around 1.8. If it's higher than that, add tanks without engines, which will increase DV Provide a pic lower down that shows the engines, as well as TWR from the engineers report. Also, what is with the shorter stack on the left? Is that payload or lifter? Don't forget that hydrogen engines suck for liftoff. They are made for vacuum
  7. Do tell.... how did you do this? A mod that I am unaware of?
  8. I see TWR in the Engineer's Report in the VAB. Is there a way to see DV? Also, is there a way to see TWR per-stage? Is there Kerbal Engineer / MechJeb functionality coming?
  9. So does that mean that KSC has a stronger signal strength that my relay?
  10. I have three probes in a triangle pattern around Kerbin with relay antenna, a relay probe around Duna with a relay antenna, and a science probe around Duna with a non-relay antenna. When Duna has line of sight to KSC, the science probe can relay through the Duna relay probe straight to KSC. But when Duna does not have LOS to KSC, the relay fails. I expected that the Duna relay should be able to connect to the relays around Kerbin, then down to KSC. But that's not the case. I can only connect when KSC has LOS to Duna. Suggestions? Here is the comm net when KSC is facing Duna. You can see the link headed out to Duna at the top Now, when KSC is not facing Duna, there should be a link from one of the Kerbin relays but there isn't. Here is the relay sat used at Kerbin and at Duna. It has a RA-15 antenna.
  11. Been playing 1.0.4 on career mode using MechJeb and a few other mods. All of the sudden, I don't get a DeltaV or Vessel info any more, in flight or in the VAB. Orbit module is also gone. Most other modules are still there. I did NOT install any new mods. I thought my persistent.sfs file was corrupt (we had a power outage recently), so I downloaded a fresh copy of KSP and MJ and overwrote the old directory. I started a new game in sandbox mode. Same symptoms. What could possibly be making MJ refuse to show DV module?
  12. Wings? We don need no stink'in wings. We jus need mo' rocket engines. Yeah. Call me biased, but wings and wheels won't get us to Jool!!!!
  13. Hey Trigger -- nice set of enhancements here. I'm lovin it. Question: You talk in the RepeatingFunctions post about how the Unity API is not thread-safe which is why you implemented coroutines. I'm working on a mod to organize screenshots in the background (move them to VesselName/LaunchTime folders) and also sync them automatically to Imgur and other sites such as Photobucket, Flickr, Facebook, and more. Since neither of these functions interact with Unity, would you suggest using your RepeatingFunctions, or should I just spawn a BackgroundWorker thread for my slow internet request/response processes? Thanks.
  14. Sorry to be such a Noob but I am new to mod development, can I ask a couple of quick questions.... - Since my mod classes get created and destroyed at various times (i.e. scene changes) how do I create variable that persist between the scene changes? - What are the main classes I should explore (using Visual Studio Object Browser) to learn how to interact with the game? - What is the best way to access the KSP filesystem -- using standard C# functions or some built-in functions? Thanks in advance,
  15. I'm not sure what you mean by "add the link for people who don't want to download stuff"....? If you want a spreadsheet, you have to download it -- otherwise you do not have the spreadsheet and cannot load it into Excel or OpenOffice. Unless you mean a link to a screenshot of it? I must be misunderstanding something...
  16. All that stuff's gonna need power. One point twenty-one Gigawatts, to be precise! Video showing deployment Great Scott! One point twenty-one Gigawatts!
  17. I felt the need for some on-surface construction capability! This uses sliding gantries to move left/right and forward/back. Good for lifting, moving, and connecting stuff. Maybe.
  18. Kerbals gotta have a place to live, right? Room for 48, plus a pool table in the Cupola
  19. I like Minmus for bases because there are nice flat frozen seas on which to build -- and the light gravity makes landing big things easy. So I decided to see if I could send a nice big base there in one launch. Well, technically it's just the core of a base, but it's BIG. Other sections will follow: housing, science, garage & rovers, and much, much more. Somehow, I managed to forget to take a screenshot of the landed base before I sent the condo complex, so the final shot includes the four stacks of hitchhiker modules that was sent AFTER the base, in a different launch. The other thing is that I cracked up the landing in a big way - the entire base tumbled several times but somehow it miraculously did not break anything. My horizontal speed was very high as I touched down, but by that point it was too late to try and fix it so I thought I'd just go ahead and land and watch it explode spectacularly -- but it survived instead! I thought that was so cool so I didn't bother re-doing the landing. And most importantly, I was recording it. The beginning is pretty cool, as the fairings open up and you see the base emerge and unfold. After that, jump ahead to the 7:15 minute mark where it "lands" and watch the fun. I will post the additional base modules as they arrive. Thanks for looking!
  20. How did I miss all that stuff? Thanks for pointing it out. I fixed them all, plus Moho which suffered from the same mistake as Gilly. However the thing about SplashedDown is somewhat confusing. SplashedDown is a state, whereas Water is a location. I think I heard somewhere that this gets complicated -- for example you can SplashDown just beyond the water edge then walk on shore and gain science from the Shores biome, as well as landing on the Shores and getting it in the normal way. Likewise, you can get the Grasslands biome by landing there, as well as SplashingDown in a stream or lake within the Grasslands biome, thus getting two sets of science from a single biome. But I'm not sure. If you or someone else can confirm this, I will update the spreadsheet. Thanks!
  21. I looked around for a way to do that and could not find a way. I don't think the forum allows it. Here is a post describing the allowed BBcode tags: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/misc.php?do=bbcode If you can find a way, let me know and I will do it. Otherwise, just download the file and enjoy!
  22. Thank you, that helped. Can you do me another favor and list the main classes I should explore to learn more about interacting with the game?
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