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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Ummmm..... You're welcome..... ?.... Good luck curating this....
  2. I really don't think it will matter, it will go sideways either way. I personally as a player could do without MP, but understand the public push for it. But I'll be really disappointed if they do release without having a solid game. I've been playing this game for long enough that an extra 6 months to a year wait for the sequel won't bother me at all. I haven't paid for a thing yet, they don't owe me anything yet, I'm not getting bent out of shape if they wait to make it right.
  3. We, the early adopters of the game, got the game at a really good price compared to it's MSRP today, although you can quite often find it for far less than I paid for it back in the day. At the time, the low price and the "free expansions" clause was something they were offering to attract customers (ie funding for development). Eventually, I'm guessing somebody in legal or bookkeeping went "Hey, guys....ummmm" and the free expansion clause was dropped. Now, fast forward a few years, and the first DLC dropped. Us who were promised at the time that future expansions would be free were really curious if Squad would honor their promise. For the vast majority of us that were eligible, it wasn't about the money, it was about a company that we supported early on when the game was in it's infancy, and we were seeing if they would return that support. And they did. And we loved them for that. Now, ~7 years later, and a new game is coming out. Made by a different company. The fan base is there, so they have no need to offer such discounts. Us who showed our support early on aren't needed again. The sales will be there, they don't need gimmicks to generate revenue. It's a different game, the previous clauses don't copy here.
  4. Again, shielding =/= Hull. The was a hole in columbia's shielding, not it's hull. That's why it failed. Thick hull = more mass = less dv available to you. Thin hull with appropriate lightweight shielding = less mass.
  5. As AHH asked, have you upgraded the Tracking Station to unlock that feature yet? Which would be odd considering the tech you have available to you.
  6. @ScrapIron, to avoid confusion, I have fixed your post so your text is not buried inside another user's quoted post.
  7. Why would a spaceship require a thick hull? It only has to hold in a single atmosphere, or even a fraction of that... A spacecraft might require shielding, and that might be thick, but shielding =/= hull. The reason subs have double hulls is that they require a place to store things that they want inside the vessel, but are not needed inside the crew areas, like ballast tanks and batteries.
  8. Or..... maybe not. There have already been some delays announced, it's very common for software release dates to get pushed back. When TTi/ST are ready to announce the official release date, they will. Till then, bated breath might be your best option.
  9. This is disagree with, there are numerous regions in the US that the climate is perfect for wineries. Napa valley in Cali is one of of them, and the South East side of the Great Lakes (Ohio, PA, NY) are filled with top notch wineries that annually give the European wines a run for their money. I suspect a temperate+ climate, with good breezes coming off a large body of water is one of the keys to this, but I'm just surmising given their locations.
  10. @Chciko,This Question has been split from the original thread, which dealt with pre-BG VTOL, and has been moved to Gameplay questions. Original thread:
  11. They've done this before, quickly realized their error, and won't be doing it again. Most games already do something like this, ie have a beta test and QA group pre-assigned for testing purposes. Those and some key partners (modders) and media people might get an early look at updates, but it won't be to the general public, especially the subset that has already played KSP1. Highly doubt this. There might be a more expensive collectors edition (no evidence of this, just a guess), but I don't think they'll be doing a give away to KSP 1 players at large.
  12. It's like asking why hasn't Kerbal Alarm Clock been implemented into stock, which happens to be maintained by one of the devs. Go through the list of mods written by the actual game devs, and you'll see quite a number of them, some of which really should be stock. SQUAD has their reasons, and those are reasons we'll never know.
  13. As mentioned, it sounds like your booster/tank has a probe core on it. Unless you intend on recovering the stage via mods, there is no real reason to have a probe core on it. Remove that from your build and the game will default to the shuttle as the main vessel and you have to even worry about the problem again.
  14. Moved to the Kerbal Network, as this is not about the game.
  15. Hey Sopheizhen, Welcome to the KSP forums! Kerbal Space Program doesn't have a stone crusher, nor another website. Are you sure you're on the right forum?
  16. Well, the Earth has completed yet another orbit of the sun, and that means it is time for the Thread of the Year for 2019! This year's winner is a great display of what it means to do something in the most Kerbal way possible, by using parts from the latest release from SQUAD, the Breaking Ground Expansion DLC, to do something crazy and stupendous. In this challenge, @ManEatingApe challenges us to fling a kerbal to the Island runway by any means possible that doesn't use an engine. There were lots of great entries, and @ManEatingApe did a great job officiating. Congratulations to @ManEatingApe for this thread and all who participated. Feel free to add the TOTY of the year badge your thread and your signature if you'd like. Special thanks to @adsii1970 for the badge, always great artwork.
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