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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. There's a lot to unpack with that statement. First off, make sure your CoM is behind your CoL, but only slightly. If it's right on top of it, the plane will turn too easily, making it very easy to lose control. If the CoM is ahead of the CoL, then technically your plane is traveling backwards, and will try to flip over. If you attempt to turn (yaw, A&D buttons), and it rolls, it sounds like you have one of your vertical stabilizers enabled for yaw, and it's giving offset forces, causing you to roll. Go through your tweakables (right click each item) and enable/disable each control surface to the intended behavior. It really sounds like this is a design issue and not a problem with the physics. I'd recommend searching through the Gameplay Questions subforum for similar threads on this, as many new players experience this.
  2. This is true for any vehicle in the real world. Every vehicle basically has a max cornering speed for a given turn radius. Exceed this speed, and the radial force applied to the CoM takes it outside the footprint of the vehicle.... and you roll. You can't expect otherwise in the game.
  3. Be careful with the motors on exercise equipment, they're designed (the good ones are) are designed to dish out a lot more oomph than you'd think. There's a reason these types of motors are used for building robots and go carts. I don't know the mechanics of your machine, but just imagine how much force your legs can exert, and the motor has to be able to counter that force, and then a not insignificant margin of error on top of that. Most machines I've looked at are direct drive, usually there's not a gear box involved, so the motors are usually quite hefty. I've always had good success on the arduino.cc forums, but as @Shpaget mentioned, you can get some weird answers. But if your arduino skills are lacking (or Nill), I would recommend getting the Arduino for Dummies book, and a good starter kit. And practice those soldering skills. You might find this rabbit hole is a lot deeper than you think though. Those are custom built micro controllers already in place in the machine. Trying to swap out a single component might lead you to swapping out multiple components. If it ain't broke don't fix it. If it is broke, then possibly swapping out the knobs or switches would be the way to go, as even the very light duty ones end up being rated a lot higher than you really need (but make sure you check!), just due to the size of the human finger. You might find your quest to 'modernize' your machine might cost you more than a new modern would be. I think step one should be designing a really good mount for a tablet, and then get it working, even if it is just for streaming video for now. Making an elegant and functional mount in itself can be a good project. It's a really good way to get into 3d printing, woodworking, or metal working, depending on the route you go.
  4. Due to the slowdown caused by the pandemic, we've been slow at work (I'm a machinist making parts for aerospace, infrastructure, and the DoD). Luckily the owner of the company has been very cool about it, having half the crew work last week, and the other half the previous week. This week we're doing half days, 6-12 and 12-6. I come in today at 12 (doing half days is really weird, I haven't worked a shift this short in decades). I go over to my personal toolbox, a nice shiny tower box with lots of cabinets and drawers, and find the old man who barely speaks English (This is a very ethnic shop, lots of Eastern Europeans, most of them very very cool people, this guy is.... well not one of them), has been using the top of my tool box as a cutting board for his lemons. That's right, he's been cutting up lemons, with a not overly sharp knife, on top of my nicely painted tool box. Without a cutting board. The lemon juice and pulp was all over the top of the box, a lot of it had run down into the lid and top couple drawers. Luckily, none of it got on my precision gauges (They're probably worth $2k for the gauges alone, let alone the rest of the tools I keep in there), but I still had to spend 20 minutes scrubbing the box down to get all the sticky off. Then when it dried off, I see the knife has scratched through the paint deep enough to reach the underlying steel....... and citric acid has been sitting on the top of that for who knows how long. Had a few choice words for him, which feigned to not understand. To top it off, the piano hinge that holds the lid on is captive, meaning I can't easily remove the lid to buff it down and re-paint it, I'll have to take the whole top half of the box home and tape the hell out of the thing. Yeah, it's a tool box, it's meant to get used and abused, but only within the normal aspects of the job. Just a reminder kids, personal tools and boxes in a shop setting are off limits to anybody that doesn't have specific permission to use them. Even if I'm only borrowing a pen from a coworker's box, I make sure I tell them immediately I did so, and return it promptly. No personal tool, unless specifically said so by the owner, is ever open for general shop use. And you never negligently use a personal tool.
  5. You could start with explaining what is going on, all you have basically said is "Something is not right". We have no idea what you mean. An explanation and or pics of the issue would help. Also:
  6. Let's start with this: If you'd like help with a problem, let's take a look at what you have going on. There might be something buggy going on with your install, and not with the game itself. But if you link a log file we can take a look and see. Secondly, if you are unable to acquire older versions of KSP that had a different atmospheric model through your legal retailer, then we will be unable to help you, as sharing game assets is not allowed. There are a number of mods that already alter the physics model of the game. Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not use a mod, some of which have almost a decade of development?
  7. We have quite a few mods that predate stock features, that once implemented in the stock game, have made the mod "obsolete". But either through sheer stubbornness, or just a passion for their mod, the mod authors have continued to maintain their mod, usually making it better than the stock feature. Let's not jump to any conclusions on what will be deprecated or not.
  8. As this isn't about KSP, it has been moved to the lounge.
  9. This might answer some of your questions: But using a mod specifically released for 1.9 (or any version) in a different version of the game will have mixed results. Some mods will work fine, others will die a horrible death. The like above will show you how to find mods for your specific version of the game you are running. If you try to install mismatched versions of mods, do it one at a time, not in bulk, and try the mod out before committing to another one.
  10. Isn't there a firespitter core that usually comes bundled with mods that only includes the functionality, but not the parts? Usually it's not something I deal with on the user side, as the mod author or CKAN usually handles the dependencies.
  11. This suggestion has been moved to the suggestion forum.
  12. What about it? My path took me through sandbox first till I learned the fundamentals. But that was before the tutorials were part of the game. Play those, or just mess around till you learn how to launch to orbit: Go Up, Go Right, Go Fast. While those steps can be taken individually, it's best done in some combination :D. Check the tutorials sub forum for a lot more detail than you will get here in a single thread.
  13. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/21-the-spacecraft-exchange/
  14. Sorry, but we can't allow people to start a new thread if they don't like the way a conversation is going. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  15. There's a lot of those out there. There are many many ways to skin a cat, and that's why you don't see any cat's in the game, they're all in hiding. Take a look at our Spacecraft Exchange subforum for a plethora of designs that might interest you. Now if you're more interested in the video than the design of the spacecraft, somebody might possibly recognize the video, but you might be better off digging through your YT history.
  16. Moved to Gameplay Questions In the stock game it is not possible to use the editor outside the VAB/SPH. However there are mods that will make the hangars bigger so you can build bigger craft (Hangar Extender? I forget the exact name, somebody will link it). Now, if you use docking ports, you can manually assemble craft wherever in the Universe you'd like.
  17. You already have a file called "sourcecode". Just use that.
  18. This suggestion has been moved to the Suggestions forum, where the discussion can continue :D.
  19. Welcome aboard! I'm moving your post over to Gameplay Questions, and check your link, it doesn't seem to work.
  20. I saw the source in the download, it is not necessary to host it there, the separate link you have on github will do fine (once you add it ). Including the source in the main zip file for the mod will just add size to the download (a problem for those on metered connections) and might cause some confusion for those trying to install it. (Sorry for the delay, I never got the ping in your edit).
  21. If you use CKAN, you can set the compatibility filter, allowing you to search by version. So if you know of a modern mod that you'd like to try, you can search that way for ones that might work in 1.3.1 Otherwise, this might help:
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