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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. I'm a little confused as to what's going on here, but if you look at the bottom right corner of the main menu, it will show you the version you are actually running (not the version you think you are running). If your OS and KSP are both 64 bit, then you shouldn't bee running out of RAM at 3.5gb.
  2. Just a point of order........ You're not trying to land with the booster still attached, correct? Just asking... cause, that would be the problem.... Fly your complex booster higher upon launch, get to orbit, and then try to land. See if you are still having issues after the booster leaves physics range. This statement is getting my attention, leading me to believe there is a design issue going on here. A simple booster or transfer stage should be able to get you about anywhere. Simple to me means only a few parts, regardless of big they are. The design of the booster stage should have no affect at all upon the lander stage. The booster should not be in range at the time. As mentioned, pics would really help.
  3. See, that's the thing. They say saves are upgradeable, but having started back in the aught teen versions, where saves were not compatible, I'm stuck in this mindest that I can't upgrade my KSP version. But the mod list.... they just won't play the same, the parts won't be identical. No No, that just won't do.
  4. Chronologically maybe.... but as a reader who has never picked up a book, plot wise, the wrong book wouldn't make sense to me. Where should I start?
  5. I'm assuming it would just look like a target with KSP at the bullseye.
  6. True, but between that and spacedock, it's the best way I've found to search for a mod, seeing as there really isn't another choice....
  7. Well, then post some log files, and we'll take a look.
  8. Sorry...... It's not my fault you are trying to infect my computer with spy ware. Little do you know.... I have blue tape over my webcam...
  9. But you don't have a link in your sig triggering people's (my) malware alerts.....
  10. Better yet @4x4cheesecake, put the chutes for the stages that will be recovered, higher up on the staging list. Once the stage is fired off, SR doesn't really care if they have actually opened or not, it just assumes that since they will theoretically allow for a safe landing, they will. And the chutes will disappear from the list when the stage is released. I don't know about stages that would land while still in physics range, but anything that gets staged that soon (on a rocket at least) may not be worth recovering, or even dealing with the added weight of chutes....
  11. I've found some mods pedia entry end up as the first entry to be shown. If you wait long enough, the first page should load. Mine takes about 15 seconds to load, and then it's the Mk2 Expansion page.
  12. Switching vessels also helps. I went Skiing on Minmus the other night:
  13. This doesn't work in 1.3.1. I have a ship that has a docking port in front of a heatshield, upon reentry I keep the SAS set to retrograde. When that docking port explodes, it temporarily focus on the explosion, fixed in space, then jumps back to the vessel. The SAS has reset to stability assist. If I don't catch it, bad things can happen as retrograde is soon no longer in line with the ships attitude.
  14. The Lights Off mod is supposed to do this, but apparently it's a WIP at the moment.
  15. Take this away, and it removes an element of immersion for me. I can get behind this. Maybe a Kerbal Academy (DLC thoughts coming to mind), where you start off with a naked lvl 0 kerbal, and have to pick skills for them based on XP earned. You can spend all your XP on one path say piloting, or spread it around, so some Kerbals can do very specific things really well and others can do a few things, but just ok. Like a Kerbal who can pilot and repair rover wheels, rover specialist.
  16. Hey! Welcome back! games are supposed to be fun, don't let anybody or anything spoil that. If you start not having fun, make the changes needed.
  17. The vast majority of major game play changes happened back in the alpha and beta days. Now, when we get improvements, they are of the minor variety. The DLC is a major update though, with a new parts pack and other stuff. Most of the 1.4 update was to allow the DLC to work. I'll be joining you shortly (1.4), as soon as I finally get to Duna, and maybe Jool, and perhaps Eve, in this current save.... So sometime in August.
  18. We should move this to the Kinda Science & Maybe Flight sub forum.... God this thread is great. Hilarious. And joyfully civil.
  19. Also consider pontoons. Same idea, but on water. Think a long flat, but moving, river. The water creates drag on the pontoons, but the engines have enough power to overcome that drag, accelerate to take off speed, and lift off. This is identical to a plane on a treadmill, but with more drag applied.
  20. KCT? Hit the R key. You might have switched symmetry modes from radial to.... whatever the default in the SPH is. R lets you toggle between them (I think it's R).
  21. Still waiting for the OP to say what takes 500 years ingame....
  22. I was like... oh oh oh... I think he may come around here..... Oh yeah, he's almost there!!! We'll see the light bulb click on any second now.... Nope... we've lost him. (All in good fun Dal!) Meanwhile: But this is so enjoyable....
  23. Not always legs. I have a 40 passenger space bus for getting tourists to my hotel and back. It has something like 20 some parachutes on it. But because it is long and thin, it's more tipsy on the ground than a college freshman on saint patrick's day. I considered adding legs, but the size and weight of what was required didn't fit very well, especially because I only have like a 40 dV margin of error already. Also, legs don't do crap for a tippy craft on a water landing, and water can just as easily cause damage. As soon as the craft hits the water and the overall velocity is 0, the chutes disappear, the craft tips over, and blam/splash, dead kerbals. So, I took some of the chutes, and placed them along the 'spine' of the bus. That way, when fully deployed, the craft is actually at an angle. So when it lands, the nose of the craft never stops falling. The chutes lower on the craft disappear, but the nose chutes stay deployed all the way down. I can't find where I wrote that, but I vaguely remember saying that. I believe I was saying that adding two more chutes to account for the extra weight of the dish and legs, the same gains would be had for for removing the dish and legs and only adding 1 chute. The ion engines Can do a mun landing (I think), it just needs to be a super light craft. I'm not sure if a manned mission on a single ion engine is possible. Multiple Ion engines would probably do it, but then the power requirements to do so start to add up. Look up some of the threads, tutorials, and wiki articles on ISRU. There are many ways to refuel your tanks during a mission in KSP.
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