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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Usually no. And these are for the rescue contracts, so the target is one part, a control pod or a passenger module, with no ports. And while this works, it is a bad habit to get into, once you start having to dock with large cumbersome stations, rotating that station may not be a viable option. A very good idea, especially if the contract does not require recovery of the target craft. Just get close and EVA over to the rescue vehicle. In this scenario, you don't even need a Klaw. But some contracts do require the recovery of the target module, so prepare for a return vehicle that is not really as aerodynamic as you want, the inflatable heatshield comes in handy here.
  2. Hmmmm...... Ok I got ya. The book is a good read if your up for it. I can seem them remaking it closer to the original text.
  3. I see your new over there. Well welcome aboard there. We actually have a KSP thread in the general games section. Started back in mid '12, so there's a lot of history to see in it.
  4. So an epic story about removing bugs from the brain.... Hmmmm.... Cmon guys... this is an easy one....
  5. Found it Edit: Nope not it. Similar topic, but he discusses the Coriolis effect on these stations in the one I'm looking for....
  6. I'll just bump and quote this again, in case some of you missed the significance of it. This exhibit puts a plane.... on a treadmill..... and it flies...... It's not a simulation or a video. It's an actual tethered airplane, powered by a prop engine, on a circular treadmill. It flies.....
  7. What 5HM said, plus a mid course correction, if you leave at the right window to start with, is not very expensive at all. That's why you do them mid course, and not at the end, for the fuel savings.
  8. Apparently I'm doing it wrong by the book, per @bewing, but if it works, it's not wrong :D. I get a simple little rescue craft, either the mk1 or mk1-2 pod, slap a claw on top, heatshield, decoupler, fueltank, engine on bottom, Rcs balanced around, some rcs fuel, and the rest of the neccesities as needed. I get that within a couple hundred meters, or closer if that's where my rendezvous ends up, zero my velocities, aim at the target, using RCS get to +3.5 m/s, and use the translation rcs to adjust as needed per the navball. Wham, capture 95%+ of the time. Transfer kerbal, release hulk (if allowed), return, profit. If you can dock, then you can capture. It's the same thing, just easier IMO, as you don't have to line up square and flush with your target first. Yup it will go off spinning on the rare occasion, but if it does, a quick time warp will zero the target's rotation. Zero your velocity again, and start from the top. Like LGG said, this is kinda a basic ship you should be able to build in your sleep. Getting one of these to fly right is the foundation of almost every other ship you will build.
  9. Just a note to those who are using google, If you are searching for SETI on the KSP forums, use "SETI site:forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com" to restrict your search to only the KSP forums. I know some forum software that uses that by default for in house searches, as ya know, google kinda perfected the search engine thingy.
  10. Gargamel

    I'm bored

    Thread title is I'm bored, and you're asking why somebody is singing Iggy Pop? Geesh.. kids these days! Or, they lead to firetrucks and a very timid call to mom at 4am to ask for bail money.
  11. Waaaaaa.....? That's a type VII Sturm my avatar is peering from.... It's a Torplexed special drawing. I just starting using Gargamel as a callsign/handle in the early 90's when I was gaming online, it just stuck. It's getting harder to use it in new games though, it's fairly common.
  12. Gargamel

    I'm bored

    Easy. Take a break from KSP. Go do something else. Go learn a new skill. Like welding. Welding is fun. And when the bug to get back into KSP starts to bite again, play till it gets boring again.
  13. Hey, I remember seeing this exhibit at a museum before. Yeah, it basically proves you can take off from a treadmill. When the engine is off, the treadmill is going pretty fast, and the plane is going backwards. Then you start the engine, the planes gathers forward speed and eventually takes off.
  14. Missed this the first time you posted it GD, grats man! I just can't wait for the first time you get to play KSP on a PC, "OH MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF MODS!" Couple notes, and I'm not sure hwo the PC answers will translate to console, but here goes: There is a physics time warp (upto x4), but not sure how to activate it on console. I'd say hit random button combinations of the default warp, but save first :D. There's a mod that..... oh sorry, nevermind. I think it was just translation errors from Spanish (Squad is based out of Mexico IIRC), and they just never fixed them. Depending on the strategy you select, you can alter how the game plays somewhat. Early on I like to trade a bit of rep for funds and science, later in the game, I trade most if not all of my science for rep. Yes, KAC should be in stock. But till then, there a couple transfer window planning websites (Check the add-on utilities sub sub forum) that can help you. This is assuming the stock console game has the same planetary alignment on day 0 as the PC does.... But most of your suggestion, while console specific, are also needs the stock game needs overall. Good post.
  15. Second time in 48 hours I could reference the Tacoma Narrows here.... *started changing the Humpty dance lyrics to become the Kraken dance, but I gave up*
  16. I'm playing 1.3.1, and they completed just fine.
  17. Which means, I'm assuming, that on rail crafts/debris above this mark will continue to orbit, and things under it will get destroyed? I only ask because I had never figured out exactly where the cutoff was for de-orbiting stuff that I wanted to get rid of. I've had stages and probes not burn up like I wanted them too until I focused on them and went for the ride. On the same note, Stagerecovery will recover controllable craft (I don't know about manned, to scared to try) that you send back to Kerbin, as long as it meets the safe recovery criteria.
  18. LOL. nice (and the phrase is Just in case ;))
  19. [snip] Assuming the OP is of the younger crowd, $100 is a lot of money to most of them, heck it can be a lot of money to me. But I base my money on the amount of time it takes to earn that amount, be it my hourly wage job, or doing custom woodworking projects for clients. At that age I remember earning money per task completed (ie mowing the lawn, or shoveling the sidewalk), regardless of how long it took. Heck I could make a lawn mowing last 2-3 days. Perspective is everything. Trying to help others shift their paradigms to see new viewpoints (in life or KSP rocket design) should be our goal.
  20. Ya know... I think I'd sprinkle a few of them on my drive home. Mostly a rural drive, it's an hour long, at 0230 in the morning, along long straight roads. The deer that run out in front of me on a nightly basis is getting ridiculous... those herds need culled a bit.
  21. That recent horrible Superman movie.
  22. Wait till you have to work and pay bills..... Ok you got me, not familiar with that nomenclature. All I got was a Tallahassee ENT pediatric clinic. I figure those kids have enough problems to not add screaming because of and trying to breathe hard while running from a T-rex..... EDIT: AHAHAHA... figured it out. Nah, he'd probably end up the sole survivor, and would use that to increase his popularity and for propaganda, after painting a bad picture of it.
  23. I had a major update a couple days ago, none pending now, but aside from a couple more notification popups, nothing has changed for me. If you have a build similar to ones that are having issues, then not updating may be a solution till the update is patched.
  24. @DAL59, hows about a link that describes this?
  25. Manley did a great video on this a bit ago (within the past year?). He was specifically looking at the asteroids being spun up for 1g effects, but he also looked at smaller wheels too. I believe his conclusions were that the Coriolis effect would be too strong to overcome getting severely nauseous.
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