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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Mod list would help. While you might not have changed any of your mods, the behavior of a mod could change. You also need to define what you mean by not working? The most likely cause is a design flaw in your rocket (as is usually the cause for asparagus staging problems). Do you have fuel flow priorities set? Is crossfeed disabled (or enabled, per design requirements) as needed? And finally is your staging set correctly? Looking at the pics, I have no idea what's going on with all those inline decouplers, but those really don't matter (I think). I see 1 set of 4 SRB boosters, and 2 sets of 2 LFO Asparagus boosters, yet I only see 2 sets of 4 Radial Decouplers in the staging tree. Based on what I think your intended fuel flow is (fuel lines are notoriously hard to read), you need to separate those 4 LFO decouplers into 2 stacks of 2. As your staging is currently set, it seems when you fire off the radial decouplers, all the LFO boosters will separate, and not just the outer 2. If you are using an autostaging auto pilot, it will not fire the stage until all the fuel is drained from both sets of LFO boosters, which means you will end up carrying dead weight with you. Either that, or you intend to carry spent SRB boosters to orbit.
  2. Especially in swamps. You asked about bi plane space planes (in particular mentioning IRL, which I'm still waiting for some examples, I'd love to see some! (not being 'mean' here, I'm genuinely curious)), the conversation was assumed to pertain to KSP bi plane space planes, and the argument was mentioned they don't look cool. Which was countered by multiple examples of cool looking biplane space planes. What the OP asks for, and where the thread goes, don't often have the same path.
  3. I think this is the camp I fall into. While I would like to see dynamic scenery from the VAB, and perhaps the ability requested in the OP, as per my usual, I'd rather see the dev workn on higher priority stuff rather than this. If they get to it, cool, if they don't, cool.
  4. I believe you also copied a version of the EULA into a old thread about a older different version of the EULA, while we already have a thread about the current EULA (That was a february/march revision correct?), which, I might be mistaken, is a totally different version of the EULA than the one in this thread or the one you copied. Not confusing at all.
  5. Yes. Stop ruining my fun @kerbiloid
  6. I hate the dang things, I'm always dropping parts onto the interstage nodes, rather than the 'root' node. I disabled them a awhile ago, but I'll keep this in my back pocket just in case. Aside from aesthetics, why would you add fairings to each probe to be launched? That will only add mass and reduce your dv. And increase the chances of the fairings taking out something important (I have a habit of building my fairings too close to solar panels....). So I'm curious.... Nope, I see it now. I've been doing comm net deployments all wrong now....
  7. Which is odd, cause as long as I can remember, I have always used backspace as my abort, and I don't remap, I just use the default. Granted, I just learned about the tilde thing a few months ago (there's always something)......
  8. I remember hearing about the TARDIS before, but it's from a MOD IIRC. This may be the oddest line/link I've seen in a forum post in a long time.
  9. Well, along with a couple other posts today, there's the first member to make my ignore list. (And I reread the rules to make sure that comment wasn't breaking them, while realizing this thread could be violating one of them, but I say that without intending to violate 3.2, just an observation, not a complaint )
  10. With the near future mod, I've been using a lot of mono prop only vessels. The small effeciency loss is outweighed by the simplicity.
  11. Well, if we're talking about the moon or some such body, you'd have to transport those chemicals there, so you'd want to refine and recover as much as them as possible, as we all know it would (most likely) be far cheaper to recycle than ship new ones up there. And any excess that can't be recovered, could possibly be shot out of a large hose into space. The lack of atmosphere and low gravity might make this a feasible process.
  12. What's a short space craft to you? What's deep throttle? Solved within the sentence before the question. Reduce the gimbal range on the the engine. Or, fuss with the PiD settings.
  13. I know I've had a couple, but it took me a second you weren't refering to a Dexter / Groundhog Day crossover..... And that doesn't even make sense, but it's funny to me. Ohhhh... not that type of organ.
  14. Ehhhh.... it's not Finding Nemo is it?
  15. Diggin this, good read so far. Brings me back to my 'soul sucking rpg' game days.
  16. I'm more likely to like a post that offers that craft on kerbalX, without having me prostrate myself before the poster. This is more like how the commercial side of social media works. We don't need nor want that here.
  17. There are free sites, usually found by googling ten minute mail, that literally set those up, email addresses that are valid for only ten minutes. They are specifically designed for this type of scenario, where you don't want to provide a real email, but need to click on a confirmation link. For those who are paranoid enough (I do use them from time to time), I would suggest using that to change your email until the legal team gets back to us. Do note though, once that address has expired, you cannot regain access to it, so if you lose your password or something that requires the forums to send another confirmation link later, you're SOL. It's also very easy to setup a gmail account that contains no personal info at all, with no connections to your real identity (set it up from an anonymous public computer if you're really paranoid about them connecting the dots), that you will will always have access to. I'm pretty sure this forum account is setup using my semi-anonymous gaming email.
  18. I think @dundun92, perhaps @dundun93, released a WWII BDA weapons pack. I dunno if it's 1.2 compatible though.
  19. I use automation mods for almost everything. Once I've established that my minmus mining lander can easily land, mine and return to the station, I never go back. I just use HyperEdit to top off the tanks. I use MJ to automate my launches, rendezvous, docking, and a good portion of the landings. Landings, it depends on how the ground looks when I get close, I might have to take over and side slip for a bit to get a better spot.
  20. I've always had the policy that I can evacuate a station at any time. I toyed with escape pods, but I've just found it easier to keep the transfer vehicle docked until it was time to go home. I've found that keeping a tug docked on your station really doesn't add much benefit. I'm all for tugs, I just usually launch them each time. First, part count. There's another 20 parts or so to lower your FPS (and for me, that's an issue). And while a launched tug vs docked will incur the same part count penalty during construction, once the station is built, fewer parts is a good thing. Then there's the dv requirements of getting a module to anywhere other than LKO. If you're going to send a payload with a transfer vehicle to the Mun, the additional RCS required to make it dockable is tiny compared to the rest of the craft, so might as well send up the whole tug. And for cost, I recover all my stages from the Tug Launcher, and the Tug itself, so there is little cost incurred to me. And since most non-LKO stations are also refueling depots, I can top off the tug with just enough to get home. I could, however, see a use for a LKO docked Tug, as it could keep launch costs down. It's just easier to launch direct to rendezvous, or do one transfer burn, instead of a few. For me at least. That's clearly a play style decision (which includes the part count consideration), and not a math one. But an LKO Tug would require refueling, and there's an extra launch, so I guess it might balance out. But then, there is always the issue whether a payload can be docked from the tug side. Some modules will not end with a docking port, but something like a cupola or such. It is very difficult, near impossible in some scenarios, to go fetch that module and easily dock it to the station. if you launch with the payload already attached to the tug, then you don't have to worry about it. I believe you get more fuel from Ore per ton than launching fuel itself (citation needed).
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