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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Edjumacate me a little here then. How much of an Oberth penalty could there be for say a fully fueled ship at 2.5k km vs 100 km? I would have to imagine the Oberth losses are really offset by the lack of needing to climb out of the gravity well. If I can reduce the burn by 300-600 dV by starting higher (everything else being equal), why wouldn't I want to do that? Of course, there are dV penalties and logistical issues involved in starting higher, but once you have worked out the logistics of setting up a high altitude refueling depot, it's really not that big of a deal. Especially when you are considering the amount of fuel consumed getting a small shuttle up to your mothership, vs the amount of fuel the mother ship would have to burn to climb back up out of the hole. Sure, they're both burning 300 dV or so, but the shuttle only uses one little tank.
  2. I have the same issue in 1.3.1 on my rovers too. Those seem to be made of glass..... oh wait..... errr... really fragile glass. I just got rid of them and took the hit on part count and replaced them with singles.
  3. Moho will work. My mother ships are nuclear powered, 4 nuc reactors each putting out 6k EC/sec, but the 3 engines draw 8200 EC/sec each, so I go heavy on the batteries too. The design of the ship pretty much means I only get 20-30% solar panel exposure in most orientations, and with the centrifuge also blocking the panels at times, it jumps all over the place. But when I'm not burning the engines, the ship can operate on just solar power, but only if it's pointing at the sun. So moho should work fine (why didn't I think of that!).
  4. Under powered thrust, crashed into the launch tower.
  5. Try EVa'ing, then switch ships ( [ or ] ). They might just be invisible, which might be even weirder. If you recover that vessel, or just go back to the KSC, does the kerbal still exist in the astronaut center? Are they viewable in the tracking station?
  6. Fir Science works well with the mod that makes trees solid. Sorry, couldn't resist running with that typo. FS works well with the science modules in https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/170211-142-stockalike-station-parts-redux-april-10/ But they're not small parts, I think most of them are 3.75m and a couple 2.5m
  7. Unless said Kerbal is putting out several bazillion lumens of light, it won't help me charge my panels.
  8. Take the reins and run! Make a thread, take suggestions, establish the community standard, ask modders to tag their threads.
  9. Wait, is this why I can't target the Sun from anywhere? The parent SOI is untargetable? Hmmm.... that explains alot, thought I was just derping it up.
  10. Learn the MN, fly the MN, Love the MN. or is that the Navball?? Gotta learn em, gotta be at least comfortable with them. There's stuff MJ won't do. And it does have an undo button, it's called delete. Sometimes it's just easier to start over with a MN and apply what you learned messing around with the first one to make it cleaner. There's mods that allow for better use of the MN gui, but I don't use them, but someday I will.
  11. I like to put my interplanetary missions in a much higher orbit, 500k-1500km. I've placed big asteroids there too for fueling stations. But I'll get the ship fueled up, and then park it in those high orbits, so they are already a ways out of the gravity well. The only fuel 'penalty' comes when I launch the small shuttle vehicle to rendezvous with the mother ship. But I really don't care about a few extra drops of fuel for getting the 10 ton shuttle to a high orbit vs bringing that 850t mother down into LKO. Right now, due to a contract, my BFFR (Big flying fuel rock) is around the Mun, so I fuel up there, and then drop back down, but with my mother ships carrying > 15k dv, I can stand to lose a little. But with a TWR of 1, I'd be happy at 80km and a full tank of gas. It's when the TWR's get low (my mother ships are around .25-.4 depending on cargo and fuel load) that I want some elbow room to complete the burns. I have also done my refueling stop around minmus, and then boosted to an orbit above that to await the window. While you may lose a bit of perfect window Dv waiting for the ship to come around it's orbit to it's node, you save about 1k dv in just getting that far out of the gravity well.
  12. No Never Nope Nada Nyet! I would much rather the devs spend time on working on gameplay mechanics that is not accessible to the modding community and making those improvements to the stock game. I do think a couple mods should be included in Stock though. KAC and @HebaruSan's version of a stock dv readout. But thtat would not be aimed at the PC player, it would be for those poor console players (BUY A PC ALREADY! @GrouchyDevotee ;D) who have no access to mods, and those two are fundamental to a lot of players' games. Without the console market, I see little reason for pushing for Squad to incorporate any mod into stock. They did that a bit back in the alpha days, but those were "Hey, we were going to do that anyways" things, or things that they did do, and mods removed, such as the launch tower.
  13. It was a joke. I love my MJ, and would have to relearn a couple things if it was taken away.
  14. But, as I know you know, there is no such thing as a SOI in n-body physics, ie the real world. Small things tend to clump together. But given the small masses of the mines, and the amount of force the tiny gravity the would have, then something like a simple laser might have enough force to repel them from each other. Solar panels to power them (missed the OP on this, so I'm not totally sure where we're talking), and if you put up enough of them, they would act like a net, with the laser acting as triggers.
  15. Is this the preferred editor for KSp/Unity/Allthat? Or will my install of VS '15(ish) work? I'm just a hack, but I do have a couple mods in mind, but my coding experience is limited to arduino and some simple win apps (background number crunching stuff mainly). How hard is the coding learning curve for unity/ksp? *sorry for the thread highjack, but I think the answers will help the OP too*
  16. Probably because we had SpacePort. I believe that was run by Squad too. But they shut that down and ended up with a commercial deal with Curse, as in Curse would be named the official mod hosting site for KSP, and Curse might (supposition on my part) have paid Squad a small fee to do so. The ad revenue generated by the extra hits would drive the profit from the deal for Curse, and Squad would no longer have to maintain what turned out to be a fairly broken mod hosting site. Curse, IIRC, also made some promises about a mod client like Ckan, but it never came about. Until that deal expires, then we are stuck with curse. So in the mean time, we end up with community driven assets like Ckan and SpaceDock. (Kudos to both those teams!). I don't think the SpaceDock team would be opposed to some official recognition by Squad, and perhaps some logistics support, as I know they need it. But as to the OP, the only solution we have is the tags. Moving and reorganizing all those threads is a helluva lot of work, and the forum software really isn't cut out for that sort of organization. If a modder places their mod in forum X, but it could actually apply to A & B also, then people are going to miss it in the searches, which already wonky enough as they are. If we would come together and work out a community defined tag list, and the modders can voluntarily add those tags to their threads if they wish, then there is a chance of this working, but I don't see it happening unless one or more in the community get the ball rolling to create the standard. Until then, the best place to search for a mod by name is CKAN, and by type is Spacedock, as they both are the largest compendium of mods and they link back to the forum thread.
  17. Yes, they may be the most restrictive of one design big boat classes out there (Correction: they are currently sailing the VOR65 class). Which sounds bad, but think like NASCAR (but with actual skill involved *dons flame suit*). Each Hull is made by one manufacturer, and purchased by each team. Same with the masts. And I believe they are issued 2 sets of sails by the race committee, so they are all identical (aside from the logos and such). So every boat is pretty much identical, it's down to the crew to make the difference. The skipper has to sail the right heading to maintain speed, the crew has to trim the sails to maximize that speed, the navigator has to forecast the weather so they can take the right route, etc etc. And when you are going around the world, all that makes a huge difference. As I said, the winning margin was minuscule a couple years ago. Which is amazing when you consider the difference between last and first was a couple days. I used to race the FJ class, an Olympic trainer, and while it was one design, it wasn't that tightly enforced, so there was some difference between each boat, but not much. The class I currently race is a Soling 1m (Radio controlled 1m boat, as I don't have time nor funds to do full sized boats). These boats are built from a kit by a single company (which of late has been causing supply issues), and there are very specific standards that must be met to be a legal boat. But anything that isn't stipulated in the rules, is open for adaption. The kit comes with a bunch of wood blocks that make up the structure inside the hull. I redesigned the interior and 3d printed it, getting something like a 60% reduction in weight inside the hull. Which is huge, because the boats have a minimum weight limit they must hit (fully rigged for racing), so that meant I was able to add more weight to the keel, which increases the righting force, which allows my sails to stay more upright in the wind, giving me more power, and allowing me to point a bit more into the wind, which can shave a few boat lengths off the total distance traveled. So yeah, One design racing is awesome. Check out their Youtube channel. Each boat has a dedicated cameraman on board, and they all have satellite uplinks, so you can get almost realtime tracking and video of the races. Plus all the cameramen all have drones, so you get those soaring beauty shots of the race in open ocean, not normally doable as they are outside of helicopter range.
  18. Just as a point of order, I would argue that ballast is adjustable. Either through moving it through the ship, or dropping it completely from the tanks (Think the Trieste dumping the lead shot to resurface). Otherwise, it's just part of the keel. (Sorry for being a nit) Modern racing sailing yachts use a keel and ballast both. The Volvo Open Race boats (The VOR60) uses a canting Keel, seen here underneath the boat. It is actually on a pivot that allows the mass of the keel to be offset by something like 30 degrees off center, increasing the moment of righting: In this photo (and visible in the above photo, but easier to see here) the crew has piled most of the spare sails onto gunwales of the deck, in order to help offset the mass. The crew shuttles the water tanks to the high side, and they off duty crew all (try to) sleep on the high side also. Sorry, I just love the Volvo Ocean Race, and I'm a sailing racing nut when I can be. If anybody's curious, the VOR is a ~7 month long round the world race. They are in their final legs now, and last time the finish was only a few minutes apart IIRC. That's the beauty of one design boats.
  19. That typo made me read the rest of your post in the voice of Sean Connery.
  20. Not really a big deal, just kidding around, but if a mod happens to wander by and see it, they might move it, but it's not really worth reporting. I'd start by pulling the visual mods you have, and then adding them back individually. When you find it, leave that one in, and pull the rest, see if it still happens. If it doesn't, then add them back in one at at time and wait for the conflict. Then decide which one you can do without. I don't use any of the visual mods, but I can imagine some of them don't play nice together. Better yet, check the various threads for those mods and see if any incompatibilities have been reported.
  21. I remember seeing an analog gauge mod in the past, and after digging, I found it: This seems to be a great mod, but I would like the ability to select various readouts from a variety of parts, as displayed in the right click box (RCB), and then have them displayed in gauges like these. I'd be happy with this mod being dependent on NanoGauges being installed, as the gauges themselves are beautiful, and just adding the ability add custom gauges. For example: I have a NearFuture radiator that I like to keep an eye on during my burns. It displays a "Cooling %" readout in the rcb. If there was an option to grab that readout value, and apply it to a standalone gauge, that'd be great. Since every part is different, and mods introduce new parts all the time, without consulting every other mod out there, this mod would have to rely on the data given by the rcb, and not the part itself (I'd imagine). That way we could add generic gauges for any data readout the game provides. While the mod might be able to figure out what values to give the gauge limits automatically, it would probably be necessary to include an editor. So if we choose a % read out, we could have it show 0-100, or 50-75, or 0-120. And the option to pick color bands, ie a 0-120 readout could be green 0-90, yellow 90-100, and red >100. Same with something like solar panel output, instead of a %, we could pick a range of values. And also a logarithmic gauge too, with editable value range, for... oh dunno why, but it seems like a good idea (the stock VS speed indicator is logarithmic if you need an example). And of course, the gauges and their options would be remembered with that ship, so loading that ship would instantly display the custom gauges, or at least require a toggle switch, without having to go through and set them up again. And to be honest, they don't have to be these nifty analog gauges, they could be a simple digital readout. All I want is the ability to look at a few select bits of data from a select number of parts, without cluttering up the screen.
  22. Well, with the other thread, and now this little pun, I'm gonna go buy that book now. Once I finish the Johannes Cabal book I'm reading (which is a series I am truly enjoying reading again), I'll take a shot at this one.
  23. Also @ARS I think @DAL59 did have a glitch, but is now running with the gag that the story is about time loops..... *golf clap* kudos sir, success.
  24. This doesn't seem like a thing that would just start happening randomly, but more likely after you installed a mod (even though you posted in the unmodded forum :P). Try to remember the last mod you installed, and remove that one, see if it fixes it.
  25. Before I even saw these answers, this as going to be my reply. So they get my likes and votes. But you might be asking why, and I'll answer that as best I can before you even get to ask it. When you are moving that slow relative to the target, it is very easy for the Prograde and retorgrade directions to change very quickly, and you'd end up with a dancing ship. It does more harm than good to stay pointed prograde or retrograde while at these slow speed. If you want P/R SAS, then point towards or away from the target, depending on your situation, and fire off some RCS to get you moving in the general direction. You can then pop over to P/R and correct from there.
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