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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. You'll need three pairs of shades, one with tape on the bridge, to make that joke....
  2. Oddly enough.... while trying to figure out where I have heard of Spherical frictionless cows in a vacuum, I discovered they do make vacuums for cows.
  3. Quoting to translate: A mod list and a log file might help. Does it occur with every IVA, or just particular pods? Une liste de mod et un fichier journal peuvent vous aider. Cela se produit-il avec chaque IVA, ou seulement avec des pods particuliers? Google translate, so don't blame me if I just insulted your mother
  4. IIRC, the Launcher has not worked correctly for a very very long time (like .24 ish?). Most people just create a shortcut to the .exe and run that directly. The lack of answers is probably because nobody uses the launcher much anymore.
  5. A few more details are needed. Which mods are we installing? What changes are you expecting? Are the files showing up in the gamedata folder? If Ckan continues to not install the files, open up a bug report in CKAN, Some mods are labeled as 1.3.1 compatible, but the 1.4.x versions get installed. The CKAN crew can fix that fairly quickly. If it still fails to install, you might have to manually install the mod. Use the instructions in this thread to do so. There is also a link for CKAN bug reporting.
  6. While looking up Kerbal Space Program on Amazon for a question asked elsewhere on the forum, I found that along with a few books on astrodynamics ( I might pick one of those up), there was a Book on Anger Management listed on the first page of results......
  7. Just broke one of my rules. More like modified it to work under the "automation" clause of my other rule. After cresting each hill on Eve, my Rumbler mobile base always ends up with a few broken wheels. After the 4th time hopping out with the engineer to fix to wheels, I turned off crash damage to keep the wheels from breaking. Otherwise, it just wasn't fun to play.
  8. Grumble grumble... absolutely right. Shame on you guys for having user names that start with the same letter. OP fixed. ------------------------- Ya know what... I take it all back. Stock does do a check on unpaid for parts, but on launch, not import. My bad. But the option to pay for these parts would be very nice... So I don't have to go hunting for them in the parts list...
  9. part request, part tech support, possible bug. KSP v 1.3.1 (might have been fixed in more recent versions) I play with the parts requiring a cost to purchase them to be used, after they have been unlocked in the tech tree. Dunno why I play this way, but I like it. Helps slim down the parts list to things I actually use, while still showing the ones I have available if needed. Anyways, I built and tested an Eve Lander in sandbox, and then imported the craft into my career save. I use a Mk1 lander can as a pseudo elevator. The ship is really tall, so building a ladder on the outside would be a PITA, not to mention it's already 120 some parts, and 3 dozen more ladder parts would kill my machine even more. I have, though, not paid for the mk1 can in the career game. Yet when I import, it cleanly shows up in the craft, while the part is still locked on the parts list. The slimline decoupler right above the can is also not paid for. The game should check imported craft files for parts that aren't paid for, and give the option to pay for all of them if the user wishes. If I remove the can, I can re-attach it with no problems. Side note, I believe importing from other saves is in stock, but if it's not, I'm using @katateochi's Craft Manager to do so. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174596-13x14x-craft-manager -search-sort-tag-share-your-craft/
  10. Starting an appropriate thread in the fan works section should be advertisement enough. Those who go looking for fan works will find it, those who don't read fan works won't care. I am unsure of the benefit as to advertising anyways. There is no reward or financial gain from the fan works, that I am aware of. But this post should be advertisement enough.
  11. I actually went "yay!" out loud when it dinked loading up the page.
  12. In medical shorthand, we also use Dx for Diagnosis, and Hx for History. Or at least I did, I'm only 98% sure those are officially recognized.
  13. Don't get your hopes up for 1.5, we've been waiting for this bug to be fixed since 0.15.
  14. What city on Laythe? And I know of no fixes for this bug.
  15. That's pretty strict, even NASA didn't go that route...
  16. By this logic, most mods written for the Store/Steam version of KSp would not be compatible with the GoG version. Do have a link to this statement, or contact info for those who said it? I think perhaps an official comment on this from squad would be appropriate as one of their retailers is supposedly selling an altered version of the software. @Darth Badie?
  17. Always the best idea to fix a problem. ;D. Post up a pic. It sounds like you don't have remote control of the vessel, maybe. Alternatively, try Alt-f12, and clear your Input locks. If that works, wait for it to happen again. CIL should list all the mods and such that are controlling your inputs, see if you get a repeat offender and try removing that mod. Which light? There are a few of them on the screen.
  18. Looks like you can get most of the Orange box bundle for <$1 each right now. Quality games almost free.
  19. IIRC, most parts have a 8 m/s tolerance, while some are 12 m/s. There may be a few parts that have different tolerances, but 10 m/s might be a touch fast. 8 or less, 6 to be safe, is where I aim.
  20. If that little tiny glitch made you stop playing KSP, you're in for a bad time..... It's a graphics glitch where the terrain patches are stitched together. Various versions of this have been around for as long as I can remember, in a variety of locations. The most famous of which is actually the Mohole, which was a terrain glitch before they 'fixed' it into being a thing. As long as you aren't being affected by it in game, it's more work than it's worth trying to fix. Some of these glitches used to cause rovers and such to fall through them into the core of the planet. They've done a pretty decent job of fixing them.
  21. Most coders do have some sort of math background, at least in my experience. At least enough of an understanding to do a little research, play with a spread sheet, and take a couple days to figure it out. I mean, it's not rocket science or anything. (Incidentally, that particular phrase has lost a lot of it's oomph after playing KSP) Most definitely so, as the original Devs have stated they intended the math to be done by hand. That's why the idea of a dV readout that requires the user to do a good portion of the legwork, although ingame, is probably the best solution. And with the idea it being improved with the upgrades to the buildings, you would start off having to plug all the numbers into an equation, and with the highest upgrade, it being completely automatic.
  22. Instead of posting this in the suggestions forum, as this isn't a suggestion, try the tech support section. And if it's a bug, try submitting a bug report. Links are available in the tech support section.
  23. I've had spinning stations, albeit much slower, that MJ was able to handle. Took me a while to figure out what was giving it so much trouble, and taking manual control, which usually works, just made things worse, as I was expecting a stationary target. I'd be curious to see if MJ would be able to handle such a target.
  24. Well, there's the interstellar method, which is to kinda guess where the moving docking port is and just slam into it and pray....
  25. Kerbals have value. Not only does this mean perma death (Poor Jeb, found the re-entry flaw in a tourist bus... and the tourists too, but they don't count), but I use Final Frontier and Life support to give meaning and value to their existence, they just aren't a noisy and heavy probe core anymore. Ships are tested in a sandbox save, but once the testing phase is thought to be complete, any further testing is done "live" and costs money. Automation is allowed. Even simulated automation. But only once I have manually done a mission by hand (or at least with help). Routine launches and docking are automated. Stages are recovered. Milk runs, ie supplying a station with fuel, is simulated by using Hyperedit (*Gasp!*) to change fuel levels in the station. But I must have the infrastructure in place and have demonstrated it works. This requires time though, and I will warp through an orbit or two before doing so. RL time is valuable. I have no issues science farming with labs, as in RL, we have completed the majority of the tech tree as described in the stock game, with only going to the Moon a few times. So when I max out the tech tree, I convert most of the science I get to rep. But I really haven't been down the self imposed hard mode out of boredom yet, as I have only been playing career for a year or so. I figured in .24ish I'd wait till they got all the bugs out before committing to a full game. Yeah, I gave up waiting.
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