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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Oh, I think I get what you're saying. the Astro complex only provides a handful of kerbals per visit. Yeah yeah, this is stock. It makes sense too, as you wouldn't have 200 candidates in your astronaut school, but only a couple potential candidates that are ready for the big leagues. The KSP designers never rightly never really expected a player to need that many kerbals at once, so they just didn't make it easy to get them. There may be a way to increase the number of candidates in the AC. So to save on clicking (possibly), and at least load times, Buy your kerbals, exit back to the KSC view, time warp for a bit, then back into the AC, and buy some more. Rinse and repeat. That should be faster than going through the VAB.
  2. Flexible docking ports and the self leveling base legs from SSPXr Are probably what you re looking for.
  3. It is if you are a physic or math professor seeing it for the first time: Both of these channels are good. Numberphile is amazing... Worth falling down it's rabbit hole.
  4. Yup, it's a dip and or a spread, depending on it's use. A sauce is less viscous. Dip <--> Spread <--> Sauce.
  5. You wouldn't happen to have a crew management mod installed do you? Like crew R&R? Sometimes crew are on vacation or something, and might be listed as available, but aren't.
  6. Until I started watching people play games, I could never figure out why I would want to do that rather than actually play the game. But now, for some games, I think I might enjoy watching a good running commentary of a game than playing it solo.
  7. Sometimes KSP/Unity just forgets to carry a two somewhere, and backing up the game a bit fixes things. \_( oo)_/
  8. I would delete/uninstall everything then, and download a new copy, and try that. Sounds like something core to the game is corrupted. But cheesecake may have something too. You may be pressing some component too hard.
  9. You might want to explain yourself a bit more, because as it stands, this might violate 2.2j of the forum guidelines.
  10. My google fu is showing that @Cavscout74 might have some insight into this. But the page it's linking too is not much help, as it's a list of all his recent posts, and I'm not digging through all that.
  11. So, when you are in LKO, you can EVA a kerbal, and everything is fine. But when you are in a high orbit (>6000 km), EVA'ing a kerbal causes the ship to flip out? If I'm reading that right, the only suggestion I have is to make sure SAS is off before EVA'ing. Try eva'ing in LKO, and high orbit with both SAS on and off, and see what happens. The mods you listed shouldn't have any affect like this.
  12. So this is happening on one ship, but it works on others? A common problem is having one of the ports on backwards. Sounds stupid, but it happens enough. Check that. There might be some parts you are hitting before the ports dock, preventing them from coupling. Try backing up and letting the ports reset. There is a 1m or so safe zone around every port that prevents it from re-docking a ship that just undocked. Sometimes this triggers too early. But without a pic, I can't help otherwise. If it's only one ship, then it's probably not a mod, but a design issue. Some mods have docking ports that aren't compatible with stock ports , and if you are trying to dock dissimilar ports, this might be an issue.
  13. Post up the log file, that would help. Also double check your gamedata folder. There might be something left behind from a mod, or you accidentally deleted something from the. Squad folder. But if it's truly a clean install, you might try reinstalling a stock game from scratch.
  14. #1 I don't do so much anymore, as I've done it enough that's ingrained into my mental checklist. #2 rarely, but then it's rare I build ships that don't have the panels in symmetry somewhere. Even rover ships, the rover might only have the panels upwards, but the transfer vessel is built in symmetry. #3, all the friggin time. I'll slap a prebuilt launcher onto a payload, and then watch the kerbals turn into green goo in the back of the pod as I launch, cause I don't need 100% on the SRB's, 25% would have done nicely. But my biggest thing is action groups. I often forget to assign parts to groups, and then grumble when I have to click all 24 parts I need to fire off at once. Action Groups Extended really helps with this, as it is an inflight AG editor.
  15. I voted no just because I thought I was in another thread....
  16. Don't hold our idiots against us. The US is a wonderful and expansive place to explore. If you get the chance, do come give us a visit. We'd love to have you. Quick anecdote about some Europeans in the US: I live outside of Cleveland, Ohio, and back in the 90's, my girlfriends relatives were in from Wales for a week or so, visiting. At dinner one night, they spoke up and said "Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be quite nice, perhaps we could go see the Grand Canyon?" After cleaning up the food spit across the room, we had to explain that was a roughly 30 hour drive of about 2,000 miles. So if you do come visit, just remember, Americans think 200 years is a long time, and Europeans think 200 miles is a long drive. Later that year, I did get to spend a month in London and Wales. Beautiful country(s), wonderful people. Can't wait to get back someday. And you guys have castles everywhere. They are literally in the way in some places.
  17. While the Klaw is/was notorious for randomly detonating things, it has been toned down some. But apparently one of your mods is changing something. Post up a mod list. But maybe I'm old school, but I have always tried to never use a Klaw in place of a docking port, too much bad history of exploding ships. Side note. Kerbals are the little green men, Kerbol is the unofficial name of the Sun.
  18. Given the goodly number of mods that require the firespitter core already, I would be surprised if don't already have at least the core.
  19. And the spacewalks that did use the MMU, which is what the Kerbal EVA pack is roughly based on, they were all untethered flight. The EVA pack on a kerbal is standard, so there is no reason for the to ever be tethered. This is more of a piloting error more than poor game design. Instead of working on a solution to a problem than really doesn't exist, work on a solution for the one that does. :D. I also don't know if tethers would even be doable in KSP. It sounds fairly simple, but knowing how wonky kerbals on a ladder can be, I would think a tether is even more wonky. A EVA kerbal and a ship are considered separate entities, so having one end of a kerbal attached to a ship might cause some serious errors. If this came out in a mod, with other gameplay changes to make tethers worth trying, then I'd give it a look, but base game? No.
  20. No. The Expansion is basically a mod unto itself. There are some mods that affect the DLC's parts, but you wouldn't download that mod if you didn't have the DLC.
  21. Many moons ago, like in the 0.20's, there was a few guys who did this between their dorm rooms. They had one guy, the astronaut, in one room, and the other guys in another. I believe they cloned the screen of the players PC into the "mission control" room, and gave instructions from there. I don't know details, but they were able to pull it off where the MC guys had access to MC type data, and the pilot was restricted to IVA. So, yes it is doable, but I have no idea how.
  22. But the loading times... While it obviously be an optional setting, I cannot see this helping large part count ships or loading times when entering physics range much.
  23. I believe the above linked mod includes a nose cone. If you enjoy the potential of the Mk2 form, but find it lacking in parts, that mod is a must. Pods, engines, parts galore. It's been one of my mainstay mods for years.
  24. No, no, I understand milking.... this is literally, a cow in a vacuum. They push the cow down a chute and into a box that sucks any flies or other pests off the cow, and then kicks the cow out. So I guess the cow could be on a treadmill.
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