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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. There is the Procedural wings mod, which allows you to create a variety of shapes.
  2. Nuke Engines used to produce a lot of heat, and any ships that I build that have them clustered I put radiators on, is this no longer an issue?
  3. Aren't all Mun landers VTOL? LIthobraking is risky....
  4. I think this was because it was a cost/weight issue, compared to the need for it.. An MMU would be great for getting around something huge that doesn't have safety connection points for tethers, like an Asteroid. Everything else in space we have built does not need an MMU to safely work on. Everything either is within one tether length of a door, or has multiple attachment points for tether's along it. There's just no benefit for hauling MMU's and their fuel up to space today. Someday, the need for MMU's will return. I wouldn't say they were abandoned, just shelved until they become needed.
  5. Oh god no.... I missed this the first time around. VTOL's are far superior in my science farming games than regular aircraft. Build a VTOL with sufficient range, and I can biome hop across a continent like it's nobodies business. Mountain top rescue mission (which happens often enough with a variety of contract packs), no problem. Ocean S&R? No problem. I've used VTOL's to place flags along the flight paths of returning Spaceplanes to serve as outer/middle/inner markers, to help me hit the correct glidescopes I'm aiming for.
  6. That's the ticket. I knew that was the wrong term, just couldn't come up with it. And my google fu was pretty weak, even though I could find the Face on Mars.
  7. If I'm reading this right, this is a time stamped file that contains your modlist, and the latest additions are appended on the bottom? EDIT: The more I dig, I'm seeing this is the case, this will do. A GUI for this would be nice, but not really needed.
  8. A "little" 'feature request: It might exist, but I can't find any logs of when mods were installed. People in the tech support forums frequently encounter glitches after installing a few mods, but they can't remember which ones were installed right before the glitch happened. It'd be nice if we could see a chronological list of when CKAN installed mods to a user's game. That way they could pull those recent mods first and see if a glitch is resolved. Another "not so little" feature request: Along the same vein, sometimes the only way to find a glitchy or conflicting mod is to pull half your mods, and then half again, etc etc, until you locate the offending mod. It'd be really neat if CKAN had this option, where it let you mark mods, from the list of installed mods, to be removed in a bug hunt. Everytime you clicked "next" it would pull out half the remaining mods. Just a little automation to help out a tedious process. And I fully understand if you guys have a collective "Oh heck no" to that request.
  9. Hmmm.... Cool, I think. But my first concern was "what about the bodies?" Wasn't it in 2010 the one guy starts freaking out over the possible smell?
  10. @Paaaad, If you could please, put most of your post within a spoilers tag. It usually frowned upon to talk openly about and give away info and locations about in game easter eggs. And please, link a better pic, that one is so tiny I can't even see detail. But my guess, from that little grainy photo, is that you are anthropomorphizing (not exactly the right term) the terrain into something else, similar to the Face on Mars. Although, there are a lot of easter eggs in the game, it could be one, but I'd be surprised if there are any left to be found. But, I'm just nobody, and I could be wrong. It would be cool to see a new one found.
  11. Aight, I took a look at it, and while I'm not anything close to a log file Guru, here's where the trouble happens: My initial reaction is for you to slow down some. I try to refrain from docking over .5 m/s, you're about twice that. Although that should be well within the safe range. And further impacts down the chain are almost that slow, you should bounce off, not detonate. But IIRC, you were moving slow, and the magnet yanked the smaller ship into you. Again, try turning down the attraction force in the advanced tweakables on both ports (I believe that's a valid option). The Null references are from MJ not being able to find the exploded port anymore I believe. We'll have to get some of the more experienced modders in here to give more feedback, and since @DoctorDavinci stuck his nose in here once, maybe he can offer up some advice. But my best guess, aside from "docking on eggshells", is that some mod has changed some values of the docking ports, making active ones chomp through other ships. If you can, see if you can get a list of your mods in order of when they were installed, and remove the ones you installed right before you started having this issue. If you can't then you'll just have to dig through the stack of 'em like we said before.
  12. Have you tried other vessels? Make another vessel of similar similar size, but completely different parts. It could just be that that particular ship is slowly dancing across the surface.
  13. Absolutely right. I think I was grumpy with a migraine when I posted that.
  14. This is one of the reasons why I love you guys. I ask a question, in order to point out to non space people, that the Mun Moon turning into a black hole would not destroy the planet, nothing major would happen, etc etc, and it quickly de evolves into an orbital mechanics discussion.
  15. Assuming the conventional drives you are using do not lose thrust, but only the vessels mass is reduced, then you can still not travel faster (or at) than the speed of light for any positive non zero mass. Zero mass ships would be able to travel the speed of light, but not faster, and I believe they can only go the speed of light (citation needed?). I might be misinterpreting your statement though. This is basically the rocketry equation. I believe the game engine does not take into consideration relativistic speeds when doing it's math, so the infinite energy requirement is probably ignored. I say this because, with infinite fuel cheats, you can build a vessel capable of exceeding the speed of light. Due to bandwidth, I have not watched the video, but marked it to watch later...
  16. The 1.4 release moved the log files to a new location from previous versions, as listed in the link provided above.
  17. Have you seen some of the stock bearing creations out there? Calling them "a simple propeller" is an insult to the players artists that created them. A stock bearing is kind of outside the "Rocket go up, sometimes go boom" simplified mentality of the stock game. There are many available in mods, and that's where they should remain. A single stock bearing would not make that many people happy. It'd be the wrong size, or shape, or color. They'd have to add more. I'd rather see modders customize a large selection of very specific bearings for very specific tasks, rather than there be a couple bearings that just don't work perfect for anything.
  18. Your thread title made me panic, until I saw this. I still hold down F, mainly out of habit. I thought maybe I had been uselessly doing it for years now.
  19. Is there really a need for it? I have not seen many, very very few, instances where this is even applicable. Now maybe it happens in the Lounge or games forums, which I don't frequent as much, but in the main forums, I don't think it's a problem. If it's not broke, don't fix it. But I would be behind this 100% if we had a lot of posts that were just spammily annoying because of the lack of this rule.
  20. I have a copy for sale if you want. It's not cheap. It's enough to let me retire now, set aside some for my families' college funds, and cover the inevitable copyright lawsuits that will occur from Squad.
  21. HAHAHA... reading down your list of scientific stuff... and then this... wait what? LOL. I will say, that I spent many years as a medic, in a truck and in an (very) Urban Trauma ER, the full moon effect is real. Even accounting for observer's bias/paradox, We tended to see a lot of weird stuff on the full moons.
  22. Those are the assumptions I'm working under...
  23. That's the point I always have trouble making 'lay people' understand.
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