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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Ehh, for the sake of the argument, let's skip this step....
  2. I guarantee you had to go back and add that first period to get it to ten.. Either on Screen or at least in your head. That's why min character counts are stupid. I might post somebodies name, or a mod name, etc, and then I have to come up with 4-5 other characters to fill up the dead space.
  3. Came back here just to post that XKCD post.... guess I need to follow him on twitter.
  4. No EDIT: See? That was a completely legitimate and intelligent answer, written concisely and cleanly. Some responses to post don't require a full paragraph to explain. If you are going to reinstate it, make it post count or Rep dependent. It's to prevent the type of spam that this type of reply can create. Make a minimum post count so that it will hopefully weed out some of the immature spammers that show up.
  5. Just another Hypothetical discussion topic. But this is one I love asking people and having them realize what it means to be a black hole. What would happen to Earth and the rest of the solar system, if the Moon suddenly collapsed into a Black Hole? Ie the moon is replaced with a Lunar (Munar? I'm so confused on that term after playing KSP for so long) mass black hole. Ignore the fact that it can't, just that it did.... Late late edit: Initial assumptions: 1. The initial collapse more or less "swapped out" the Moon with a lunar-mass black hole, and didn't create any additional disturbances normally associated with objects collapsing into black holes  Other Assumptions get discussed later in the thread and are rendered 'trivial'. (See expected lifetime due to hawking radiation below)
  6. Sounds like the vessel is still moving, or at least KSP thinks it is. If the issues appeared with only a few mods, then that really helps in narrowing it down. Pull out half of the possible culprits, and then half again, until you narrow it down to the offending mod.
  7. You can flip between installs in the CKAN settings, it easily handles different installs of different versions. Glad I could help!
  8. If you mean to or not.... Aren't the flagpoles themselves their own biomes too? Great map BTW. EDIT: I see one marked, but what about the pad pole?
  9. As this might come up in some searches, there is also the slight possibility your input controls are becoming locked. Hit Alt-f12, find the input locks tab, and hit "clear input locks". If you are playing a stock game, this will very rarely, if ever, happen; it usually requires mods to occur. But as newer player, Bewing is probably right, you're outa juice.
  10. To be honest, It looks just like any of the other urban-esque neighborhoods in England, just with different architecture. No, you come to America to see pick up trucks and large stretches of empty land. They put in a roundabout on my daily drive a couple years ago, a proper one, no stop signs, just yield (give way) signs. And OMG, the chaos it caused (and still causes) cause Americans don't understand round abouts.
  11. As well intentioned as it may be, I try to refrain from blindly downloading files from unkown people. Plus I'm on a metered and throttled satellite internet connection, and 50+ mb for a text file is a little much for me. The second link you provided still has the same issues. Looks like the bug is turning your docking port into a great chomping Jaw of death. It just eats away at the smaller ship. That's scary. Since the bandwidth was a bit low for me, I'm assuming those are MJ windows? What happens when you do (or don't, try the opposite) use MJ auto dock feature? Also, that smaller ship really jumps at the port, try turning down the magnet force on the port.
  12. Different issue, but a possible fix. Xd, use smaller gear, they're usually less bouncy. Also a good sized recent thread on this very topic with some good answers in it... that I cannot find to link for you. It might have been by @Klapaucius, but I'm probably wrong there....
  13. How about editing that down a bit? Dropbox won't let me preview it as it's too big. Assuming you saved the log immediately after the bug occurred, we only need the tail end of the log. Say a few hundred lines to be safe. If you didn't save the log right after the bug, don't expect us to go digging through a huge log file looking for something that we don't know what we are looking for.
  14. It will, you just have to target Earth, and then do a Hohmann transfer. A porkchop planner will only work on bodies outside the Suns SOI in this situation, and well, yeah..... I didn't mention this before, as you didn't say MJ in the OP, but MJ is optimized for the most efficient burns, not the fastest. The limited time planner will do this, but as mentioned, yeah..... Create a manuever node a bit out from where you are and see if you can get anything close. Even if you have to expend all your dV to get home, if you get an encounter close enough to aerobrake....
  15. Wales seemed to have more castles than they knew what to do with. I would guess it's the same all over Europe. There was a playground built into the ruins of one, a Mcdonalds built on the same ground as a half ruined one. Apparently there was one that it was easier to move a planned round about .5km to circle a small ruined castle rather than knock it down and put a road there like they intended. Over here, When I was in the market for a house, I was looking at an 80 year old house. Turns out it needed new wiring. But because some idiot thought it had historical value, I had to keep the original wiring intact. So I passed on it. Just cause it's old doesn't mean it's historical.
  16. We've been saying that for years. There must be some reason they include it. Probably not a good reason, nor one that involves the user, but a reason none the less.
  17. Well, according to the TTi website, https://www.take2games.com/games/, no it is not published by TTi. There is no listing for any games under K, and I can't find it scrolling through the list.
  18. Well, it would be a little weird if they had the Civilization logo on the KSP Forums. That banner has been there for quite a while (at least 18 months or so), and the content of the ads change, but they are always looking for KSP players. They know these forums are populated by a good number of very good modders, some of which have gone to work for Squad in the past. This is the best place to recruit KSP-focused devs, regardless of the company's intended product. Might they have KSP2 brewing? They might. They might not. Until they say, this is just rampant speculation, and that is never good for a community. Just wait till (if) they make an official announcement.
  19. The contents of the banner change from time to time. I'd believe they have something else in the works, and once they've established themselves as a studio who can produce for TTI, then maybe TTI will let them have another shot at KSP. But no, this is not an indirect announcement of KSP2. It is a direct announcement that Squad is looking to expand. Don't look beyond that.
  20. Leery of random google drive link... But mk3 decouplers can be found here:
  21. I think the biggest question is, how much time do they actually have? With enough dV, you can get anywhere, as quick as you want. But your ship has a limited budget, so there is an upper limit to the quickest you can get back to the surface. Whatever you do, in order to get them back ASAP, you'll end up burning most of your dV trying to intercept the Earth, and then let's hope your ship can handle some serious aerobraking. A brachistochrone type manuever may be necessary. As for the pic, if you right click the image as posted in dropbox, you can link the image location, and use the insert media button here to post it:
  22. Under it's own mass. But if there is a mystical outside force acting on it, then I see no reason (within the realms of sci fi) that it cannot. Stellar mass and smaller black holes are theorized to exist. But an hour seems a bit fast. I haven't done any of the math, but anything traversing a solar radius within an hour might be experiencing some relativistic effects. This might be a good thing though. But it also means that you probably have a force that can accelerate material to a fraction of light speed (Ok I just did the math, about 16% of the speed of light), and also push against the outward force of the star itself, and then against the quantum forces that keep atoms from collapsing, is a pretty strong force.
  23. What do you mean by Patch? Ksp version? Most mods are usually up to date within a couple months of a new version release. But... some more complex mods are 'stuck' in older versions, and those are rabbit holes you can fall deep into. Without knowing what you want to do with your game, there is no good answer to this question. As a guess, I'd say a lot of players use 30-50 mods at any one time, but everybody uses different mod loadouts to suit their play style. There is no "best" mod load out for KSP. There is only the best mod load out for you.
  24. Well, since it's not a common known stock bug, and you're using a fairly decent mod load, I would venture to say it's a mod bug, or at least an incompatibility. So yadda, yadda, pull half your mods, and then half again, until you narrow down the culprit. With only 30 mods, that shouldn't take too long. Couple more questions though. Does it happen after you dock? Close to docking? or what? You weren't very specific about it. If it occurs as the physics engine is trying to normalize the now single ship, it's probably a mod that messes with the physics engine. Autostruts may be doing this too, are you using them on either ship?
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