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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Yeah, the console market is a great place for DLC's, but...... I don't know how the sales of KSP for the console actually went, but with what they released the first time around, it was considered to be unplayable, with the update fixing a lot of stuff. You'd know better than I. But they gotta look at the market. OF the console players out there, how many would they expect to buy a DLC? Would those sales figures justify the investment of doing a DLC? And then, if you give the consoles a DLC that PC doesn't get, that creates a fork, in both the code and the community. What is "stock" becomes a question, and depending on what features the console version gets, there may be some backlash from the users of other platforms KSP is on. I'd love to give ya the support you want, but I can only ever see console KSP being the red headed step child of the bunch, 2 updates behind and a murky future ahead.
  2. You're going to have to post the logs for this one. I highly doubt it's that combination of mods, they are very common together and thoroughly debugged for the most part. This error would have been fixed by now. Anything weird about your craft? EDIT: What version of KSP and are you using the correct versions of the mods for that KSP? And can you get to the VAB from the KSC view?
  3. 43 Kerbals...... 43 KERBALS!!! Which equals 9 flights or so. From Kerbin, land on the mun, to minmus, land on minmus, back to Kerbin. And because I'm playing with Final Frontier, I want them all to get the surface EVA badges.... All to get them to level 2. And now..... I see you only need to orbit, not land on those bodies to get to level 2..... So much time lost..... So much everybody out.... everybody in..... *tear* One of my favorite tricks to do to coworkers.... Take a screen shot of their desktop, make the screen shot their background, hide as many icons as you can, hide the taskbar, and then carefully place the unhidden icons directly over the screen shot counterparts. And watch the fun begin. Except.... one time IT got involved, and I ran over to tell them what I did, and that I'd fix it. He mumbled something about a virus and kept working, for two hours. Turns out he was recovering from a stroke and couldn't handle short term memory very well (he soon retired). I felt kinda bad for that one.
  4. Ok.......... *sigh* Thank you @Dman979 for the xkcd link.... very apropo. Ground speed and air speed are completely different beasts in this argument. (Oh god, I've been sucked in). With zero wind, the air speed is determined by the amount of thrust the engine can generate, propelling the plane forward. At some point, the air speed will be enough to create lift. The treadmill only determines how fast the wheels will be turning. There will be minimal friction in the wheel bearings, so the treadmill will have some minimal effect on the planes airspeed, but given we have a smooth treadmill, it would be far less than a very bumpy runway. You know what.... nevermind.... The only way the plane doesn't take off, given zero wind, is if the air speed plus the treadmill speed exceeds the rated speed of the landing gear. In that case the gear buckles and everybody dies. I'll just leave this here:
  5. Whoops, yup, fair point. Nipped. I just remember early designs of theirs. It basically looked like a coffin, with a window, on top of a rocket. Definitely the most Kerbal RL space program out there....
  6. True.... but until it is causing issues in the stock game, it is just a behavior, not a problem... *shrug*
  7. You know... I've seen individual people's brains break from time to time. Like the time I taught a friend to count in binary, then base 3, base 4, etc. He had it down pretty good. Then I had him count in base 11. I actually got to see a person's brain vapor lock when he tried to say a one digit word for the value of 10 in base 11. This thread is like that. But en masse. You guys are usually the smartest people around....... And where the heck did bruschetta come from?!? (Edit: In before the pedants.... value of 10 (in decimal) in base 11)
  8. RTG's or Nuclear Reactors? RTG's can produce waste heat, depending on what mods you are running ( I don't think they get hot in stock), and Nuclear reactors produce a lot of waste heat. That can be considered a lot of parts by some measures. Do you have any radiators on your ship? Any parts that may be producing any type of heat? I've had similar issues where my nuclear reactor powered ships have started to overheat in time warp. Usually due to rounding errors in the warp math, dropping out of warp allowed the radiators to cool back off.
  9. You don't need any math to Get there. Just launch to a circular 90ish km orbit, point prograde, fire when the Mun is half over the horizon, stop burning when you get an Munar encounter. For exact info on the various bodies, and some of the math related to space flight check out the Wiki, linked at the top of the page.
  10. I don't see how it could be a KSP problem. KSP has nothing towards giving dV readouts, so it just is what it is. KER would have to learn to work around any weirdness the stock game is having. Not saying it's not KSP's fault, but the onus is on KER to know how to handle it.
  11. All I know is, I immediately know if @Geonovast has posted on the current page of a thread or not....
  12. Impact speed of a heat shield is 9 m/s. If you can get your speed under a chute less than 9 m/s upon landing, nothing will break. 10-12 m/s, the heatshield will break, but probably nothing else. Landing gear impact speed is 12 m/s. Above that and stuff starts breaking. If you're coming down at ~ >12 m/s with landing gear, somethings going to break, the landing gear, and probably nothing else. But the same craft minus the landing gear will probably come down below that 12 m/s, and the heatshield will bite it too, but the craft should still survive. But adding another chute or two, while removing the landing gear, you should easily come down without breaking anything. The impact reduction gains is by far offset by the increased mass, and ergo descent speed. With 1 mk-something radial parachute weighing 1/3 (at most!) the amount that a set of landing gear does, it's a no brainer to lose the landing gear. There really* isn't a scenario where using landing gear to land on kerbin is more beneficial than losing the gear and adding a chute. *If you require your rocket to stay upright, then use landing gear. Some larger vessels returning to Kerbin might land safely, but then tip over without gear, damaging the craft. But vessels of this size, the cost/benefits of an extra chute really doesn't make a difference in the big picture, and since it's basically a hockey puck, it won't tip over when landed. It takes multiple chutes to have the same effect that one chute has on the craft in this topic. ALSO, if you are planning to do something other than just recover the vessel, then gear may be required. THUS.... my statement that while they might weigh the same, I have no use for one of them. IMO, there is little use for landing gear on a recoverable vessel on Kerbin (see caveats above).
  13. Well, don't tell them what you ACTUALLY do here!
  14. That's all I want. But.... since I just started my 3.1 playthrough... I gotta get to Duna first.... it's been a few years since I've been there....
  15. You know what. Approach the principal to unblock the forums. This is a great STEM site and an argument can be made that this is more educational than recreational. If you dig up some stuff that NASA has used KSP for, and the other great demo's on orbital mechanics and spaceflight, plus there's even a KSP EDU section of the forums, then you might have a good chance of getting it unblocked. You never know, maybe talking to a science teacher, you might be able to finagle an independent study credit out of this. That'd look Hella good on a college resume/application: 3 Credit hours in Orbital Mechanics and Advanced Spaceflight. If that fails.... VPN. And I doubt we'll miss you..... no not like that.... but because you won't be able to stay away.... KSP > XBOX
  16. Explain? I saw this trailer the other day, looked interesting.
  17. I get my avatar from a submarine simulator forum I'm on, these guys are pretty hardcore sub/naval buffs. About 4-5 years ago they organized a trip to take a ride on Madsen's boat, some of them became friends with Madsen. We were watching the trial closely.
  18. Decent little article on the wiki about asparagus staging. Or at least the picture of how the fuel flow is supposed to work is there. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Asparagus_staging
  19. Apparently you missed the recent thread in Gameplay questions on this very topic....
  20. Just for S&G's, throw those engine back onto the boosters, and then add fuel lines running from each of the boosters to the each of the mainsail boosters.
  21. Considering Madsen was just convicted of murder and sentenced to life in Prison, I wonder what the future holds for CSO. He was their head guy and chief investor correct?
  22. What version KSP are you running, what version of DMP are you running, and what version of KSP is that version of DMP intended for? Edit: and please don't start an identical thread under a different title, it just confuses people and liquides them off.
  23. This means you spent a long time in the upper atmosphere. Your craft slowed down enough that it didn't need a heatshield. Especially considering you weren't coming in that fast to start with, you burned to slow down at periapsis, and you stayed at high altitude for a long time. The low G's meant there was never a lot of force, ie friction, acting on the vessel, so not a lot of heat.
  24. This. A little wobble in my rocket, and I'm like "Oh I remember those days".
  25. Then you either weren't doing it right, or you were putting too much faith in an erroneous readout. If your main booster stage with a payload on top has X dV for that stage, and then you add two asparagus stages of similar design, you should expect to at least double your dV for those stages. (Citation needed, I have no idea what the actually math is, just that is what instinct and experience is telling me). But the best way to figure out if a booster will get to orbit? Launch it and see. MJ/KER with asparagus and SRB's is often like a GPS system. It will give you an estimate as it starts off, but it won't give you an accurate ETA till you get there. Well, you're running out of fuel, so reduce drag.
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