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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Which says nothing about them seeing better at night than in the day. It says they see better at night than humans, along with better peripheral vision and attuned to movement. edit: But I can see how they phrased it to be ambiguous.
  2. This is untrue from my research. Yes, they see better than most creatures at night, due to the number of rods in their eyes, but they still see better in the daylight than they do at night. the dilation/ construction of pupils (cats, dogs, humans) is to regulate the amount of light that gets in. The tighter the aperture of your iris, the less light that gets in, but the more it acts like a pinhole camera, increasing focus. As long as a creature is not being blinded by the light they are taking in, focus will always be better in well lit vs dim environments.
  3. Prior to ~2000, the internet was not a reliable source of info on pretty much any topic. Yes you could find stuff, but it was usually easier to find comprehensive info by looking in the card catalog in your local library. But that’s not the real issue. We’re the .1%. The vast majority of viewers won’t pick up on a lot of the details we do. Heck, some of the things we see, only like 10% of us even noticed them because that is what we specialized in. Most movies are made to make money. And that means appealing to the biggest audience possible for a given story. So they have to have a bit of creative license to make it work dramatically. And what’s a movie without some creative license? A documentary. I love me some good documentaries, but honestly Ken Burns is the ultimate cure for insomnia.
  4. I’d like to be corrected on this if I’m wrong, but my gut reaction is that it’s too close and not massive enough to be an effective magnifier for the purpose described. That and blocking out the sun would reveal the corona which might more than negate any advantage it might impart.
  5. Moved to Add-on Discussion.
  6. @frankieorabona I have split your question off to it’s own thread as the moderators don’t deal with the wiki very much. We’ve notified IT to look into the issue.
  7. Yes. Effeciency is measured as the ratio of the amount of work done by a process to the total amount of energy used by that process. We haven’t established what the work is nor the amount of energy used. Also, the words efficient or inefficient as used in this case are comparators. X is more efficient than Y, therefore Y is more inefficient. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, no process is 100% efficient, energy will be always be “lost” somewhere. So we need to compare these proposed processes against something else. I see where you’re going with this idea, I don’t think you’re asking the right questions, yet.
  8. Take out half the mods, and see if it works. If it does, the bad mod is in the other half. Keep halving the mod list till you narrow it down. With such a long list of mods, and some aren't specifically designed for the version you are using (enable only 1.10 to remedy this), it's very very difficult to say what exactly is wrong. It takes a bit of labor, but it's much faster and easier to do it this way rather than guessing. Edit: Beware dependencies. Don't remove a mod that is required by another you leave in. CKAN should help with this though.
  9. @BekfastDerp13, Your post has been merged into a more appropriate thread.
  10. @Faraon2134, until you have an actual mod to release, we'll just move this thread over to add-on development. Good luck.
  11. Yeah... there's clearly a large star in the correct position that the sun shield is blocking, and then there's something reflecting light at us in the mirror... meaning it's really close and not in the aim of the telescope. So they plopped an infrared space telescope in a binary (or more) system... in the middle of a nebula. I don't have high hope for these photos.
  12. No......errr.... he used the root symbol.....
  13. Must be related to this actual official NASA photo of JWST. I mean it’s in their parking lot, so it must be official. I’ve seen DIY projects using satellite tv dishes for home radio astronomy. I don’t see why this wouldn’t scale up nicely.
  14. Moved to Welcome Aboard!
  15. Only if it comes in beer form I love root beer.
  16. Moved to tech support Old machines can take a while to load KSP. My old machine would routinely take ~25 minutes to load.
  17. Overlapping threads have been merged
  18. Believe it’s a five minute limit.
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