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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. This may help out. The intro covers the basics of it, but he goes on a deeper dive:
  2. By some estimates, they won’t even exist then. By most of the rest, they’ll just be charred rocks.
  3. Moved to the Network, as this is not about the game. I would send you the link if we had. I don’t think we can sort by likes.
  4. Moved to KSP discussion
  5. Ah yes, I see what you mean now, I read your OP backwards, thinking you meant you could _only_ search in a single thread. No, now that you point it out, I can't search in only this thread. We'll see about bumping it up the ladder.
  6. I don’t ever recall seeing IG embeds here. Any interaction with IG I’ve ever have requires a login, which I refuse to get.
  7. This comes from the fact that it is usually very bad to take in pure water via an IV. As it lacks those previously mentioned salts, the salts that are already in the body will jump out of whatever cell they're in and join the water. That's why you are given Saline, which is .9% salt in water, that shouldn't cause any fluid or electrolyte shifts in the body. There are times, in certain situations, where giving hyper or hypotonic IV fluid is called for, depending on the desired outcome.
  8. @TurtleMaster182, please do not post logs directly to the forum. Host them somewhere like dropbox and then link them here. That was pointed out in the sticky @jimmymcgoochielinked. Thank you.
  9. This is due to Kerbal physiology. Through evolution, due to a now extinct predator, they evolved a defense mechanism that turns their skin into a tough semi rigid "armor" when they are sleeping. This prevented the predator, commonly referred to as a wisspod in historical documents, from dragging them through the opening in their solitary sleeping chambers in the communal subsurface dens. The toughened skin also prevented the wisspod from puncturing the skin with their fangs. Since Kerbals can only sleep when completely unobserved (hence why we never see them sleep in game, they only sleep when that ship is not focused), the wisspod evolved a form of quantum sensory, that both observes and doesn't observe the surrounding area, allowing it to avoid waking the Kerbal. While the wisspod has long since been hunted to extinction, the evolutionary trait remains in the Kerbals. In this case though, since the unconsciousness is involuntary, we can observe them pass out during flight. Their skin hardening still occurs though, and it freezes their hands and feet into whatever position they were in prior to blackout. Hence, the control inputs remain locked into the last input state. One bonus effect of this skin hardening is that it is impervious to cosmic radiation, which makes Kerbals ideal for long, unobserved, voyages in space. Hope that helps.
  10. Welcome to the Forum @BloxFlap. Your question has been split off from the thread it was in and moved to the appropriate sub-forum. This should answer your question:
  11. Hello @Zozaf Kerman! Hows about @Hertha730?
  12. Why is water noisy as it heats to boil, and then gets quiet immediately before the boil, yet is appropriately loud when it is boiling?
  13. There’s a reason we have the lounge, it’s a forum for anything not pertaining to KSP or Science/Spaceflight. As long as they don’t break the rules, all topics are welcome.
  14. Just finished that audiobook. Good choice.
  15. Great little clip here as a tribute to this craft:
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