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Everything posted by Kilmeister

  1. Thanks for the link, I was about to come here and ask for one.
  2. It doesn't matter if the runway was 20 miles long. If your design can't lift up off the runway it will just hit it's maximum velocity and plow along till the end of the 20 mile long runway.... and if there's a cliff it will be able to take off. (Or hit the "20 miles to KSC" sign conveniently located at the end of the runway) If you can fly your craft after the cliff then most likely all you need to do is rebalance it. Even if you see your wings stay nearly level after going over the cliff and say it's not an AoA issue, remember, that as you're trying to pull up on the runway you are just smashing your rear landing gear into the pavement. Once you get off the cliff, just relaxing the gear stress can be enough to actually achieve flight. If you really are opposed to moving or raising your landing gear, strap on a few sepratrons at the front of the craft. Arguing to remove the lights is the same as saying :"hey, my rocket won't go into space today, let's reduce gravity!".
  3. Which mod, or what should I search for? I haven't run into this problem before, but I was starting to envision a mission where I'd be airdropping payloads last night, so It'd be nice to know of a workaround in advance.
  4. Not a bad idea, but I think you may over complicate it for some people. I'm sure anyone who's ever fired up an IDE like Visual Studio will have no problem with your scheme, but I imagine some of the modders out there who are just doing artwork and models may not be as familiar with the concept. But, I'm sure they could get the hang of it quickly if a brief tutorial was put in the mod submission rules as a suggested(not required) naming context.
  5. Sorry if this has been suggested before. I'd suggest offering the lights and the clouds mod as separate files. While I absolutely love the clouds,the lights just don't do it for me ,so I had to go and remove all the files pertaining to the lights. Oh and I can't wait to try the volumetric clouds when I get home. I just read about the update =)
  6. Some crazy pics in this thread, very impressive. I've never set out to put a huge mass into orbit, I've only built enough to serve my needs. I think largest generic lifter I have in my arsenal right now can do approx 125 tonnes to orbit. Think largest thing I've done was about 165 tonnes to orbit, but I special designed that lifter.
  7. Kerbal Alarm clock. I consider it a necessity for my style of gameplay where I run multiple missions at once. Thread Link
  8. The runway is already pretty forgiving since you can clip through all the other lights. As others have said, if your plane requires the entire runway to liftoff it's almost certainly because of COM/COL & gear placement issues. The reason it actually flies is that the small dropoff at the end allows your craft to change its' AoA enough to generate sufficient lift. If I have to do this I just consider it a design failure because I shouldn't have to rely on a cliff to make a plane fly,and revert back to the drawing board. That being said, It is true that the stock landing gear is too short for larger craft. There are mods which provide bigger and better landing gears, but there should be a stock part which is much taller to prevent the tail dragging problems you have to deal with with such short landing gear when trying to design larger craft.
  9. Yeah, good idea. I had this problem once when I accidentally switched the translation mode in the docking mode and it would've been 1000x easier if I could've just hit the "LN" button instead of having to figure out the key I had pressed to do so.
  10. I'd say Cassini, but not just because I've always been a big fan of it. I feel, in general, more people would care if Curiosity had to end it's mission early. [WISHFUL] Maybe seeing something get cancelled due to petty squabbling in congress might open some people's eyes and force congress to reevaluate the decision[/WISHFUL].
  11. Every time someone posts these questions, It always reminds me of some XKCD comic.... and here's the one that came to mind when I read this. http://xkcd.com/669/
  12. Just tell them you are watching an online training video... or close your office door I'm doing option 2!
  13. I think there should be an option "Spawn Redshirt" to fill your rockets during those first test flights... they of course would be named "Crewman #" + a random number.
  14. True, in reality they most likely would have spun around some and maintained some(or a lot) of angular momentum, but I recall the movie depicting a nearly straight stop. The station wasn't doing any discernible tumbling, so where's the angular momentum coming from? Like I said this is all possible if they had discussed this before they had stopped. But, they were stopped for probably 20+ seconds before she let him go.
  15. I don't know about the "Vandalism" for the 4000BC one... I thought that one was rather clever and humorous. Edit: I haven't looked at the actual doc yet. I'll do that from home on another Google account
  16. While not very practical, a powered descent would fit your criteria.
  17. Think about it again. If Clooney and Bullock had had that conversation BEFORE she got snagged on the rope then it would've made some sense. Remember we're talking about their relative momentum. After they had stopped and were holding hands having a conversation, what would happen when he let go? He would just sorta float there for a bit and then decide "okay hey I feel kinda foolish now". Unless Sandra decided to shove him. (Both scenarios would've added some comedy, but don't think that's the direction they wanted to go with the movie). In order for Clooney to move away, something would have had to act on him after he released her hand.
  18. Since I built a new computer recently I haven't worried about part count. I've never tried to see how much I could do, but I haven't ever experienced any lag even when docking at my station or launching one of my more massive lifters. so I voted Whackjob
  19. I noticed the same thing last night. I have the FTL mod installed so I figured it may be some bug with that, but it was the stock avionics nosecone.
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