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Everything posted by noobsrtoast

  1. ive been practicing for like 5 hours now and i even tried to get into the math behind it, my brain is toast, is there a good guide out there or can someone help simplify it for me, i just dont get how you can line up exactly for a gravity assist that brings you directly onto an encounter with another body, my brain is fried
  2. not really, i posted the server request at like 2 in the morning my time
  3. my dad created a server for us to play on but rarely has time to play, he leaves the server open for me but its boring by myself, so if youre interested im just looking for one maybe a second person to play with, just post on here if you want to join and ill pm the ip, please dont share it anywhere i dont want the server to suddenly be packed, i dont mind new players either ive got lots for you to check out if youre new edit: i forgot to mention that we have b9 aerospace installed, so if you want to join you need it
  4. ive been playing for about 5 years now
  5. Such a kind human being, you restore my faith in humanity the asteroid isn't really for me, me and my dad are playing together on a multiplayer server and were supposed to finally have a full day to play on Sunday, so I tried my damnedest to learn how to catch one before that day so we could build a base, and I did it, surprisingly enough, I am pretty excited about building an asteroid base though, planning to get some more soon edit: heres a picture of the asteroid, the base im making around it is going along really nicely:
  6. youre a senior spacecraft engineer, asteroids have been around since .23, trust me im the noob here, i finally got around to it for the first time today edit: viewed your profile to check if i was being trolled, youve been here since .25, my apologies if i came off rude, i just wanted to enforce the fact that im a total noob trust me, my apologies as well for making assumptions, i come from the bungie forums, im sure youve seen what a toxic place that is edit 2: i also just realized you have a medical condition preventing you from playing, im so sorry, i feel bad now my condolences
  7. well in the official definition, its never specified how the object ends up in a stable orbit, this is probably an extremely pointless discussion but lets have it anyway, so if a man made rocket intervenes and pulls an object that was made naturally into a stable orbit around the earth, since its not specified how an object gets captured, does it still count as a moon
  8. actually, the only requirement an object needs to be a moon is that it is in orbit around a planetary body, though it is never specified whether it can be naturally formed but artificially placed in orbit, they never specify the exact conditions of objects getting into a stable orbit, vsauce has a great video about it, i just cant remember the title thats an overly complex way of thinking about it, you get a cookie
  9. fair enough hahahaha, awesome you ripped the words right out of my mouth booooriiiiiing
  10. well yea of course, in ksp all the orbits of the official legit moons are on rails, but i still like to classify my asteroids as moons, and what you have said to me justifies it well, therefore i name a new moon of kerbin, the rubble
  11. its technically all still natural material, does it therefore still count as a natural satellite?
  12. ya it did, it exploded when left completely alone i just ordered 2 pieces from eucle3d, and i finally got this joke after reading this for the 4th time, very clever you get a cookie
  13. me and my dad are running a server and decided to install b9 aerospace, is there a faster way to get rid of the ban on all the parts than going through and entering every name of every part
  14. i was wondering what is possible for graphics enhancements with my current build, im hoping to get at least 40 fps specs: amd a10 7850k 3.7GHz 2x 8GB g-skill ripjaws 2133MHz ram
  15. what even, can plasma engines actually produce that kind of specific impulse irl, if so, why are not using them for everything, this is amazing
  16. im using 16 gb of ram with a speed of 1333mhz, i was just wondering if i would see better performance with my 2133 16 gb ram thats on the way, i know that mods sometimes require a lot of ram and in particular the mods im using probably require quite a bit, when theres no mods, or less ram heavy mods the game runs perfectly, so im wondering if the speed of my ram has anything to do with it
  17. if not is there anything i can still use to make a ridiculously fast speedboat?
  18. i decided to try and build one of these again (yes i've tried before), now that we have the new editor tools in the game it actually turned out really well in my opinion, it flies like a brick, but at least it got off the ground with all those monstrous aerodynamic properties please excuse my constant camera movements, that was my ocd deciding if it looked good from all angles
  19. im having a small problem, everytime i exit a timewarp higher than 100000, my ship spontaneously explodes, then when i try to reload a quicksave that also explodes, if i try to launch a new copy of it that also explodes and it keeps happening until i reload the game
  20. it made it there, ill call that a victory any day my nodes screw up and bring me off my encounter so thats how its done lol the wings and 4 of the engines didnt like the idea of an eternal desert for a few years i guess, decided to go to ike instead
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