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Everything posted by MartGonzo

  1. The orbital altitude is 2 868 750.73 m at an orbital speed of 1 009.02 m/s http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/KEO
  2. sorry, I'm half asleep near the end of my shift I didn't read properly
  3. The horror! my pic is not particularly awesome but I like it
  4. ok well that sort of begs the question why are you asking for parts you already have?
  5. You may want to look into Tweakscale Rather than adding new parts I'd prefer tweakscale integration just to keep the memory footprint down
  6. MartGonzo

    Star Wars 7

    I think that's one of the things I can't get past It's hailed as a sci fi classic but imo really can't be put into the same category as Alien or Blade Runner and it's just not my cup of tea but each to their own, as this is a thread for fans I'll bow out at this point
  7. MartGonzo

    Star Wars 7

    I never got star wars, I really don't understand the appeal There's no science in it and none of the vehicles or locations look in any way real or used. And then there's the story, space princesses, evil lords and planets of teddy bears it makes the telletubbies look like deep social commentary
  8. you're probably right. odd that it's just started happening, I think maybe it was around the time I put the stock bug fixes on so maybe it's something there. Thanks King Arthur
  9. I'm having this odd issue recently and I'm not entirely sure what is causing it, I'd thought this thread might be a good place to start. separation of SRB's from radial decouplers is causing the stack decouplers in my rocket to break. I'm ascending fine, I separate the SRB's and they clear the rocket but at the same time any stack decouplers in my rocket just collapse on themselves. I have quite a few mods that could be involved here like the stock fixes, tweakscale, kerbal joint reinforcement, possibly even deadly re-entry. I just wondered if anyone had come across anything similar and could help narrow it down?
  10. nope, I didn't get that one but I'm kicking myself now
  11. Looking good Astronomer! can't wait for the next version
  12. Yep, I fit into the "all about aesthetics" category ugly rockets just won't do
  13. Until you said it was American I was sure the answer was Metropolis after all that's the plot, it's sci-fi and it's one of the most ahead of it's time and influential films of all time. I'm so disappointed that not even one person thought of that, does no-one here know history? PS Fingal's got me stumped
  14. Probably my favourite screenshot I've grabbed so far
  15. Just a thought, do you have another peripheral plugged in? I was getting phantom inputs from my gamepad if I don't unplug it before going into KSP (despite the dead-zones being quite high)
  16. That last one gets my vote as the best KSP screenshot ever! in fact squad should buy that off you and use it for promotions
  17. hope you can work your magic on one or more of these
  18. My favourite mistake is putting just two fixed solar panels on either side of my spacecraft only to come back and find that both solar panel are perpendicular to the sun and there's no power. I've done that so many times it's not funny anymore.
  19. Thanks I must admit, I hadn't really thought about that, I just like the way it looks compared to the Lv-909
  20. You leave my beloved poodle engine alone! I use it a lot, especially a tweakscaled 1.25m version instead of the Lv-909
  21. double click (on Ap or Pe) to toggle them permanently, it can be a bit iffy and you may need to click a bunch of times but eventually they show up without having to mouse over.
  22. Here, this is presumably what you are looking for: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/8025832/UN-to-appoint-space-ambassador-to-greet-alien-visitors.html Or maybe it was the Vatican you were thinking of: http://www.dailypaul.com/144756/ets-welcomed-by-vatican-god-is-bigger-than-just-humanity
  23. Wouldn't recommend getting rid of chatterer, when I took that one off the universe suddenly seemed a boring and quiet place, plus it probably uses virtually no resources. From playing experience I'd say Scansat has a huge impact while scanning equipment is active but is a really useful mod so it's down to whther you can live without it. personally vessel viewer would be the first choice to go, cool mod but doesn't really add anything.
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