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  1. [MOD - Moved to KSP1 Mods Discussions subforums.]
  2. [MOD - Moved to the KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials subforum, as this is a question regarding gameplay rather than development]
  3. @Quinby Kerman - Fantastic, thanks! Added to the list.
  4. Consider conducting a Binary or Half-Interval Search across your mods: Make a list of all of your mods Disable half of them (make a note which ones you disabled) Reload your game If your game loads without issues, the problematic mod is in the other half of your modlist (reload your game with the other half of your modlist) If your game experiences errors, the problematic mod is among the mods you have currently loaded With this subset of mods, repeat steps 2 & 3 for each iteration, until you narrow down the problematic mod This is a pretty quick method, as a list of 100 mods can be narrowed down within 6~7 testing iterations.
  5. Okay, where did you purchase or download the game from? Could you verify the integrity of the installation file or ZIP archive that you downloaded?
  6. Hi, welcome to the forums! Did you buy this game through Steam? If so, try verifying your game files, as it looks like your textures and/or rendering may be corrupted.
  7. Many years ago, I wrote a comprehensive (headcanon) list of Space Shuttle and ISS-inspired space food menu for my Kerbalnauts, based on what would be sensible for storage, nutrition and morale:
  8. [MOD - Moved to KSP1 Mods Discussions subforum]
  9. [MOD - Merged related threads into same topic] @gregdeen19, please note that new users require moderators to approve their first few posts, so I'd advise editing your existing topic to add more information instead of making multiple threads. To post images on this forum, you will need to first upload them to an external third-party image host (e.g. Imgur), then copy and paste each image's direct URL into your forums post editor window.
  10. As per the official Add-On Posting Rules, the rules apply equally to both add-ons/mods for the game itself and standalone applications such as this save editor. As long as it is posted or otherwise made available via official services managed by Squad, Private Division, Intercept Games and Take-Two Interactive, these rules apply. Official tools and software developed and provided by Squad, Private Division, Intercept Games and Take-Two Interactive are exempt from the add-on posting rules, due to their official status.
  11. @Ebubekir, I've removed the download link, as you have not yet provided a licence for the application. Please refer to my PM for details.
  12. Unification of UI elements is always good, especially by having a consistent design language that helps users quickly find what they're looking for. And I too would like to see hex code text field(s) for the color picker.
  13. I'd love to port my SDHI Service Module System mod over to KSP 2, and maybe even revive the perpetually-in-alpha FusTek Station Parts project to take advantage of KSP 2's graphics/API. But until official modding support and a ModuleManager equivalent comes to KSP 2, I'm holding off on doing anything. I don't particularly care for the existing third-party injectors, simply because they're unofficial and competing with each other, thus splitting the playerbase and modding community, not to mention potentially breaking changes when the base game updates.
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