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Everything posted by IllicitMedic

  1. Yup its a plugin that will allow you to edit any orbit in game even right on the launch pad. You can even move planets and moons. You can also edit orbits from ANYWHERE, such as the tracking station, you don't need to be ON that item.
  2. No, thats very unrealistic, I try to design my stuff for as little debris as possible. Anything that manages to stay in orbit, is stuck there.
  3. Hyper Edit will let you poof anything anywhere...
  4. It might be the cockpit, MechJeb functions based on what "part" the ship is being controlled from and its orientation relative to the ground...just a thought though idk. I know I had that problem with a rocket on launch it kept tipping and pointing down and it was because it was being controlled from a part that faced the ground so it was trying to turn it up...simply selecting my capsule and setting control from here fixed it...so idk... Try controlling it from different parts by right clicking and selecting "Control From Here" its worth a shot anyway.
  5. Ok, quick question. I've been on a quest to rebuild all my rockets to be more efficient now that I'm fairly "skilled" at this game. The question...would it be more efficient (delta v/fuel wise) to launch, lets say a communications satellite, into a low orbit (80km), circularize and THEN raise to the final orbit of, lets say 500km, or would it be better/just the same to launch straight to 500km and then circularize?
  6. Yes KAS. They are attached to the "parking lot" of the ship. Once a ship docks to the station they are attached to "secure" the craft in place in the event of an accidental undocking, etc. They also act as fuel lines so yea they are kind of important. Im going to guess it can't be fixed? Lol...not sure why I'm laughing...lol...damnit!
  7. I just finished building my first space station, its massive. Anyway, I just now realized that 2 of the 6 winch systems on the CORE part of the station I have forgot to put connectors on...its the core section and there is no way I can replace it. I tried sending up some connectors and placing them on the winch via EVA but it don't seem to be possible...anyway I can install new parts on an orbiting ship? Whats this hyperedit I hear about? Can it help?
  8. Why do people over do it for the Mun? That rocker is WAAYYYYYY to big for a Mun mission.
  9. 9, 7 comsats and 2 mapping sats. 10 if you count the rocket sitting on the pad.
  10. I still can't see the icon, I only get the question mark, same thing is happening with Subassembly.
  11. I've learned so much from this mod. Its a learning tool more then an AP. I could hardly do **** before this mod. As it would do the things for me I'd watch and learn and now I hardly use it. Thanks so much for such a great learning tool!
  12. I don't lag...i-5-2500k, 16GB Ram, Radeon 7550 2GB. Full settings.
  13. Won't let me download it, I type in the combo it gives me then nothing...
  14. 4 sats at a time was actually fairly easy. Anyway, all 8 sats are now in perfect orbits. Thanks so much for your help.
  15. Worked perfect, thank you. Now, will this work for lower orbits too? I'm terrible at math lol been trying to do the math for a 300km orbit. Timing the launches work for the 300km but I'd like a more consistent, non variable way to do it for future deployments.
  16. I tried both...hmmmm. Do I wait until all 3 sats are in orbit before circularizing?
  17. Crew Manifest is great and should be implemented standard in the game IMO.
  18. Ok so I launched 1 Geosync sat...to the correct altitude and speed...and then launched my next one at MET 2h...and they ended up in the same exact spot...
  19. The 300km orbit will actually have 4. I'm going to that video a look.
  20. Thanks! I'll try the geosync first. Orbit time for the 300km sats is right around 50 minutes. Sooooo?
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