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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Please return to us in the future your always welcome
  2. I am using near and I and I am not warming to it still trying to figure out the atmosphere depths
  3. Your a Die Hard Dragon01 so you would love Far but for us simple folk stock aerodynamics is all we need
  4. Check out the new asset rover I have decided to adopt it modular design and you can make trailers and they have docking ports. Every new release brings problems for the poor old Demv's and I guess its time to let them die http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94947-Exploration-Rover-System-by-A-S-E-T-%2829-09-14%29
  5. 0.25 Doesnt really do much for me either a few nice tweaks, I think the explosions are to far over the top and need to be toned down a little. I tried the career mode went back to sandbox didnt like it, hopefully when it hits beta it will be more refined and memory wont be such an issue when using mods
  6. I wasnt overly thrilled it relied on FAR or NEAR either but am learning to live with NEAR, I absolutely love B9 Pack its a shame there couldn't have been 2 versions 1 for stock aerodynamics and one for the die hards who want realism
  7. Spaceplane guidance and NEAR just dont like each other it just tries to kill me all the time by plunging me into the ground, on either a runway approach or to hold a certain altitude and thats using the B9 supplied craft files. Here is the log i hope it helps https://www./folder/wdazw9dg9acg0/KSP_Logs
  8. Kerbals are a peace loving race why would you need weapons for space exploration
  9. It's fine that you like them in the original color all I am asking for is an alternative texture that suits the alcor
  10. Hi I was wondering if there was a chance of getting your fold out engines and rcs in white to match the Alcor capsule I love the engines but they would be awesome in white please consider Thanks VG
  11. New Firespitter DLL available please go here to download the plugin http://snjo.github.io/
  12. Firespitter DLL has been updated go here http://snjo.github.io/
  13. Damn cool rockets and space shuttle engine where awesome all the best dtobi Ihope someone picks this up
  14. Can confirm the new fix is working perfectly thankyou to Rbray and Sarbian
  15. I would like an ASET suit to go with the Alcor / ERS / Konquest please I think it would be an awesome addition or one of each I would do it myself but not sure how to make them
  16. Thanks Alex awesome stuff I cant seem to find the ASET flag as I would like to have it on my rover to honour the creator
  17. Thanks for that Sarbian I will be staying with opengl as it gives the bigger benifit
  18. Thats a really good idea sift the chaff and only send through the legit problems would cut down 90% of the garbage
  19. Any news love this rover been watching your youtube Vids on the docking ports they look so good
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