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Everything posted by nukeboyt

  1. Very helpful! Thanks. It'd also be cool to be able to switch from one command pod to another without leaving IVA, but I know that's not possible.
  2. Does anyone know the proper way to un-dock using RPM in IVA and STAY in IVA (not switch to external view)? I know it's possible because I've done it on occasion. But I cannot get it to happen regularly. I'm planning an Apollo style mission and want to stay in IVA
  3. See @Ralathon instructions here. Sorry I cannot help with which particular files need editing. I'm hoping someone who figures it out, is willing to share.
  4. Sorry I do not know the answer to your question, but I'm happy to report that this past Wednesday, after the release of 1.2 and RPM v0.28.0, Alex PM'd the group of testers, and indicated that he was working on an update. He specifically mentioned the breaking change that you pointed out as one of the things he was working on. So I am optimistic that an update in the works.
  5. Yes, when in external mode. The green target indicator skips to the docking port selected as you scroll through them. It also shows the distance below the [ ].
  6. In earlier versions, the camera showed the targeted-port reticle (pink). Now it does not show. In the picture below, the docking port "B1" should be highlighted with the pink reticle.
  7. I've done several dockings. It works fine (function check sat). Suggest TGT: part text could be raised one line to be on the same line as "TGT:". Same for the "REF:" when that text gets lowered to the bottom of the screen. Occupied ports still toggled through. I thought they did, but I cannot replicate. I like the green target indicator better than the old pink reticle. (easier to see) Is this part of DPAI or stock? http://imgur.com/SJ5pLJn http://imgur.com/m21jsCj
  8. I'd like to say thank you to all the Developers, Squad Staff, Mod-developers, Forum Moderators. I've enjoyed all your work since 2013 and have certainly got my money's worth. I've been glad to contribute to my favorite modders (as I hope everyone has) because their work adds so much to an already excellent game. In the spirit of their closing line, "So long, and thanks for all the snacks"; I'm glad that they hitchhiked along!
  9. As MOARdv said above, there is a version that works with pre-release on his Github
  10. This mod is very much alive. Alexustas is working on updates. LOTS of new goodies coming. Just my opinion, but I hope that after 1.2 is officially released, we'll see some action.
  11. If I were going to tell anyone, I'd say that it appears to be working just fine with 1.2 pre-release
  12. It sounds like you may have ASET (ALCOR) mod installed. If so, the "Pod" cameras only work on the ALCOR capsule proper. So even though the button exists in the Mk1-2 capsule, they don't do anything. When you attach external cameras and set their id's 1-8, you can get them to work with the "External" button
  13. I've noticed that the docked (occupied) ports are not being excluded when cycling through ports on the target ship, Should they be?
  14. The times that I've seen this exact same situation were when I forgot to put Module Manager in the Game Data directory
  15. Wishing you the best! The ability to create & manipulate maneuver nodes in IVA, and being able transfer kerbals to other parts of the ship without leaving IVA are the two remaining features that will make the IVA experience complete IMHO. Thank you for working on this.
  16. Following chit-chat on Github, along with a few recent comments by @MOARdV, lead me to believe that the return of Mr. @alexustas might be not all that far off. I for one am very excited!! Alex's IVA's and dV++'s RPM are the reason I still play KSP. But of course, this hope of a "glorious" return (thanks @Kottabos) may just be wishful thinking on my part. And thank you to @Deimos Rast for the configs!
  17. The JSI External Radial-mount Camera can pan and tilt but the display screen buttons have to be defined to support it. The default displays included with the RPM mod only supports zoom. Some other mods, like ALCOR Pod or the MK 1-2 IVA Replacement, have display screens with buttons that are setup for pan & tilt.
  18. Have you tried completely deleting the JSI folder form GameData and extracting a freshly downloaded version? If you have not tried this, I will likely fix your problems
  19. I would gladly help test. While were at it, I've noticed some situations with the ALCOR capsule where the Pod Camera "flips" 180 degrees horizontally creating a mirror image. Any thoughts on this? I haven't found a way to repeat the problem reliably but will continue to try.
  20. I am pretty sure that they have NOT YET been enabled in this pod. So if those features are important to your IVA operations, you will have to use a pod that uses the "plain" RPM screens.
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