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Everything posted by nukeboyt

  1. Of the hundreds of ASET Props, this one with the "Closest Approach" (not shown) is what I miss the most in Alexustas' absence. Does anyone know of any 1.1 compatible mods that use it?
  2. Sorry to be a pain, but I'm been looking a while and I'm unable to find the required ASET packs. Does anyone have an alternate location? OK, I found some old files on another computer. ASET Props 1.3 and Avionics 1.0. Woo Hoo!
  3. Shadow of Laythe on Jool, as seen from the surface of Bop. It just doesn't get any better than this. Well Done, Sir! Well Done
  4. Seems as if you download the store KSP INSTALLER, you DO GET the x64 executable and data folder. The stand-alone download of KSP 1.1.0 (ksp-win-1-1-0.zip) seems to be missing the 64 bit files. Therefore, for Windows users, I recommend downloading the store's KSP INSTALLER Edit: The problem has been corrected, and download file ksp-win-1-1-0.zip now DOES contain the 64bit executable and folder
  5. I own two copies, one purchased from the KSP store and one from steam. Comparing the two, I see that the one I just downloaded from the store does not contain KSP_x64.exe or the KSP_x64_Data folder. Wondering if anyone else is missing the x64 executable from their store download.
  6. In my opinion, I wouldn't change it. If people wish to reverse things, they can re-program some of the keys. Your explanation makes sense now, as it did back in 2013. Love your work.
  7. I map the brakes to the button on the other side of the big x, opposite the start. (not at home now so not sure of the name). I also wish we could use the big x.. I stage with the right joystick (push button) and throttle cutoff with the left
  8. Agreed! I use my bumpers for SAS & RCS toggle, so we're very close. I use the triggers for throttle up & throttle down. Had to set throttle "rotation axis " as both Primary and Secondary, then invert one of them. I have the ESC set as the "start" button and time warp at "B" & "X", When I"m playing I never have to touch the keyboard (not even to pause for taking out the garbage) . Still have to use the mouse though (to change viewing angle, and select from menu, etc)
  9. Unless I'm mistaken, for an interplanetary transfer, you have to get the Phase angle near zero and then go the next time that the Ejection Angle approaches zero. Were you doing that?
  10. Without doubt, he has released some of the most amazing mods! But the ones he hasn't released (like KONQUEST) are the ones that are the most anticipated (in my opinion).
  11. I hope that you are correct! ALCOR is my favorite mod, hands down; since i really love all-iva missions. Many of the "new" parts and instruments that he has posted videos of, but not released are making my mouth water.... (not literally)...
  12. I wonder if @alexustas is still interested in KSP. I hope that he is. His work is excellent and it would be quite a loss if he has moved on.
  13. I use an x-box controller for PC. I have the D-pad setup for left-right / up-down translation. And the "Y" button for forward and "A" for backwards. This works very well (for me).
  14. I never really enjoyed career mode that much so I set out to teach myself how to do things in IVA view exclusively. I really enjoyed the experience. Having the proper command capsules was critical. I'm a big fan of Alexustas' ALCOR & mark 2.
  15. That makes sense. Hoping Scott, Danny, Bob and the gang are already at work...
  16. Wondering.... Are the members of the experimentals team allowed to share any goodies like pictures or videos, or are they prevented from doing so by a non-disclosure agreement?
  17. If you read the most recent post of the mod's author, it says that he has "temporarily" frozen development of his mods, waiting to see what Unity 5 and version 1.1 bring (my interpretation).
  18. Thanks. I got it to work and see how it automatically targets other docking ports. Handy! Is there any display or controls on the default RPM screens?
  19. Thanks. I have never made an MM patch. I guess it's about time I learn...
  20. I'm insterested in the JSI Radar. I've never given it a try or even noticed its availability. Does anyone know of a video or set of pictures that show it in use?
  21. Thanks. I didn't read it that way at first, but it makes sense. I didn't assume it was a bug.
  22. What do I need to do to get them? I've tried on a clean install with EVE as the only mod. Clouds are great in-game, but not visible on menu pages. Thanks for a great product!
  23. If you remember to rename the docking ports, and give each one a unique name, you can identify them in IVA with the RPM targeting menu.
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