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Everything posted by mwlue

  1. Just updated from dev183, got sth strange with dev193 & 194 version.... the mechjeb windows just don't shown up when i put the MJ part on to a pod. I got tons of nullreference error in the log whenever i place the mj part to sth.... if i revert to dev183 then everything seems fine again. But seems im the only one having the problemmmm..... trying to remove my mods 1by1 to figure out if anything to do with the mods.....
  2. I'm wondering is it able to change sound effect of J2 & H1 engines and if possible, how could i do that? Thank you. nvm, got it: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation#Sound_FX_definition
  3. ^^^ rofl ^^^
  4. finally have time to test TD&E 8-)
  5. getting the PF shapes abit closer to the real thing finally, and the paints as well.
  6. modified PF fuselage & 5m KWR decoupler shroud looking nice.
  7. Would ya people give Frizz a break, so he can do what he want. And at the mean time waiting for his next great release, i will do whatever DIY needed to make my rocket looks KoOL, there are tons of cool stuff here that can archive the goal. Let's say a procedural fuselage painted for Saturn.
  8. Hmm, ok. this one worked. Orz just miss the working db reload from older release. I can keep switching dll when needed of course.
  9. Seeems not working... my code is @PART[KW1mengineMaverick1D] { @description = boom !MODEL,1[*] {} } It did changed the description, but the shroud model still there. the part.cfg has the following. // --- asset parameters --- MODEL { model = KWRocketry/Parts/Engines/1mMaverick1D/KW_1mEngine_Maverick1D_M scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 } scale = 0.1 MODEL { model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KWDecouplerShroud/KW_Auto_1mMavShroud scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }
  10. <3 That's beautiful <3 Now i wish there's 240000000000000000hrs a day.
  11. those engines in KWR have 2 [model] sections in part.cfg, first for the engine model itself and the 2nd one for auto shroud. I want to remove the 2nd [model] part.
  12. Hmm i did dropped an older version of MM to my .23 mod platform, it's like 1.5 i think (i renamed the the dll to blehblehbleh_1_5.dll, so i think it was 1.5 then ) and the DB reload seems working fine, i first loaded the game and go VAB to check my patches are loaded, then go back spacecenter, and reload DB, go VAB again, the patches still there. I lost the patches after DB reload with latest 1.5.6. , that make me spent whole day yesterday figuring out why my patch "seems" not working as i reload DB instead of reloading the whole game.......
  13. Yo, take your time Frizz, the s1b + lem rockz~ We can still use your S-IV stage + PF + KWR + NP + tons of self-mods to build our very own Saturn V (mine is Katurn V )~!!! All stages seems working fine. (K)S-IC with NP + my modified KWR decoupler shroud (K)S-IIB with PF+ NP+ my modified KWR flat adapter + your J2s (5x J2s are just to powerful, i have to limit them to 70% thrust at VAB wakakaa) (K)S-IV
  14. Hmm, let say i have a engine part that have 2 model components, 1 for the engine itself and the other for auto shroud. How to remove the auto shround part with this? edit: btw, since which version of this plugin had removed the ability to reload patch with DB reload? i want to revert to that version in my *mod* version ksp.
  15. Arrr, i seee. The png shown in xnview( my fav. image brower like acdsee) correctly, so i baically copy what i see in xnview to clipboard, and paste it to photoshop and do my job, it works Thanks for the swift response. Cheerz, happy launching & boom.
  16. abit OT here, Im trying to change the texture for the decupler shroud, but don't seems getting the alpha channel works.... i used the mbm-to-png tools to extract the png from mbm, but when i open it in photoshop, its a semi transparent texture. What steps im missing? Thank you.
  17. Simply can't wait Frizz~~~ I'm building my Katurn V anyway. S-IC wannabe seperated. S-IIB wannabe 8-)
  18. wow, me want that!!!!!! BADLY!
  19. Is there a roll program in mj that make the rocket(or the KSO) alwasys pitch towards the launch heading?? Thank you.
  20. Love the tower <3 but got some mishap on the first use lol
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