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Everything posted by mwlue

  1. Look coooooooool~! Nice tools for analyzing your rocket performance.
  2. ^ AIES NP KW KOSMOS ^ strike in!!!! that's look very coool Jack Wolfe!!!
  3. Oh whhaaaoooo, that's a very detailed reply!!!!! thanks a lot. Orz ===> lots of reading ahead
  4. Whooaaaa, thanks to the tanks template authors, the original black 3m short tank is cool. But white tank look better on Katurn. Orz another test ride on my new lander to the mun
  5. Sorry if it had been asked before, what is the format for setting time with this mod??? I'm currently just blind guessing + try n error to get my desired time of the day... Thank you.
  6. Hmmm interesting suggestion, never think of this before. Will give it a try. Orz
  7. Arr ok, not the way i want but looks like i have to follow that at the moment. Thank you for the detailed resplies. Orz
  8. Just for fun at first, i modded a stock radial decouplers to have 50000 decouple force because i found my heavy radial mounted boosters never jettisoned far. even with sepratron.... the boosters just slide-down when decoupled.... then i found that its all about the struts (even just the stock one). without struts the SRBs are dumped like i expected. with struts, they just slide-down... then i tried going even further to have 1000000 decouple force but still make no difference with struts in place. have lulz effects of course when i remove the struts. is this intended or i placed the struts incorrectly?? i tried placing the struts on top of the SRBs instead, but result is the same. Thank you.
  9. Just did some quick dirty rescale stuff ( err not very quick actually, try-n-error for the right scale and tweaking attach nodes are not quick ) to get myself a 5-3.75m butt-plate \o/ not perfect match but enough for myself.
  10. Hail, just drop-in to express how i love the flat adapter, it just make my Katurn stage-3's butt looks cool
  11. I have already using that line already, but don't seems to work. Thanks for your "early" reply. lol Isn't that cool to have KW interstage with procedural fairing huh?? boooo..... i see... let see if e-dog would add that on later release or not. Thanks all.
  12. Been trying to make SLA stuff, but i dont seems able to get the bottom node scale properly with the size change... I that scaling built in the dll or can be adjusted in cfg?? Thanks
  13. arr, thank you. i tuned down ALL engines' gimbal to 0.3 trying to reduce wobble now. \o/ but seems still need to lock gimbal if radically mounted.
  14. errr i don't seems able to change gimbalrange globaly with this extension... my cfg: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]] { @gimbalRange = 1.5 } in the ksp.log, it seems the first part worked, it do fine those parts that have gimbal enabled (this is my light-weight test platform, so just 3 engines found): [LOG 19:34:17.936] Applying node /gimbal_fix/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]] to Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/part/liquidEngine1-2 [LOG 19:34:17.947] Applying node /gimbal_fix/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]] to Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/part/liquidEngine2 [LOG 19:34:17.949] Applying node /gimbal_fix/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]] to Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/part/liquidEngine2-2 but it just don't change the value..... any more sample syntax for this??? Thank you.
  15. OMFG..... I love the new soyuz style tanks so f-king much! They looks so sexy on my Katurn series testbed! :-0 massive 1000t+ rocket with 22700kN thrust from 1st stage. yumyum 8-)
  16. Oh jesus~!! "High Thrust version of the Thor SRB, Nearly twice as powerful as standard but with a 60 second burn time." <=== i love that for my Katurn IIa
  17. Trying different parts for my Mun landers
  18. I second that. Their values are just nice at the moment. Could have abit more variety may be, like 4x BearCat for 5m tanks would be nice other than that, the thrust of NP engines are fine.
  19. Just OT abit, pc version is out??? we should move on the make mod for that so we can steal ROCKETS!
  20. arr thank you, i'll try that mbm2png converter then. 1st convert resulted i a semi-transparent png tho. I have read the wiki, terribly complex that approach is so i will keep clear of that
  21. Wanna change the texture of some parts from KWRocketry.... Thank you.
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