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Everything posted by NoMrBond

  1. That fits with the scale = issue, otherwise the tanks are only 2m * 1.56 = 3.12m If you're not using scale = 1, set scale = 1 (required as well as rescaleFactor) Iif you are using scale = 1, try scale = 1.25 [Edit] If that still doesn't work, I'll have a look at making the MODEL{} conversions when I get home from work since the MODEL{} system includes scale XYZ arguments
  2. Yes, add the line rescaleFactor = 1.56 to the part.cfg (caps important) You may also need scale = 1 Otherwise the size may be out (due to default scaling being 1.25 I think) ----- [Edit] The other way to do it would be to convert the 'mesh =' arguments into MODEL{} setups, but that'd be a lot more work
  3. You'd need a rescaleFactor of 1.56 (2.5 -> 3.9m), you may also need to adjust the node_stack positions to account for the new size (or perhaps you can do this by setting scale = as well as the rescaleFactor, I forget).
  4. Click on the parent GameObject in your Hierarchy tab (default left) Click on [Add Component] in the Inspector tab (default right) then select KSP > Part Tools The [Part Tools (Script)] component should appear in the Inspector tab Enter your desired KSP output information in the new [Part Tools (Script)] component Press the [Part Tools (Script)] > [Write] to output ----------------- For the 0.23 part tools update, you need to navigate to your project directory (by default (under Windows)this will be in your Documents directory, C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\[UnityProjectName]) Copy the PartTools folder from the PartTools023.zip to the Assets subdirectory of you Unity Project directory (there should already be a PartTools there from the 0.20 package, overwrite all conflicts to update).
  5. Wait a sec, is the round weeblebase actually separated from the body by suspension like a landing gear, because that would be cool.
  6. LV-N's only go up on/in reusable automated-tug 'transfer sections' Subsequent vessels then go up to LKO without these main drives, and pick up one or more transfer sections there The transfer sections then return themselves after dropping off a payload or come back to LKO with the crew/command section
  7. Thanks again I'll avoid adding more terms on my own config though, as that would mean the parts wouldn't work for anyone else, better to make them work with stock FAR than to forment annoying incompatibilities
  8. Ah, great, thanks. I thought it was the name= argument after reading the OP for some reason, now I feel silly. Is there a list of keywords (importance of spelling) which FAR recognises beyond 'cargo bay', 'nose cone' and 'fairing', such as 'shroud' or 'fuselage'?
  9. I guess a quick hack would be to copy the FAR settings from their stock (or B9) equivalents, then tune from there
  10. Is there a way to get FAR to recognise fairings, shrouds and or bays which should be protecting their payloads without changing the name= arguments to include one of the recognised terms? Like a providesSheilding = True or could it scan the 'description =' argument as well as the 'name =' I'd like to have some bays and their doors provide the appropriate FAR protections but I'm having no luck thus far and I'd prefer to avoid changing the names of the parts as this would break compatibility
  11. There is some info on the MODEL{} node system in the 0.20 features thread, last bit of the opening post [Edit] There are a few other examples in the modding info thread under Gamedatabase // MODEL{} too
  12. You can share textures between parts as part of the MODEL{} system, the B9 mod does this a lot
  13. I was hoping when I saw Maxmaps discussion with mod platform provider that that was actually related to this (thread), but that's not sounding hopeful.
  14. Does anyone have the exact dimension of the mk2 profile?
  15. Whose aerospike intakes are those on the 10 ton cargo SSTO (3rd pic) ?
  16. ok, so I think I might have it (although, gird your eyes, ugly proto-parts) MODULE { name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler ejectionForce = 45 explosiveNodeID = bottom } just dropping the "anchorName =" out made it work (ModuleDecoupler just shot them straight up, couldn't work out how to change that). No transforms in Unity or anything like that, it works solely off the node_stack_xxx arguments in the .cfg, so the [ explosiveNodeID = bottom] points explicitly to the [node_stack_bottom]
  17. I think you might need to use ModuleDecouple instead of ModuleAnchoredDecoupler I think ModuleAnchoredDecoupler is looking for a model part (the anchor) which remains behind when the decoupler is fired, and since the fairing model doesn't have this, the whole thing is remaining attached I'm going to bash out a couple of rapid test parts and see if I can confirm though
  18. The "anchorName = " argument is blank in the [ModuleAnchoredDecoupler], shouldn't that have something in it?
  19. Jet engine in the center with akimbo rockets in the space each side provided by the mk2 profile?
  20. Oops, forgot to fix the matching truss for those stack-inserts since they all share a texture Will fix the UV unwrap for that so it works properly with the new specular texture, and adjust the mesh detailing as well to reduce face/tri counts
  21. Hopefully that doesn't need to happen again until it's your choice to do so, good luck at the new place.
  22. I guess [anchor] is a transform in Unity like thrustTransform? Unfortunately this isn't a type of part I've made yet so I'm not sure Best bet might be to go on IRC to #KSPModders and see if anyone is online with experience with the [ModuleAnchoredDecoupler]
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