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Everything posted by inigma

  1. THis is getting popular fast. Didn't think it ever would heh. I might need to ask for a secondary match host volunteer. Need to be able to run KSP 1.0.5, and upload matches to YouTube or a Twitch stream channel. I also need a nice forum badge for those who make ASC Champion. Any takers?
  2. I got it to work in a small fighter fight, but its not predictable. I am still testing its effectiveness.
  3. AI and weapons manager changes between matches are permitted to the King. No part changes permitted though. All challengers on roster may make any changes they wish before a match. Edit: Redshift dodged every single missile and blasted both my planes in the first test. Subsequent tests were bugged (his planes smacked into each other before match start), a fourth test revealed that ECM was not working on both my planes since BDA does not enable them by default. Fifth test had ECM enabled and again he blasted both my planes but only after shooting down his own craft in the crossfire. I still think there is a bug going on since aim 120s seem to spawn right on top of a target sometimes ad in that test. I'm just trying to eliminate the bugs so I can record a fair fight (and lose). I'm afraid he will still win hands down. His planes are that good. I've noticed that spawning with Vessel Mover also bugs planes.
  4. HyperEdited over or VesselMover over. no fuel. Unconventional is just fine. Just has to fly. Good... cause @Redshift OTF's Stealth Weasel, who is slotted after you, was really giving me a headache last night no matter what AI configuration I tried against his planes.
  5. Well, in testing, my son managed to dominate my Fighter Papa-1, in three test rounds no less... wow. Impressive. I'll add his craft to the roster asap. I have discovered several things in testing and in reviewing matches so far recorded. - AI can't handle turrets hardly - at the expense of it bugging and not able to use your canons. So, use turrets at your own risk. - ECM appears broken. AI never engages it. @BahamutoD is this a bug? Which is why in testing radar guided missiles are lethal - only sometimes chasing after chaff, currently making things such a missile fight unnecessarily. So... to activate ECM for your craft, you will need to activate ECM in the craft file for now before you submit it to the roster, so it will stay active during the fight. For those on the current roster, I will manually do this to your craft file to make matches fair - and only if your craft has ECM installed. I also updated OP rules to allow certain permitted changes between matches to keep things unpredictable. ASC champion may only make AI and weapons manager changes between matches to tweak and hone their craft to prepare for upcoming challengers. No other part changes are permitted. It is recommended that you test your designs using a variety of enemy AI and weapon module configs. All challengers are permitted to make any changes to their craft (I've already been permitting this since day 1) before their match against the ASC champion. Once craft are engaged in a match, no changes (obviously) are permitted. oy. not sure. recommend quick rebuild.
  6. These are made in 1.1. ASC currently works in KSP 1.0.5. Can you rebuild these in KSP 1.0.5?
  7. man that pizza gets on everything don't it?
  8. A plane that is still maneuverable and has weapons is still counted as being in the fight. A loss of either renders the craft defeated. If all remaining craft in a round lose either one of these capabilities, the round is considered a draw. Regarding ASC match take-off requirements, the AI must be able to take your plane off from mid-field KSC Island, else it will crash horribly to the satisfaction of the current King of the Hill. When @BahamutoD takes on my enhancement request to allow for Carrier take-offs (allowing players to specify brake times for throttle up), I will have all challengers be required to take off from an aircraft carrier near the Island (which will limit their design, which is the intent).
  9. Reminder, all challengers must be manned by at least one Kerbal at match start. Also if your craft bugs out any round of a match, the entire match will be disqualified and will be rerun. If any rounds get bugged again, thr challenger must go back to the drawing board.
  10. Reminder, though no part restrictions, it has to be able to take off starting from the middle of the Island runway.
  11. Turrets allowed for now until @BahamutoD suggests not to, or a turret King is considered undefeatable. Part limit might be the first retriction (100 parts seem reasonable? ) in response. For now, no limits so we can test practical BDA design limits.
  12. Correct. So for now I say lets allow turrets unless it becomes a problem no one can defeat. At least in ASC we will find out what works, what doesn't, and whats really OP so we can provide feedback to @BahamutoD.
  13. @BahamutoD thoughts? Knowing what you know of AI behaviour, would you recommend banning turrets in AI fights for now?
  14. There are no limits at the moment. The idea is to test the limits of BDA designs no matter how unconventional. The goal is to create a deadly aerial target for my GAP contract pack. My concern for ASC is Can the AI dodge turret fire? I read somewhere it can't. Can someone confirm if the AI can? I guess once someone's design becomes unbeatable, we could reevaluate a reset and change to the ASC rules. Thoughts? A flying goalkeeper? Submit it. Lets see how it fares.
  15. Heh. Ya, I guess the King gets first pick of his pilots. To the current title defender goes the advantage... In my install I've only hired pilots in case anyone is wondering, so everyone gets a skilled pilot. Great match!
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