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Everything posted by Kruleworld

  1. Would you like some Kerbals to have special skills? Engineer can repair parts better/easier/quicker. Scientist gets more value out of science missions. Communications gets more value through transmitting. Pilots don't black out under extreme g's. It could be just a 'bonus' applied if you take them along. it could also make players more careful about bringing them back.
  2. yes, definitely, good idea. not to take away anything from Paul's mod, but the vanilla game does need improvement.
  3. one of my speakers is faulty and has a scratchy sound. the rockets sound more extreme than normal.
  4. yes, prettier explosions would be nice. Also bigger explosions if you have fuel involved (atm a full orange tank is same as a small empty tank)
  5. i'd like to have science available in sandbox mode. it would give kerbals something to do other than fly around and stuff.
  6. Perhaps ksp needs a self destruct part. If you know your empty tank will become debris, strap a small charge to it and (remotely?) detonate it (basically the same as 'End Flight' from the Space Center). That, or a lazer that can do it from the ground.
  7. I suppose having to save Kerbal from a rouge asteroid could be a good way to FINISH the career mode. as a final story, once you've unlocked all levels of tech???
  8. Doing research on gene manipulation is fine, but i don't think we need a live-dinosaur-theme-park, period.
  9. http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap131225.html some people here were talking about Phobos. this is a very detailed movie of Mars' moon.
  10. Eve = Venus = Evening Star Evening Star From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Astronomy The planet Venus when it appears in the west (evening sky) after sunset
  11. I've noticed in career mode i can see some other parts from KW set, but they are greyed out. perhaps you have a modified command pod and it's greyed out because it's now a non-stock part?
  12. If Jeb's ship can't be used to get home you'll need to rescue him with another ship that he can transfer too, that or kill him off by cancelling the flight. it's lonely being stuck on the Mun. Here i crashed into the surface and only the command pod survived
  13. i made it to the mun (moon). now, how do i get back?
  14. so i parked my munbuggy in the street and the next morning, some thieves had stolen my wheels (the lander legs on top are for flipping it over after a roll)
  15. i agree it's needed. i seem to remember another game having preset zooms using the number keys like you suggest.
  16. I like that idea, especially a robot arm for collecting samples. isn't rover short for Remotely Operated Vehicle? any un-manned vehicle in ksp would fit that description.
  17. you splash down, hit escape, go to the space center screen, the tracking center and finally finish the mission to recover your craft and get science points. wouldn't it be easier to have 'recover craft' option straight-away or at least the tracking center available from the end of mission options?
  18. Since there is no option to TEST vehicles before launch, i think it should be retained. nothing worse than launching a ship and realising you forgot to add a power supply or its so unbalance that it won't go straight.
  19. also the navball needs indicators for targets that are not on the facing side (eg it becomes an arrow when not visible because it's more than 180° around)
  20. I hope the devs use this style for their game manual document
  21. It looks a bit like the Kerbal command module... someone needs to update it "NASA is gearing up for the inaugural flight of its next manned spacecraft, which is now less than a year away." http://news.yahoo.com/debut-test-flight-looms-orion-nasas-next-manned-165318097.html
  22. Ok, thanks guys for pointing that out. That doesn't really help for booster rockets that you drop after launch (shuttle SRBs chute back to earth to be reused).
  23. Well, i did suggest an alarm for events, like OVERTEMP i also like the 'tah-dah' sound that LAZER addon makes when you touch down.
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