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Everything posted by Umlüx

  1. but you need 7 or 8 (?) transmissions to get the same value as one recovery. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53514-Doing-the-math-on-science-transmissions?p=708310&viewfull=1#post708310
  2. you need roughly the same amount of dV for landing and takeoff of a moon or planet without atmosphere. as for the return to kerbin.. i think you need roughly 300-350 m/s if i remember correctly? could be less..
  3. soo... if you are only taking one goo canister with you (e.g. sending a probe to a planet) .. how are you balancing out your craft? is there anything useful to stick to the other side? sensors and batteries are too light..
  4. i dont think they actually transmit the samples themselves. more likely they run a spectral analysis and whatnot in the command pod and only send the data back. like curiosity on mars does thats also the reason you have to transmit several samples to get the same amount of science as returning it to kerbin.
  5. Kerbal Äronautic and Space Establishment = KÄSE (german for cheese)
  6. i just looked out of the window of my capsule and thought... why travel so far when everythin beautiful is so near?
  7. thats one small stumble for a kerbal, one giant laugh for everyone on tv
  8. sorry if this was asked already.. but i still dont understand it: so, if you transmit data from experiments, you get only 60-20% data per transmission. does this mean you are loosing data in comparison to landing and recovering the vessel? or can you simply transmit more often (with slower diminishing returns) than recover and you get the same amount of science in the long run both ways?
  9. i clicked on them. and R&D says 'owned' as status. but the parts are still grayed out
  10. doesnt work for me. it says "this part requires an entry purchase in R&D" even when i purchase it
  11. why so much science modules? is there any benefit in having more? or just for the looks?
  12. is that so? that would be too easy? but who am i to complain
  13. anyone ever tested or know how far away from KSC a craft can land and still be able to be recovered? as of yet i managed to land within sight of KSC everytime, but there sure is a maximum range? thanks!
  14. i think the costs are good as they are now. i dont think the majority of KSP players will pull of a duna flyby on their 3rd launch. i had 3 launches yesterday and i only got into a mun orbit and back. i am really missing MJ... i think i am too dependent on the dV display when building rockets..
  15. i'd say they should finish the engine and physics now, add realistic drag and aerodynamic models and so on.. then they can go beta and add content like parts, planets and career missions.
  16. fly me to the mun let me play with my kerbal let me see what spring is like on Jool, Minmus and Vall in other words, land my probe in other words, baby launch me fill my craft with fuel and let me fly forever more space is all i long for all i worship and adore in other words, please stay cool in other words, now i launch you
  17. Thats what the Squad Texture Reduction Pack was made for can't live without B9, but i have to install the pack to run all my mods without crashing after some minutes.
  18. Duna! Laythe is way too cold and too far away for a short holiday trip
  19. clearly sub-assemblies. i am more of a builder than an actual flyer. this will make building multipart ships easy (i hope..)
  20. i dont think there is another way (yet) than copying the craft files from SPH to VAB but this may change with .22 and its subassembly feature.
  21. i try to have some sepratrons on lifting stages, so when i decouple them from the payload after reaching low orbit, they fire and the spent stage deorbits. IP pusher stages are fitted with a probe core so i can deorbit them after reaching the target or are decoupled after aerobraking before i raise the PE or (usually when i visit the mun) i set up a direct crash course, decouple the pusher and finish the orbit with the payload. nevertheless my save is littered with debris...
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