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Everything posted by vetrox

  1. So Can you explain in a little more depth that one. How would you have the game react to you say? landing on duna? At the moment you get science which unlocks more parts and in the future this will unlock some currency you can use to fund further missions to go further. What else would you want to see? Other than the "game reacts to your exploration" you have essentially described sandbox mode. What compelling and interesting gameplay would you have. Flying ships to outer space isnt fun and compelling? Yes you have already done it a bajillion times but i bet it was fun and compelling in the beginning. Video games dont keep us entertained indefinatley. Maybe some form of randomly generated star system along with the mechanic of discovering outher planetary bodies? You say you want resources? Maybe instead of these being used to power ships (like the kethane mod) they are transported back to kerbin in exchange for cash? or maybe the later techs should include parts that are made of specific materials. Maybe science should be earnt by discovering resources and taking them back to kerbin. The science from that resource is then directly used to unlock parts that require that resource? Who knows Maybe probes (and indeed manned craft) Should have some sort of cost per game hour to reflect the money it costs to hire all the ground staff? Instead of just happily badmouthing the current career mode you should make constructive suggestions. Ok you dont like it. What are some specific ways in which you would like to see it improved and how would they effect new and old players alike? I dont agree with craft failures (craft randomly failing after 4hours of real time spent getting it somewhere? That doesnt sound like good gamplay to me) Time lag: Please explain this is something new to me. A reason for putting up a satellite? I couldnt agree more. I dont know what reason they could implement but i sure as hell want one. Meaningfull life support: I've no opinion either way maybe this is something that can be added as part of a set of difficulty modes EDIT: I'm trying to type in the most non aggressive way possible. I know it doesnt read that way but thats the downside of text only debate
  2. Thats sort of what a challenge is. Dont forget it will also have a currency. Maybe when its introduced you will still feel its a case of "o collect this, and get paid for that, big deal" then career mode is not for you. Sandbox will be your thing. Squad will therefor have catered to 2 different groups of KSP players Thats not what I was trying to say. But a little bit of direction in the first few tiers of career mode would be extremely helpfull to newer players. However yes I do think there should be missions in career mode. If you feel that ruins the feel of career mode (not the game) then thats what sandbox is for. To me, I invision career mode as some sort of campaign that you would see in a single player fps. I wasnt refering to you or anyone in this particular thread. Its just an observation. I have plenty left to do in sandbox (well, the end of my career mode) Its just I notice on occasion that people have done "everything" and dont know what to do. These people have completed the game and should move on orrrrrr if squad wanted to introduce achievements that would give them something else to do. REGEX What is your vision of career mode. How will it work in your dream KSP? (im genuinley curious I like discussions) Mine is pretty much what we've said. The current career mode but with currency and missions. I understand your against that but Its what I invision it to be.
  3. Another thing i want to point out is "nerd" is a very juvenile term. I dont think i see adults label other adults as such. If i said i loved astronomy back in school I get labeld a nerd. I say at work that i love astronomy and you get to have a conversation about it
  4. I like your argument but unfortunatley the majority of the population dont care about going to mars. They care about celebrities and their income tax and how its all spent etc (notice i didnt give a % I said majority which basically means %51 or more of the population an easy way to hide low percentages in the media. I.E 55% of people hate puppies...thats a pretty low percentage really so instead we say "the majority"...word play...i hate it... a little fun bit of trivia for whoever mentioned the public and statistics)
  5. I would disagree. I'm by no means a pro but i would say I'm fairly experienced at 400 hours. Whereas in sandbox I build ships willy nilly. In career you start by getting to the mun in ingenious ways. I didnt say it was "a challenge" i said its "an added challenge" And for the newer player (which is more what i was getting at) Its an extreme challenge (TO THE XTREME!!!!!) Before career mode the lifters i used to get my ships to duna would have to have at least one mainsail. In career mode I have done it with just skippers. Maybe no feat for the best players but I thought it was pretty good. However, at the moment the career still serves no real purpose. You hardly "run" a space programme. The game hasnt got to that stage yet. I do agree with whoever said there is a lack of direction though and that should seriously be addressed in the next update. It might stop all these whiney "I hate career mode its a joke" threads that occasionaly pop up from new players Also, with regards to making it more of a simulator to make it harder. This is definatley something that should be addressed with difficulty modes. I wouldnt say FAR makes the game a challenge but it does add a new gameplay mechanic. You also have to remember there are people who find docking and rondevous the hardest things in the universe. So whats a challenge differs from person to person and whats fun differs from person to person. Some people enjoy the game with mechjeb, others hate it. The game hasnt got to the point where it can apeal to everyone (well everyone who likes spacey type stuff) and because its such a niche game its going to have to work hard at it. Another thing i see (whilst I'm here) is people not having enough stuff to do and complaining that they are bored after maybe 10 hours or so. TBH i can blast through alot of single player fps games in 6-12 hours. So if you're bored you should just consider the game completed (i.e you have finished the game) and move on.
  6. Welcome aboard. May i suggest you treat yourself with some downtime and design a really terrible rocket and watch it eat itself. Sometimes i find its a good way to relax after a failed land and return attempt.
  7. I still maintain that the game isnt particularly hard. Im not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed but i like spacey things (planets are perty!) I started playing with no knowledge of orbital mechanics at all. So before I did anything at all, I did the in game tutorials and I've managed to work it all out (trust me I'm no genius). Sometimes I wonder if forums have become somewhere to go before you even start to try to work something out. So the OP keeps running out of electricity and is struggling. He must be doing something wrong but instead of trying to work it out he has come straight to the forum (not nesesarily a bad thing) to find out how to sort it. However he has the same mentality as alot of the cod style gamers of "I cant do it so the game is only for -insert stereotype here-" TO the OP: Play sandbox a bit more before delving into the career. You will have to set your own goals though (which i think is why alot of the people who dont get on with ksp leave) The stock Kerbal x Craft is pretty damn capable and i learnt alot just by using that and flying around with it. i dont think that has solar panels on it (i might be wrong though) I dont care what anyone says but the career isnt for newer player in its current state. Its an added challenge not a tutorial
  8. Although I dont build small planes such as yours but your col looks to be quite a bit behind your com. Considering that your com is already quite close to the rear of your plane this could be the ptoblem
  9. I normally have 3 sets of blocks on a craft (if i plan to use rcs to dock) 4 at the front of the craft 4 at the back and 4 where the center of mass is or is predicted to be. Although jsut having a batch in the center could work but only if thats roughly where the center of mass is. I dont have a screenshot right now but i had a ship that was basically an orange tank, 3 man capsule and some nukes but the center of mass (fully loaded)was closer to the front of the craft rather than the middle. Also, I'm going to assume you know how to use the docking controls. I only recently learnt these (Previously i had not used rcs to dock and I'm quite proficient in just lining the docking ports up) although people say its the ijkl keys or something like that, when i switch to docking mode i use wasd shift and ctrl. Shift and control move your craft forward and backwards (increase your speed to or away from target). A and D move the prograde marker on the navball left and right. W and S move the prograde marker up and down. All you need to do is have your docking ports roughly lined up together. Set the docking port you want to dock with as your target and just use docking mode to keep the prograde marker on the pink circle on the navball. Easy. Although its hard for some It still baffles me at the difficulty people have. The nav ball has everything you need
  10. Congrats. Another thing to get right if you're using rcs to dock is the placement of your rcs blocks. Incorrect placement can cause your ship to move in an unwanted fashion whilst docking.
  11. Ahh kerbins poles. By far my favourite place in the Kerbol system. Im always flying over them. The south pole has some mountains nearby that are great to fly through!
  12. Keep it simple. 300 units of fuel and one turbojet can easily get you around kerbin on the right craft. My biggest tip is learn to use the verticle speed indicator. Once you reach a desired altitude then you want to keep that baby at 0. Also your ascent profile is important (just like in rockets) but this takes practice and differs alot from plane to plane. I normally fly vertically up to 12km then flatten out to gain speed. However the quicker you can get to your maximum altitude (you wont really know how high that is until you get there) the sooner you can throttle down and save fuel. The turbo jets lose their 2200isp at around 9km? (might be slightly higher). Theres a few intake spam tricks that can get you to 40km but if you avoid spamming them I find anywhere between 20-30km is about the limit before your craft start to look silly. The higher you go the faster you can go so although technically you are traveling further. The bonus speed you get cancels it out. The plane i just made for the bsc challenge does 1300m/s at 23km. Other planes I have made will do nearly double that speed at 40km YOu can never have too much lift. I dont know how real aerodynamics work but in ksp I find that more lift makes maintaing high altitudes alot easier. Once you are in the upper atmoshpere switch your capslock on so when your making minor adjustments (you will do it alot as you will be flying around the curvature of kerbin) to keep your verticle speed indicator at 0. I fly in cockpit mode once i get quite high as its easier to see the verticle speed dial. Plus all them old school ananlog dials look pimp. Those are just how i fly. I could be wrong but i've done plenty of around the world trips. Takes between 30-40 minutes depending on altitude. Dont go down the rocketry road of "Moar is better". If your plane is starting to get big but cant make it then i always start over. I make planes like i make rockets in career mode. I make them as small as possible to start with then add 1 or 2 things each time until it does what i want. EDIT: another thing to look out for is jet flameout. If you only have 1 engine this isnt the end of the world but when you have 2 or more 1 jet will flame out and send you into a spin from which you have to expend fuel recovering from. On your resource tab you have intake air. Now i dont know how its worked out but a good rule of thumb is to start throttling back when it gets down to 0.10. Although on single engine craft I have gotten to 0.2 before jet flameout but 0.10 is a good starting point. Set an action group to turn your jets off to try and salvage the mission. if you get a flameout, turn jets off, throttle to zero wait a moment whilst the non flameout jets lose their thrust then start em up again. If your quick you can normally survive. Remember, theres no quick save whilst in atmo. All Cock ups are permanent
  13. Have you tried disabling the reaction wheel and making sure SAS is turned off?
  14. wouldnt catch me not getting out of bed for 70 days. Like the article says you will have to already be very healthy and undergo a rigorous physical test. Because 70 days in bed at a slight angle with no exercise or anything...that aint gonna do you any good
  15. HAHA Yeh I guess i kinda Did. Its something to do with the length of the craft and how it bends. The Front bends more than the back and the sas tries to compensate for it all at once. So its starts falpping around wildly! Nothing a few cleverly placed struts didnt fix (I think the extra struts look quite cool) but I did think the flappy ornithopter style was quite funny
  16. Ok I Thought I would have a go at this one. I give you all the...uhhh...albatross 4Bmk3 (Guys you should have seen the mk1! it flaps like a bird as you fly) Its the perfect, overly large, plane. Handles nicely, does perfect loop the loops. Takes off without ripping the engines off. Flys vertically. Lands pretty easily has a nice shadow. Also, judging from the expression on his face, Jeb likes it too. An altitude of 22km at a speed of 1300m/s is pretty easy to reach, it can probably make 25km and do an around the world trip. Its late so im not gonna bother. Heres the albatross 4bmk3 submission in my dropbox (im new to dropbox) and heres the mk1 for ****s and giggles . Make sure the SAS is on otherwise it wont flap around This is not my submission the mk 3 above is my submission
  17. Theres an in game tutorial The stock kerbal x craft will get you to the mun and back
  18. Dont forget too. Dont just fly at the pink ball in the nav. You want to fly so your prograde marker is in the center of it.
  19. Just had my ebay account suspended. Not sure why. When ebay suspend it they dont actually give you a specific reason. There goes my 100% positive 346 feedback
  20. The majority of population are against it because when they hear the word nulear they think Its been a while since i was in school learning about different sources of electricity but isnt a nuclear power station essentially a big steam turbine? whereas the public probably thinks its lots of nuclear explosions...or some other type of sorcery? I work in local government and recently there has been a lot of public outrage at a nuclear reaserch and disposal facility (NRDF) to be built near settled areas. Now personally i couldnt give a ****. More jobs is always good and notice its also a disposal facility IE. It is there to safely dispose of waste. During all the various public council meetings there were even diagrams and pictures of how it works. Waste gets stored underground in a lead bunker (or something like that) whils it decays. However the public dont care and the local press didnt help the matter. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-19656382 But we have a nuclear power station in romney marsh....so...i dont get what the big problem was. The head of the council at teh time was Cllr Bliss. So all the protestors against the facillity were chanting "ignorance is bliss". If ever there was something that was ironic...i think that slogan may have been it The current power stations are being decomissioned. Once they are gone there is going to be nothing there. Theyre not going to build houses because you know...who wants to live where a nuclear power station once stood? Obviously we would all catch radiation and die. So now the land will just be nothing...would make a good site for a NRDF dont you think?
  21. I've just finished my first proper return trip to duna in career mode. I'm still editing the album but I was surprised at just how simple it is to get a ship from kerbins surface to duna and back. My lander did come in a bit too fast so had to kill some speed with the engines but as it wasnt that heavy the chutes did get it to the surface. And both my lander and orbiters were so overfuelled they could probably have gone to another planet before returning to kerbin! One thing i miss though was a node editor. The only mod i forgot to reinstall after 0.22 If i were to colonize it I would get a good reliable lifter design and launch all parts into kerbin orbit and then throw them all at Duna when theres a launch window land it all one at a time. I think it would be easier than docking them all together in orbit Theres a calculator online somewhere (dont have it on me atm as im at work but someone will know) that tells you the best launch windows. Edit: Who knows what im doing wrong with the album embed. http://imgur.com/a/tZ0Pq
  22. any chance you could upload some 1600x900?
  23. Dammit! I hate the age we live in. People telling me "have you played this game" and its not even close to being finished. I've purchased to many "early access" or "still in alpha" titles to bother trying out any more. KSP was the first i bought and expected much of the same from others. At least I've got plenty of games ready for the next couple of years
  24. Well when i started ksp i had no idea what to do. After doing the tutorials i knew what to do. So they do work. The thing i still vividly remember is how they teach you the prograde and retrograde markers and their effect on an orbit.
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