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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. No, I am saying that I was describing common theories of how someone might acquire an allergy, the reason for the immune system's over-response to foreign matter (that would not warrant a full alert of all troops). Your answer read as if you thought I was describing the mechanisms of allergic reaction itself, while I meant the process of becoming allergic to rather harmless (non-toxic/bacterial/viral) antigens.
  2. From memory: The contracts will be completely optional and they will be created based on the tech level and achievements of the player so far. Even if there was a line of tutorial contracts you would be free to ignore them and do the others, although I do not think that the first missions possible with starting tech and budget would differ that much from hypothetical "tutorial contracts" that you would not have to do them anyway.
  3. Schnellbauschrauben 35/28 During small forum breaks at work - this can happen. (Did anyone post something ... funny ... or embarrassing yet? )
  4. You should take a look at the ModuleManager mod, you can create a cfg file that makes changes to the parts without having to copy them or edit the original files.
  5. Hm - enter more shallow and high up in the atmosphere, let the ship slow down as much as possible (very low orbit) and use drogue chutes really early?
  6. Voila! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43208-0-22-Oct17-SelectRoot-Set-a-new-root-part-0-22-fixes
  7. Birth, adenoids at 3, unexplainable belly pain (never explained but vanished anyway) at 4, planned nose job (not that kind) at 19 - because the dumb army doctoress was unable to tell hayfever from a nasal concha outgrowth - never came to it because I accidentally took aspirin the week before the operation and did not get a new appointment during my time of service and our family doctor then correctly treated me for the pollen allergy I had! I got (ambulatory) removed all four wisdem teeth and later one molar, as well as a colonoscopy. Other than that only some visits after the birth of a new family member or to my father after some of his stunts.
  8. And attracted to you too as well, you might add ... I gather the ladies would much rather help each other than resorting to "if there are no other men around" ... Inter-gender relations (or "inter-gender" even!) in space are not very much debated publicly though?
  9. There are different theories to what causes allergies. The most "popular" ones are a. toxins from cars, exhausts, industrial waste etc. docking to e.g. pollen causing the immune system to react to the toxin but incorrectly identifying it via the structure of the pollen and trying to create a "immunity" towards it, b. an underchallenged immune system from to much use of disinfectend in households and lack of contact with parasites. I only know I would be happy to be rid of my allergies towards alders (hazel, alder, birch - luckily blooming one after the other to cover the better half of a year in mild winters with the hazel starting as early as december if temperatures are above 5 degrees ...) - which also give me cross sensitivity to most nuts and (raw) carotts, apples and lots of exotic fruits, esp. kiwi. Diagnosed aspergers are just sitting on one extreme end of the spectrum, I think.
  10. Just do not save at all and pray to the IT-gods your system never crashes?
  11. Somewhere we could read that adding new coders would be to difficult this late in the development process, as it would take to much time to fill them in on everything, so there would be no additions to the team in this area.
  12. One update might introduce more statistics for Kerbals - like the Final Frontier mod does for their duty roster - adding ranks, branches and such.
  13. Right, this is for a capsule, for actual fuselages I (like with the capsule) grabbed values from DRE's cfg file (I think). I mostly always steal lines from mods, I lack the knowledge to read most stuff on more than a basic level. @PART[mk2_1m_Adapter] { @maxTemp = 1500 MODULE { name = ModuleHeatShield direction = 0, 0.15, 0.9 // underside of fuselage reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle } }
  14. I would not even refrain from refueling the tanker via a savegame edit - or creating a big fuel tank containing millions of fuel, spawning and moving it empty and filling it up.
  15. While you are at it ... Could KAC get its own subfolder like your ARP?
  16. I did something like this to some parts, you could add a ModuleManager cfg for all your wings. @PART[LazTekDragon2] { @maxTemp = 1800 MODULE { name = ModuleHeatShield direction = 0, -1, 0 // underside of fuselage reflective = 0.25 // 25% of heat is ignored at correct angle } }
  17. Updated some mods - expected to be more work after two weeks vacation - and reestablished some KAC alarms that were lost in the process. Made some finishing touches on my Explorer III, assembled the whole thing in VAB and added a rear docking pit (for balance reasons, really). The question remains: How to launch this beast? Should everything work out as planned/dreamed, I will have visited every body/anomaly (not counting the polar abnormalities) in the Joolian system. A return to Duna will be necessary too, as I missed to visit the **** there. Also I still need to get a plane working to visit all the anomalies on Kerbin. With the looming .24 update I will most likely rush through these missions with no further parallel objectives.
  18. There are no visible holes at the ends (and sides!) of fueltanks either, but it is still burned up!
  19. You (but not just you, so do not take this to personally just because I am quoting you to answer in this thread) think, find, believe ... which is irrelevant. We are not investors with any right or entitlement, we are consumers that agreed to a contract by buying a product. (Like buying a can of soup.) The terms and conditions describe the product that was bought, not what you expected to pay for. (If it says "pea soup" on the can and you dislike peas - do not buy the can.) And there is a difference between feedback and feedback - between constructive and pretentious.
  20. Mostly this. And find people dedicated to this and to see it through. In German "team" has a nice backronym: "Toll, ein anderer machts!" ("Great, someone else does the work!") ... Good luck, have fun, I hope noone gets seriously injured!
  21. That's the spirit! Mission to Jool is on hold, the CEO of KSC is going on RNR - no WIFI in the mountains of Corsica, so no boosters for me until July. Who knows how .24 is coming along and if I will stick to .23.5 for this last mission ... ? Cya!
  22. I for one tend to not put my money in things I do not know/understand. If someone does not know what early access means, he should either not spent money on it or accept the consequences of his ignorance. "Coffee: Contents may be hot!"
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