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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. First, just to wrap that part up: since I have no ability or inclination to create a new texture, I circumvented my problem by choosing one cargo type and changing it for RocketParts. The way to target the Kontainer parts might not be very elegant, but it works at least. (I have no clue what I intended to do with the Rock container prices there though ... but somehow cheap rock even makes the empty Kontainer more expensive?) @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[FSfuelSwitch]:HAS[#resourceNames[MetallicOre;Uraninite;Substrate;Minerals;Karbonite;ExoticMinerals,RareMetals;MaterialKits;Metals;Polymers;Supplies;Ore;Machinery;Recyclables;SpecializedParts;Fertilizer;Hydrates;Gypsum;Dirt;Silicates;Silicon;RefinedExotics;ColonySupplies;Organics;Rock]]] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2] { @textureDisplayNames[13,;] = RocketParts } @MODULE[FSfuelSwitch] { @resourceNames[13,;] = RocketParts @tankCost[13,;] = #$resourceAmounts[13,;]$ @tankCost[13,;] *= 1.5 @tankCost[23,;] /= 2 } } // 0 MetallicOre // 1 Uraninite // 2 Substrate // 3 Minerals // 4 Karbonite // 5 ExoticMinerals,RareMetals // 6 MaterialKits // 7 Metals // 8 Polymers // 9 Supplies // 10 Ore // 11 Machinery // 12 Recyclables // 13 SpecializedParts // 14 Fertilizer // 15 Hydrates // 16 Gypsum // 17 Dirt // 18 Silicates // 19 Silicon // 20 RefinedExotics // 21 ColonySupplies // 22 Organics // 23 Rock There is for sure a way to just pull out everything I do not use - since I am not (yet?) playing with that many resources in my games - but for now I have what I need. @Blackline Pinging you in case you were actually interested. But I have a question out of curiosity regarding a design decision @RoverDude, why does a Kontainer have five times the units capacity than a fuel tank of similar size?
  2. Is it possible to add "Surprise" background contracts like the World First "Hey, you reached blabla for the first time!"?
  3. Is there a way to manually set the order in which the toolbar shows all the mod's buttons? (Which order are they anyway, alphabetically by dll?)
  4. Good ... This patch of mine basically breaks the system/logic that RoverDude designed. (Ratios might be off, I am working from memory here!) You have a ship with 100 Supplies and 10 Fertilizer. The crew will munch the Supplies into an equal amount of 100 Mulch. Your orbital vegetable garden will turn 10 Mulch and 1 Fertilizer into 11 Supplies, so the amount of M+S+F stays the same at first, but Fertilizer being the limiting factor for how long you can repeat the cycle of Kitchen-Kerbal-Karden (sorry...). Now, if we use Mulch to create Fertilizer, we reduce the amount of available biomass in the cycle (my patch converts 10M to 1F) and if we keep doing it long enough we will have nothing left - or, if we let the Fertilizer production run for to long unobserved, we end up with a ship full of inedible Fertilizer and kill our crew even before the Supplies had run out had we done nothing. It also reduces the maximum mission time basically, as when the Fertilizer runs out, there are still the Supplies left - but if some of the Mulch has been used to make Fertilizer, the remaining amount of (self produced) Supplies will be lower since there was less Mulch to produce them from. I only intended it to be available to me should the need arise during a mission far away, should I desperately need Fertilizer to get to a place where I can resupply either of the resources. ("Spock, we have to do something, do you have any ideas?!" - "Of course, Captain, basic chemistry will safe us.")
  5. Will try to think of saving the log next time it happens (self-kick), but for now: I had a few instances where contracts with "complete at least x-1 of x experiments (and recover loaned scientist Kerbal)" did not complete by themselves. (They usually just get the Alt-F12 treatment though when I return to Kerbin.) Is this already a known issue that I overlooked (as I so often do)?
  6. I only put it into my game as a last ditch effort should I run out of fertilizer, very well aware of the fact that it takes biomass out of the circulation and will only prolong the inevitable - as well as risking to convert all mulch and having nothing left to grow new supplies from. (I guess you wouldn't like my patch that lets you breed nuclear fuel from depleted uranium neither? ) @NomenNescio So, you have hereby been warned multiple times - tread mod lightly!
  7. Put this into a .cfg file in your gamedata folder. It lets you distill Fertilizer from Mulch at a steep ratio in the Mobile Lab. My ingame logic: You loose biomass in the process by pulling out all the nutrients in a bucket of Mulch to use them as Fertilizer. It can extent the time you are able to produce food, but it lowers the amount of Supplies/Mulch on the ship/station until you have none left. Also, never let it run for to long, or else it will grab all Mulch and your kerbonauts will sit on a pile of unedible Fertilizer! @PART[Large_Crewed_Lab] { MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI ConverterName = Compost StartActionName = Start Distilling Mulch StopActionName = Stop Distilling Mulch INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Mulch Ratio = 0.025 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 30 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Fertilizer Ratio = 0.0025 DumpExcess = False } } }
  8. I think this is a part from USI MKS - best to post this in its own thread over in the mods section.
  9. I would like to see a "comic filter" like they used in Champions Online just to see how it looks.
  10. Flying up resources to build resource storage facilities in orbit (~113 tons) - and moving it around the station, because. Recycler is running as well - now all that is missing is a refinery and some more space to produce rocket parts.
  11. If I only wanted to use the bare minimum, i.e. the island runway and the old space center, what would I have to install/delete/edit and would it work out of the box with a resized Kerbin?
  12. Someone overly attached to dirt might develop an aversion against water.
  13. Post the save in its entirety in the User Created section, just in pure code format. Add in a picture of your cat as well as a screenshot of the memorial. And then make a step into something new.
  14. Can't really tell, set the atmosphere below the cloud level - still getting some shining on the horizon, but all in all it looks kinda neat actually.
  15. @smashbrown Maybe this will help to get you started. Skybox goes into Default.
  16. TMA at KSC does not register my EVA Kerbal and therefore does not complete. Vessel type gets a green, but Location TMA doesn't want to cooperate. I have Kopernicus installed and use SigmaDimensions to double Kerbin's size - would that pose a problem? Edit: Anyway, Remembered the waypoint mod ... that is not supposed to happen? For me it is at 0 0 9 N 74 35 5 W
  17. They go hand in hand for me - I use navifish's for the last 20 meters, the lines indicating translation are really helpful.
  18. I am currently using this to make the valleys of Minmus misty. OBJECT { name = Minmus-Dust body = Minmus altitude = 500 speed = 10,50,5 detailSpeed = 10,50,10 killBodyRotation = true settings { _Color = 114,146,134,260 _DistFadeVert = 4E-05 _MainTex { value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/detail1 } _UVNoiseTex { } _DetailTex { } } layerVolume { size = 3100,3 rotationSpeed = 0.005 maxTranslation = 100,200,100 area = 18200,3.7 particleMaterial { _Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb _LightScatter = 0.55 _MinLight = 0.7 _Opacity = 1.25 _MinScatter = 1.5 } } } OBJECT { name = Minmus_geyser1 body = Minmus speed = 0,0,0 detailSpeed = 0,2000,0 altitude = 900 settings { _Color = 20,100,200,300 _DetailTex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail _DetailDist = 1 _DistFadeVert = 1E-07 _DetailScale = 50 _MainTex { value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser } } layerVolume { rotationSpeed = 0.03 area = 26000,2 maxTranslation = 0,50,0 noiseScale = 1,1,10 size = 6000,3 particleMaterial { _Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3 _BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM _MinScatter = 1 _Opacity = 1.09 } } } OBJECT { name = Minmus_geyser2 body = Minmus speed = 0,0,0 altitude = 750 detailSpeed = 0,2000,0 settings { _Color = 20,100,200,300 _DetailDist = 1 _DistFadeVert = 1E-07 _DetailScale = 50 _MainTex { value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/cloud_geyser } _UVNoiseTex { } _DetailTex { value = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/geyserdetail } } layerVolume { rotationSpeed = 0.03 size = 6000,3 area = 26000,2 maxTranslation = 0,50,0 noiseScale = 1,1,10 particleMaterial { _Tex = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/rgb3 _BumpMap = zzzMaruko/planets/Minmus/Textures/particle/particle_NRM _MinScatter = 1 _Opacity = 1.09 } } } How could I lessen the checkerboard effect from above, making it more flattened out? From the surface it looks ok, but I would like the visibility range quite a bit shorter. Video, just because I can!
  19. In case anyone needs this: https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/dms-decimal Converts degrees/minutes/seconds and decimals - south and west are negative (as I found out today)
  20. The 1.2.2 has been found compatible with 1.3 - there is no extra download for 1.3
  21. @DMagic Do you see any chance to put in a resize option for the Kerbnet window alone? I am fine with most of the UI's sizes, but being able to resize Kerbnet independently would be great.
  22. While messing with other mods config files I stumbled across instances where e.g. temporary values were removed to save on log spam. So I gather anything that does not have to be there should go.
  23. So, I can remove it safely should I only use USI LS?
  24. Whaaaaat?! (Sorry, Atlanta streaming marathon just over ... ) How is this mod not known to me? It circumvents one of THE major things missing from the game! (Damn you, Unity!)
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